View Full Version : Size of tank

04-13-2019, 03:05 PM
Ive got 50 2 inches juvies. What size of tank is suitable for that amount of fishies?

04-13-2019, 03:24 PM
It's more a function of your water change frequency and quantity. I'd put them into a 75 gal and make 100% daily water changes with heavy biological filtration as a minimum.


04-14-2019, 03:00 PM
Im always confused with the idea of 💯 water changes! Do you take the fish out of the tank every day? Put them in a bucket? Seems the shock alone would be too much for them.

04-14-2019, 04:02 PM
No. Willie had the fish flopping on the bottom before he refills. He's not the only one who does it that way. The fish don't mind as long as the water is stable. I prefer to drain to about 90% empty so they have a little bit of water to swim in.

I would suggest a 120 for that many fish. It will give them a little more growing room. What size tank are they in now?

04-14-2019, 05:22 PM
I often do 90% WC in a planted tank with sand .Discus become so accustomed to the routine they don't even move when they get stucked in the shallow , but just wait for the refill .Even when someone panics and scratches it self during the WC , the scratch is gone by tomorrow in the clean water .

P.S. By 100% people usually mean that they leave the drain open while they refill the tank for a couple of minutes to get sure all of the old water is flushed down the toilet .

04-14-2019, 09:28 PM
I do water changes up to the fish is slightly leaning not sure there are any benefits to doing more. I think a 75 Gal tank should be go enough that's what I plan to do with mine.

04-15-2019, 06:59 PM
Water change is the discus best friend and will make them healthy. The cheapest and most efficient drug in the market you can use ;) ;) In my grow up tank, I did 2 x 90% WC everyday and my discus almost double the size every month.

04-16-2019, 10:00 AM
Water change is the discus best friend and will make them healthy. The cheapest and most efficient drug in the market you can use ;) ;) In my grow up tank, I did 2 x 90% WC everyday and my discus almost double the size every month.

2", 4", 8", 16", 32", 64"

After six months Eugene has discus over 5 feet in diameter!!

04-16-2019, 11:11 AM
2 times a day!!! Lol wow that seems excessive and the water bill alone! Unless your over feeding, once a day is more then enough.

04-16-2019, 03:11 PM
2", 4", 8", 16", 32", 64"

After six months Eugene has discus over 5 feet in diameter!!

This will be my dream with discus growing ;) ;)

I start my grow up discus when they were 3 weeks old (size of a quarter) to over 6.5 inches as today after 11 months of WC and they never get sick for once. If you search my username, you can see my grow up journey.

I start with a 65 gal and move to 110 gal and this summer I am planning to move them to the 210 gal. Fun fun fun.

04-16-2019, 03:22 PM
2 times a day!!! Lol wow that seems excessive and the water bill alone! Unless your over feeding, once a day is more then enough.

Totally agree. Once a day of WC is a very good start.

And you are right, I am over feeding them a little more than average discus keepers will do. 7 to 8 times a day ;)

If you look into my Eugene's Contest Thread - 65 gal grow out Journey in this forum, you will see the end result after WC of 40,000 gal in 11 months. I think all the hard work pay off :) :)

04-16-2019, 06:02 PM
Hats off to you! My days off I am always feeding and cleaning... The days I work I feed 3 or 4 times. I have 3 sets of grow outs... I will let you know after 6 months and 10 mouths.. 90% water changes and maybe a mis here and there. It will be a true test

04-16-2019, 08:42 PM
You must not work! I do 1 50% wc a day in my 120 (its seperated, the grow out side is about 40g) and work 16hours/day... I dont know for how much time ill keep the tank separatrd, that is the purpose of thr thread!

Ive got 9 bb discus in my 45g they're 4 days old and i separated it in half too... Easier maintenance!!! Not a lot but dunno, can't think of killing them just to have a future bigger batch!

04-17-2019, 12:55 AM
I wouldn't give up on your 9 fry. That's a good size to maintain. I wish I didn't have so much that labor and cost alone. I think the people here that do 1oo% 2 times a day and all those 6 8 day feeding don't work or have a full-time family member help out. I do the 90% on just 2 tanks have 4, 29G...and a 69G bucket for aged water. So 2 in at night and one in the morning.. the 90g once maybe 2 time a week. Not enough time in a day. I am getting my daughter to help with 2 feeding.. It's hard work! Deal with just 9 fry and the parents in a different tank will be more enjoyable.....lol

04-17-2019, 01:39 AM
Hats off to you! My days off I am always feeding and cleaning... The days I work I feed 3 or 4 times. I have 3 sets of grow outs... I will let you know after 6 months and 10 mouths.. 90% water changes and maybe a mis here and there. It will be a true test

I am almost sure your grow outs will turn into big fat healthy adult discus in 10 months. Keep up with the good workout (WC) ;) ;)

04-17-2019, 10:43 PM

04-18-2019, 07:19 AM
I would say that's about 99.375% Willie, lol! :bandana: