View Full Version : Two pairs in the same tank

04-03-2019, 04:11 PM
I'm sure this has come up before, but too lazy to search.

I'm in the process of moving fish around as I rearrange my den a bit, and recently moved a pair out of a group of 6 sort of in a community tank. Two pairs are left in a 75, and off course, they've decided to get along, claim different ends, and both are spawning. I can put in an egg crate barrier once they've finished, but just wondering about the potential. Questions like, will they accept fry that cross over, or maybe, could one pair foster them all? Be glad to hear any experience and ideas.

Second Hand Pat
04-03-2019, 04:18 PM
Steve, I have heard of fostering fry from another pair. I suspect the fry will cross between the grate and hopefully all is one large blended family.

04-03-2019, 04:36 PM
Wouldn't that be nice! If it happens, I'll post pics. The pairs are similar enough that it might be hard for me to differentiate the fry. It would be an interesting effort later

04-03-2019, 06:47 PM
I have seen one local breeder had three pairs
in a 55 gallon divided by egg crates. Fry were swimming from one side to the other side.


04-07-2019, 04:50 PM
It happened to me. Fry used to cross thru the divider, no issues back them. Only call out is that both pairs had laid eggs about the same time and free swimmers a couple of days apart.

04-07-2019, 07:04 PM
Very cool. Never thought about that. I have had multiple pairs in my planted Community tank spawn and raise little ones but never had two pairs at the same time do that. I know that's a little bit off subject since you guys are talking about egg crates but it was a cool thing to watch 3 week old juveniles eating off the sides of adult fish that weren't one of the parents. Several of the fish would let them pick at the sides of them for a long minute and then would finally get irritated.

04-08-2019, 11:30 AM
A foam divider is what I use. when I want both pairs to raise their own fry. ..

The problem with the screen is the fry will all wind up on the pair that is darkest or attracts them the most.. Its likely the other pair will lose out , lose their bond and then eat the fry if they cross back.


04-18-2019, 03:41 PM
So, my plan was to have a foam divider for next time. Well, next time was the last couple days, with a nice group from one pair going free swimming overnight. I still have the egg crate divider in. I planned to stop today and buy the foam or similar divider. We'll they've mostly dispersed, some to the other side of the divider. I assume many got eaten, but now several are on the other pair's cone, and they are beginning to tend them. This is a new pair that has spawned and confirmed, but has never raised a batch. They had just spawned themselves, but seem to have abandoned their eggs in favor of the fry. Will be interesting to see what happens

04-18-2019, 03:48 PM
I think what it really means is I've been maintaining my pairs, but letting their spawning happen in a haphazard way. When I'm really ready to commit, I'll make sure their tanks are ready. I'm still doing some rearranging in my fish den, and right now some of the shelves are holding my veggie starts. So hopefully I'll have things settled in a month or so.