View Full Version : My 4 month fry stopped eating

07-06-2019, 01:25 AM
I have felt over the last 2 weeks my fry ha e eaten less and less. Today I dropped some beefheart in with no to little interest. Water change have been every other day 💯. Almost all still alive from beginning. Maybe 3 died. Has my luck run out??? They are in a 80 gallon tank all together. Temp had Been 30c but 3 days ago raised it to 31. I have been stupid and did see White poop over the last month and did nothing!

Am I right to raise temp to 33 over 2 days. Or even higher? Then do water changes everyday? It sucks cause I am talking a trip on the 26 for 10 days!! Help!! Thanks

07-06-2019, 03:03 AM
White poop and off their food usually means hex. Heat treatment is ok, but I'm not sure how high in celcius. 90F is typical. Since you're leaving soon I would dose 500mg/10 gal of pure metro for the next 12 days with a 50% wc before each subsequent days dosing.

07-06-2019, 08:53 AM
How big are they? I guessing about 3"?
What is your water change routine?
Can you give us nitrate readings?
Have you noticed any sign of flukes?
Can you post a photo?

If this is classic hex, heat and metro are good along with 93 heat for 10-14 days...

07-06-2019, 11:44 AM
I have been doing 💯 water changes 3 sometime 2 times a week. I raised to 33c I little over 90. I added metroplex. They look the same as always. I have about 40 in an 80G tank. Some sizes are 2.0 to 3.5 inches. They are a week shy of 4 months old. Reading coming soon. What would be the signs of fluks? They look a little dark but they always looked this way. Never much color. Ya they aren't even eating bloodworms?? Very strange

07-06-2019, 05:10 PM
It takes several days minimally for metro to start to deal with hex and sometimes longer for appetite to return. Be patient

07-06-2019, 05:28 PM
This isn't really a sign of flukes, I was just eliminating... 40 small discus in an 80g tank is fine, but at 2-3 water changes per week I'm curious if there is a nitrate issue that may be causing this...

Danny is correct. Positive results from a heat/metro treatment may not be apparent until 2 weeks have passed...

07-06-2019, 06:05 PM
Sometimes it doesn't take that long to see improvement. If you're late catching it it will take longer. Do as Danny suggests and give us a nitrate reading. If it's over 5 I suggest larger and more frequent WC.

07-10-2019, 02:33 PM
Will check it again thanks