View Full Version : Growout tank - size of tank v number of discus?

07-04-2019, 04:22 PM
Hi everyone!

I am looking through the forum, but thought I would post my own version of this question - apologies if this has been stated clearly elsewhere...

I am thinking of either;

Growing out six or seven 2.5"/3" Discus in a 30 gallon tank, bare bottom, daily 90% water changes (perhaps twice daily if I can) and then moving them to a hardscaped, sand substrate 72 gallon when they are more established at 4"+ and then adding a few tankmates, dithers etc

Growing out seven to ten 2.5"/3" Discus in the 72 gallon, bare bottom, 50% + daily water changes (perhaps twice daily if I can) and then slowly adding in some hardscaping and sand, and some tankmates. Removing two or three of the discus that I am less happy with once they are larger (or assuming that there will be losses along the way as I am new to Discus)

Do either of these scenarios seem more sensible than the other?

07-04-2019, 04:48 PM
I like option 2! 10g per adult is recommended minimum.

07-04-2019, 05:33 PM
I wouldn't keep them in a 30 gallon to 4". I'd move them to the big tank at 3" and keep the tank BB until they reached at least 4". At that point I would net them into a container, hardscape the tank and once you're done put them back. I'd go with just drift wood and plants glued to it until they were 5", net them out again, add the sand and put them back.

It would be easier for you if you went with larger fish and put them straight in the 72. This is because these will be your first Discus and you haven't learned the subtle things they tell you like you could if you had more experience with them. I know that the money part is a bit ch, but doing it this way would be best if you want to succeed.

07-04-2019, 05:46 PM
Option 2

07-04-2019, 08:22 PM
Option 2 but I would strongly consider Liz’s comments.

07-06-2019, 10:25 AM
I'd go with Liz. Small fish gets lost in large tanks.


07-07-2019, 11:06 AM
Thanks everyone for the opinions! I will go straight to the bb 72 gallon - I am also strongly considering getting larger Discus anyway due to my water readings, in the assumption that bigger fish will cope better with my fumbling learning so hopefully 4" if not larger. My newts can stay in their 30 gallon!

07-07-2019, 11:53 AM
Good decision. Figure out the water stuff before you invest in a group of expensive large Discus. I would hate for you to spend all that money and fail due to your weirdo water.