View Full Version : You have no idea...

07-05-2019, 06:45 PM
...of how much I love watching my Discus eat their freeze dried blackworms. My 2 to three inch grow outs are total pigs. My near breeding group don't need as many as the younger group.

I do something that nobody else does. I do my 4:30 WC, always 30 to 50 percent, then feed the worms. All my other chores have been done by then except for taking the horse a bucket of feed, so I get to spend as much time as I like watching/critiquing them. They fit well in their 100 gallon tank, but it won't be long until that tank is too crowded.

I have a couple of the younger ones to the LFS. They're not selling much of any fish right now. I took them a breeding pair that I no longer wanted over a month ago and they still haven't sold. They were good fish, too. Last thing they need now is a couple of young Turks. If I need to divide them into two groups I have the tanks to put them in. (you have no idea how wonderful it feels to have extra tank space).

I have nine adults and not quite adults. I keep wanting the 7 sub adults to start showing signs of breeding. I keep think that it has to be soon. It would be just my luck if they all turned to be male but the odds are 7 to 1 in my favor.

This has turned into a blather. Some times I get to typing and I don't shut up. Sorry.

07-05-2019, 07:49 PM
I know the feeling, my little ones have just started to eat FDBW too and they go mad for it

07-07-2019, 06:47 PM
This has turned into a blather. Some times I get to typing and I don't shut up. Sorry.

Awesome to see you're still blathering Liz....don't ever shut up.:bandana:

07-07-2019, 07:01 PM
Tony, I do my best to keep it in check, but sometimes I need a good blather. It's good for my soul and easier on me than a rant.