View Full Version : Breeding Discus is ridiculously easy!

03-02-2019, 03:46 PM
Breeding Discus is ridiculously easy! Say What?!!!!!

You read that right. Breeding Discus is easy! I mean seriously the parents do all the work. All you have to do is give them lots of good food, clean water and keep the love nest ( aka tank) clean. If the pair is healthy and feel comfortable, They will breed. Pretty simple really. So why do Discus have such a bad rap about breeding and things like not fertilizing, eating eggs,etc. Beats me, how should I know? Well ok , actually I have a pretty good idea why.. They aren't healthy and happy. Theres probably something wrong with care you are giving them. Sorry but thats the truth more times than not. But what about if you are doing everything right and you are positive about it because so and so said thats how you do it and they would know. No offense mean't here but so and so may know exactly what they are doing and it works for them and it could miss the mark for you, so keep an open mind and try something else.

But what if that all fails and the pair still just doesn't work out? Probably a good time to try another pair. Believe it or not some Discus are lousy breeders, they may be too fat and sluggish, they may be too old, they may be compromised by too many chemicals used, they may be too sickly and thin.

Ok so back to the Breeding Discus is easy. It really is, whats hard is what comes after!:) Once they breed and those fry attach or you artificially raise them they did their job , now you have to start really working!

-Water changes, man o man you will be changing alot of water if you want them to grow well. How much is alot? well its much more than a little to some but to those that have raised a few batches of fry its 100 % daily, maybe more , maybe less.

-Brine Shrimp eggs! get ready to shell out $50 for a can! and be ready to hatch daily, sometimes 2 X daily. It really is a PAIN!

-Tank space.... Sure that batch of fry will be okay in the 29 gal, for a few weeks maybe..then what? Got an extra 55 gal or 75 gal you can grow them out in abit.. Eventually they will out grow that and need to be split again if you want to put any size on them. You'd be surprised how few actually will fit in 55gal at 2 "

-Now you need to sell them and get rich.. or not. That means running ads and selling locally or maybe bringing some to your LFS for credit or pennies. You may have to ship if you are like me and have little foot traffic and few pet shops interested.

-Lets not forget the foods they eat all the time.. It adds up fast, as does the Electric Bill and water Bill.

-Oh and forget going any where, small fry don't want to hear about your camping trips or vacation plans.

- Then there is the indecision. Which ones do you keep? You know you can't keep them all, but its so tempting! But if you do, there goes your grow out tanks if your pair breeds again, and they will.

- Time to buy more tanks, oh boy how to explain that one to Significant other?

From there it only gets worse... You went through all that for 1 pair. Now you have another pair, and another.... YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO LIKE I SAID!!!Breeding Discus is ridiculously easy!..Its what comes after thats NOT!:)


03-02-2019, 04:30 PM
Everything you said is 100% true. You left out the culling part. It's not fun but it is necessary if you don't want a crap reputation.

My passion for breeding took me over completely. It's crazy. I throw all my extra money at my fish. I'm delighted when I get some money back but what I get is just a drop in the bucket compared to what I spend. Breeding Discus, and to a lesser extent Angels is addiction that I cannot overcome.

03-02-2019, 04:35 PM
Oh, and I forgot another thing. Lucky folks can get wigglers using the water out of the tap. A ton of breeders have to use RO or be smart like me, discover that tannins in the water will do the trick, and ditch the RO unit
. But that's just my water. Everyone's water is different.

03-02-2019, 04:59 PM
Haha, good one Al! Never raised discus from eggs to a saleable size, but I believe you mate. That's why, as much as I'd love to give it a go, I will only buy adult fish...oh and of course I now have 25 of your fry in my possession from Tom, so my weekly routine is already VERY different LOL. Fun times :thumbsup: ;)

03-03-2019, 07:10 PM
Hmmmm,, ol my goodness I was thinking I wanted to try my hand it but you have almost scared me out of it Al !!! :):(:):(:confused: