View Full Version : Canister UV filter needed??

03-26-2019, 02:08 AM
I have been running an hung over filter along with 3 sponges for future backups. Since my 90 gal tank started leaking <did someone delete my thread>. I purchased a 80g used replacement. It came with a UV Canister filter. Question is do I need it? What in any benefits do they offer. My hang over is noisy. If someone can offer some benefits let me know. Thank you!

03-26-2019, 03:29 AM
Benefits of a canister filter or a UV filter ?
Canisters offer a lot of capacity for filter media and a lot of flow / circulation in the tank .For traits , I find canisters hard to clean and maintain .
Build up UV unit that comes with the canisters is not sufficient to deal with anything else than green water and I find them pretty usseles my self .

Paul Sabucchi
03-26-2019, 11:59 AM
What Filip said! The UV lights fitted on canisters are at best sufficient to eliminate free floating algae but not enough to reduce pathogens. I have 8 canister filters, some of them running for over 10 years and am pretty happy with them. I tend to fit prefilters to the intake to prevent the biggest chunks of muck from getting in, this way I open the canisters twice a year (or even once a year in the non-discus tanks) but they always seem pretty clean

03-26-2019, 02:02 PM
Thank you for the response. Do you guys think it's worth it? I'm thinking if it's not broke don't fix it. Lol

03-26-2019, 07:43 PM
Thank you for the response. Do you guys think it's worth it? I'm thinking if it's not broke don't fix it. Lol

You can switch your sponge filters with the canister to get a cleaner filter free tank look .
If you do not mind the sponges around the tank I'll stick to the good old "do not fix it if it ain't broke " though :)

04-01-2019, 06:42 PM
I have a canister filter with a built in UV light. I stopped using it because it was such a PITA to break it down and clean it every month or so. And I think the UV light is pretty weak and flow rate way to high to do much good. If you're doing good WCs and keeping the tank clean, I don't think you need the UV. If you intend to use it, replace the bulb as it's lifespan might be close to the end.

04-02-2019, 03:29 PM
Thanks all for input. I will sell it. I actually have had. Excellent luck with the hanging filters. I've even had 2 spawn and a community tank.. I had sponge filters and still have them on standby. The sponge seem to get dirty easily and dirtys the water when a pour the clean water in the tank