View Full Version : white particles in water...

04-20-2019, 02:15 PM
I just noticed on my cycled tank, I have a lot of fine white particles floating in the water and on the surface. Looks like dust, they settle more when the filters are off. Ive read this may be from high calcium/magnesium. My water is also very hard. Anyone know what this is and how to get rid?

04-20-2019, 08:50 PM
Hi. A few questions that might help get this going. Is this a newly cycled tank? Did you recently change water? Do you age your water. Might folks more things to consider.

04-21-2019, 02:12 AM
Hi. A few questions that might help get this going. Is this a newly cycled tank? Did you recently change water? Do you age your water. Might folks more things to consider.

Newly cycled tank, but doesn't quite look like a bacteria bloom, as people say that looks like milky/cloudy. I did recently change water, but I have before and didn't quite notice the particles before. I do not age the water. Do you think it may be the fluval biomax media or seachem matrix? I have those in a mesh bag in the Aquaclear 110 hob. I had the sponge on bottom and the media on top, then I rearranged it so the media is on the bottom, and sponge on top and then I noticed the white particles. Do those release tiny particles? I put a fine floss filter on top of the AC110 sponge and hopefully thatll do it.

Also, I have a black background, and maybe these particles are normal? its just a lot more visible with my fluval 3.0 led and black background? I'll take a video of it if it doesn't go away.