View Full Version : What do y'all think about when you

03-25-2019, 10:22 PM
I'm curious about what y'all thinking about when you look at your Discus. I'm in the fish room a lot but after WC I sit and look at the Discus and dream. I'm a breeder so most of my dreams are about breeding.

03-25-2019, 10:51 PM
When I'm actually just sitting and watching, especially when the water's good and they're all happy, I watch and think about their body language and communication. I swear I think they could be trained.

Paul Sabucchi
03-26-2019, 12:04 PM
I actually often find myself thinking how well they have ME trained. Having said this, to see them looking healthy and enjoying their food is cause for great satisfaction, more than with my non-discus tanks probably because discus are that much more obvious if they are not happy

Adam S
03-26-2019, 12:33 PM
I mostly lament the lack of space and what cool stuff could happen with a few (dozen) more tanks. Breeder disease no doubt.

03-28-2019, 01:07 PM
Watching the serene fish in a clean gorgeous tank is totally awesome. They do seem to have personalities. I love to sit and relax watching them w nap music.....soon napping. I also love to sit on a stool and get right up close to the glass...
They all swim up to seem to say hi.

Now.....for proof that I’m nuts.....try this. While on the stool, place your thumb on your Adam’s apple and, the with same hand, place your middle finger on the glass. Then say a few low pitched things to your fish. Mine come right up to me and almost seem to actually hear me. I’m sure it’s mere vibrations they hear, but it is really cool to do. Being a mere inch from such beauty is hard to beat. I know u all think I’m crazy........I know I am:bounce:

03-28-2019, 02:50 PM
Don't worry about it. We're all crazy. I'm sure I top the list.

Cove Beach
03-28-2019, 05:11 PM
Our tank is in the living room, and one end panel faces the front door. So I am greeted every day with a cloud of discus,my wife and I( yes we talk to them) always try to guess who will be first to the glass. We have one couch facing the tank and one facing the tv. The couch facing the tank shows more wear than the other, from watching fish tv. With no commercials, and new episodes one after the other and a few soap operas thrown in for fun. I guess it comes down to something Kenny said when I received my discus “ I hope they bring you much joy”. Simply said, yes they do.

03-28-2019, 05:12 PM
Lately I dream of having a gorgeous eruption discus swimming with my 5 others but frustrated that I can't find any from my local stores. I've put in a request but no luck. Must be a difficult strain to get. Looking for 5 inch size. Not interested in raising juvies.

03-28-2019, 06:13 PM
I'm sure that several of our sponsors have that fish in stock. Having just 1 fish shipped would be expensive, though.

03-28-2019, 07:49 PM
Watching the serene fish in a clean gorgeous tank is totally awesome. They do seem to have personalities. I love to sit and relax watching them w nap music.....soon napping. I also love to sit on a stool and get right up close to the glass...
They all swim up to seem to say hi.

Now.....for proof that I’m nuts.....try this. While on the stool, place your thumb on your Adam’s apple and, the with same hand, place your middle finger on the glass. Then say a few low pitched things to your fish. Mine come right up to me and almost seem to actually hear me. I’m sure it’s mere vibrations they hear, but it is really cool to do. Being a mere inch from such beauty is hard to beat. I know u all think I’m crazy........I know I am:bounce:

Call me crazy, but I just did it. They always come right up to me so hard to know if if they hear me or not.
I think about how big, beautiful and graceful they are and tell them so when I’m done complaining that they pooped right after I started refilling the tank. I love watching them group up during wc and then flirting and facing off after wc.

03-28-2019, 08:03 PM
Yeh......forgot abt the “minute after WC poop” episodes. Sometimes I’ll tale my mini net and swoop that annoying eye sore out. If it’s one of my my neon sapphires doing the duty, then I really have to net it, for my neons have the biggest, but least frequent, poops. Funny I should see this post. I just did a WC in one of the QTs an hour ago and the Tiger Turk did that very “maWCp” thing. I have to say, though, that tending to the tanks is a part of the fun for me.

Jack L
03-28-2019, 10:05 PM
wondering what the communication bars mean

two utes
03-30-2019, 07:05 PM
as i admire watching them, I smile and think that all the work keeping them is worth it...they give me back more than i do them