View Full Version : help with City power outage

03-19-2019, 01:19 PM
I have 3 fish tanks.
I got a notice from the city that there will be a power outage for 6 hrs next week.
The power usually comes back on in 3 hrs.
Should I be concern or should I setup a power generator.
The timing isn't ideal for a power generator (9pm - 3am)


03-19-2019, 01:58 PM
It's good that the City is letting you know ahead of time most of the time there are no notification.
You can buy a generator on sale or rent a generator.
Also if the outage is for a short time use a battery operated air pump will help


03-19-2019, 02:13 PM
I wouldn't worry too much if it's only for 6 hours. Just wrap the tanks well with blankets or other insulating material and add a battery operated air pump to each of them.

I live in Idaho, we have power OUTages around these parts... lasting from 12 hours to 2 days at time. Never was a problem for my discus so long as I wrapped the tanks and added air. Only once did I have to work harder (2 days with no power and outside temps were in the teens)... ended up heating water on my gas stove and adding it to the tank once every hour. That was such a pain in the patoot. LOL

03-19-2019, 02:18 PM
If you have only air pumps, you can get a battery backup. Depending on your pump(s) can last awhile. There is a forum post on this.

03-20-2019, 01:11 AM
Thanks all for the advice.
I will get the battery air pump.