View Full Version : Old batch getting off food one by one 10 days after mixing

03-21-2019, 07:30 PM
Just like the title says folks . In the beginning of March I've added 3 new discus to my current batch after I did a 3 month QT with a test discus on them .
A week after the mixing I ve noticed a gradual loss of appetite in one of my fish which became a complete loss after a couple of days .This practice was followed by another , and another discus and right now I count 5 of my old batch that have lost their appetite during feedings and act letargic through the day . The test discus (The QT scapegoat )along with 3 others from the old batch are still holding strong and eating normal though, just like the new 3 discus do .

I started with Nifurpirinol (Furan like ) medicine yesterday because I've noticed a slightly opaque , rough skin on the first discus that got off food .He is also the only one that got white looking poop so far , others still no odd looking poop detectable .
My plan is to keep with this medicine at least 6 days in a row , and if their appetite still doesn't improve I would propably swicth to metronidazole + 95 F temp treatment.

If anyone got some suggestions or other ideas , Please do share them with me here . I will inform you about the results in days to come .

03-21-2019, 08:12 PM
If you chose the right med you should see a difference in 3 days. Keep an eye on their poops.

03-21-2019, 08:48 PM
If you chose the right med you should see a difference in 3 days. Keep an eye on their poops.

Thanks for the support Liz. I hope I will manage to pull them out this mess I got them in the first place .
They are still very strong and healthy looking , so I got a couple of weeks to find the right thing and
get them on the track again before they start to deteriorate . They are all full grown so that's a bit of a relief too in this ugly situation .

03-21-2019, 09:23 PM
Sorry to hear mate...bummer of a situation with the here fish being resistant to whatever has failed your other fish...I'm sure you get em through it...

Paul Sabucchi
03-22-2019, 12:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the issue, wishing you all the best and keep us posted on the progress

03-22-2019, 12:39 PM
microscope is better then treatment if you dont know what happend, use mucho more salt

03-22-2019, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the heads up guys.

Tuterosso you are right about the microscope , I have been overthinking about this investment so many times and yet spent my hobby cash on bunch of other less important stuff .
So far second day with the Nifurpirinol antibiotic , and nothings changed yet concerning their appetite .
Days looks like weeks when you wait for something to happen on every feed and I don't know if I would be able to reach at least 6 days with this antibiotic treatment , before I switch to heat + metro treatment .
Basically fish look pretty ok , they interact , they approach me on feedings and even try to eat , but spit back the food after a few chews . Maybe I've made a wrong call with this treatment but I hate cutting antibiotic during it's course so I guess I will have to wait for at least 6 days (read weeks in my time :) .
The opaque skin appearance that only lasted for a day in one of the affected fish was gone in a day and now their the only problem seems to be the appetite loss .

03-23-2019, 03:19 AM
i buy biolight 300 is enough for our hooby. for metro i prefer magnesium salt in water and 3% in pellet and last treatment metro have 6 month ago, long time ago see hexamita on microscope.

04-14-2019, 05:09 PM
Update . After the 5th day of Nifurpirinol antibiotic(Sera baktopur tablets ) non of the discus got it's appetite back so I switched to 95 F temp .+ Metronidazole dosed at 500 mg/10G for 12 days (first 3 days of treatment dosed 2 times a day ) . Very slowly, some even after the finish of the 12 day metro treament , they started taking little bites of food and eating more or less one by one . Brine shrimps is the food they have accepted at first , but I guess I'll get them to other foods too with patience and time .
The problem is I still got 2 discus that still haven't accepted a single bite (5 weeks went by now ) since the beggining of the problem .

I plan on giving them another round bit this time with commercial product against intestinal flaggelates "Tetra -Hexa Ex " based on the active ingredient Nitrothiazole.

I wonder if anybody has some experiences to share using this particular product or it's Active ingredient Nitrothiazole in general ? I'm curious about it's efficiency over Metronidazole for intestinal flaggelates .

04-16-2019, 06:04 PM
Well , just before I decide to use the new , above mentioned Hex Ex product by Tetra I bought .... they both started eating :) .
The last 2 discus got back to eating after 5 weeks of noneating and they've done it on the 5-6 day after the ending of my 12 day Metro +95F temp. treatment.
Now the only thing to do is keep feeding them multiple times a day with small portion of tasty food to get their bellies up and running again and observe for further potential problems .