View Full Version : Male discus (paired) not interested/fertilising

05-07-2019, 07:18 AM

Hi everyone, long time reader, first time poster!

I have a proven Blood Eagle pair, last batch (and first batch for pair) was 50+ wrigglers in community tank. Both parents were very attentive however the male got quite aggressive toward the female once wrigglers hatched. Fry didn't survive (obviously) so this time around I prepared a 150L breeding tank with exact water conditions as the large tank, and when I saw first signs of spawning behaviour tonight I moved them immediately. The male showed no interest in cleaning spawning sites in either large tank or breeding tank, and I haven't seen him do a fertilisation run after her, however the female was very busy. She just laid 100+ eggs in the breeding tank but the male seems entirely disinterested. Is this common?
As you can see in the attached pic, the female is fanning and attending eggs, male is not. Last hatch he was busy picking up wrigglers and watching over eggs, but didn't fan. I have several other discus in the large tank too, but no proven pairs. I'll update if eggs are fertile in the next couple of days but I'm doubting it.

05-07-2019, 07:49 AM
First batch about two weeks ago.

05-07-2019, 01:32 PM
Looks like at some point the Male fertilized the female's eggs. You may want to remove the male if he shows any disinterest.


05-08-2019, 12:45 AM
Looks like at some point the Male fertilized the female's eggs. You may want to remove the male if he shows any disinterest.


Yeah, in the previous clutch he definitely did but this time around he seems uninterested.

05-08-2019, 02:35 PM
Sometimes male Discus will only go over the eggs a
few times, I hate it when the male does this especially when they wait till the female finish laying and go over the eggs only once.
