View Full Version : Is this discus stunted?

03-01-2019, 06:03 PM
Was trying to explain to someone about eye ratios. The person insists this fish is not stunted.



03-01-2019, 06:18 PM
Its eyes are large but it would help with more info.. Age of fish? and size? are also important.
Also the fish is slightly tilted which accentuates that appearence.

03-01-2019, 06:20 PM
Around 6 months to a year old for the age, (closer to the 1 yr mark) not positive on the overall size of the fish, but would estimate the head to tail at around 5"

This is one of three discus being raised in a ~35G with a few other community fish and 30% water changes weekly.

03-01-2019, 06:26 PM
Overall it does not look unhealthy in the image but given the little info at hand and the eye to body ratio.
...It probably did not reach its full potential. Depending on a persons goals in the hobby the fish would be considered stunted by many. I do want to stress though that aside from.the eye size I don't think the stunting is extreme.Sometimes its so stunted it barely looks like a discus and has very poor shape.I think as this fish ages and if it gets optimal care it would be a decent fish overall..