View Full Version : Artificial rearing , help needed

Snow Leopard 57
06-22-2019, 07:49 AM
Hi everyone, I’ve reared a batch of fry from 7 days but now I want to start rearing from day 1 as I’m having no success with parents at the moment. Firstly I’m getting a lot of fungussed eggs so how many ml/litre is correct dose for meth blue? Secondly I am going to try with brine shrimp as first food. I have some of the extra small B/S eggs but just wondering when I need to put some in Hatcher ? Do I wait until fry go free swimming?
Thanks in advance.

06-22-2019, 07:41 PM
I successfully raised fry away fro the parents using egg yoke but that was nearly 40 years ago so there may be newer methods now.

06-22-2019, 11:41 PM
read this thread through...Sanjay hit a home run the 1st time he tried it...if you need more info than what he provided you could send him a PM if he (or someone else) doesn't chime in here...


Pretty sure Liz uses meth blue at times so she may be able to help. You may even find directions on the MB bottle for egg treatment. Pretty sure I saw it in the dosing instructions on the bottle I have...

Snow Leopard 57
06-23-2019, 05:53 AM
Thanks think I’ve seen Sanjays thread. I’ll read again and take more notice. first batch taken out for artificial hatching this morning.

07-03-2019, 02:58 PM

Or check www.mondodiscus.com