View Full Version : what should I do What would you do

05-05-2019, 06:06 PM
Okay yesterday I found that I have eggs in my discus tank it is A 29 gallon I have % discus IN it when I first found out the cobalt was gliding up and down the sponge filter lift tube he was the only one near the lift cone I do not know who laid the eggs I put a mesh cage around the eggs to keep them from getting eaten. these are all young fish their first spawn "MY FIRST SPAWN" ok my question is do I remove the cage let nature take its coarse with these eggs and wait til she lays eggs again to try catch her in the act so I know OR move the 3 I don't think laid the eggs and hope I leave the correct one or leave just the fish I seen gliding over the eggs as he was fertilizing the eggs Please give me some advise

05-06-2019, 07:45 AM
Am I reading this correct. Is % meant for 5 in a 29 gal. tank? Or was it a typo? At breeding age? That's a lot of WC's per day.

05-06-2019, 02:12 PM
If you caught them in the act of spawning, you should know who the parents are. The female will lay the eggs and the male will come right behind her and fertilize them. And afterwards, the parents will stake out that area and guard it. But you've got other issues. 1) a 29 gallon tank is way too small for 5 discus unless you have a flow through system or something, you should look into getting at least a 55 gallon tank, 2) I wouldn't worry about this first spawn, the likelihood of it being successful is very small, (don't worry there will be more) and after several more spawns they will eventually get the hang of it. And yeah, the other discus would need to come out of a breeding tank. The other adult discus will hunt down the fry and eat them in a new york second. Also, are you breeding for fun or profit? Because the latter takes alot of work and more tanks to grow out fry, breeding tanks, research, etc. etc.