View Full Version : New Breeding Pair

mr limpet
07-10-2019, 06:24 PM
This pair just laid eggs yesterday. Red Melon and Pigeon Blood. They are in a 90 gallon tank with 5 other Discus a few Rams and 2 Gold Nugget Plecos. The eggs were put on driftwood. This is the pairs first time breeding. Don’t have the time right now to set up another tank. I’m sure eggs will be eaten by someone. Next week I’ll have the time to set up another tank. Will a 20 gallon be good enough for this pair? Also what would their offspring look like? I know I’m getting ahead of myself. After all it’s their first time.124299124300

07-10-2019, 11:04 PM
Disclaimer; my thoughts are based on my readings/research, not experience. Discus genetics is a bit of a mystery to me still but...both parents are PB strains and look clean with regards to peppering, so I would imagine you will get some solid & some patterned offspring. I believe I have read on SD that the min recommendation for a pair is a 29gal, though others have used 20 gal's for sure...remember the smaller the tank the quicker the water quality declines.

07-11-2019, 08:23 AM
Yes, they will be pb's of some type or another. Probably no solid red ones. I prefer a 29 but a 20 is OK.

mr limpet
07-11-2019, 03:24 PM
Thanks Dan and Liz. I do have a 55 gallon tank but it’s being used as a hospital tank at this time. A few of my Discus have HEX. What are the chances eggs hatch and fry become free swimming in a community tank like mine? Zero to None. Lol.

07-11-2019, 04:26 PM
Zero to none.