View Full Version : Cannister filter in breeding tank

08-04-2019, 06:26 AM

I have a pair of discus in a 3 foot aquarium with around 100 fry which have now been free swimming for about 5 days. The fry have attached really nicely, and seem to be roughly doubling in size every day.

The aquarium has both a sponge filter, and a cannister filter. I turned the cannister off on wrigglers day 2, and turned the sponge filter right down. I've now started feeding BBS and tank is noticably dirtier, water changes are my primary cleaning method, but i'm wondering if i can now turn back on the cannister, I have a sponge prefilter covered in a nylon stocking for the intake which i'll attach before i turn it, but will the filtration be too agressive i.e. the water movement for the fry?

I'm finding it hard to get all the globs of leftover bbq with a siphon and hoping the cannister might make it a bit easier.

Do you guys normally run cannisters in grow out tanks, and if so at what stage do you start them.


08-04-2019, 07:04 AM
If your canister has been off for 3 days all the beneficial bacteria inside will have died from oxygen starvation. If you turn it back on without thoroughly cleaning it out you will kill everything in your tank with a huge shot of ammonia. If you want to use it again as a mechanical filter you need to open it up, empty it and thoroughly clean the sponges and other media. It will need to completely re-cycle before it would be reliable as a biofilter once again.

08-04-2019, 08:12 AM
I would kick your sponge back up you really only need to turn those down during spawning.


08-05-2019, 02:59 AM
Hi thanks for the response, and the reminder, yes the cannister will be cleaned before I turn it back on. I guess what I'm really asking though is at what point in the fry's development would you typically switch up filtration from using just a sponge filter?

08-05-2019, 05:31 AM
Most people that raise fry consistently don't use anything but sponges and perform 100-200% daily water changes with aged water, vacuuming solid waste out & wipe down all surfaces regularly...in a BB tank...

08-05-2019, 08:25 AM
I would say that your present regimen is working if you're getting the growth on your fry that you say you are, I am not a fan of canister filters because of the return flow pressure, I personally would go with a aquaclear 70 hang on filter they have a much gentler return flow and keep your sponge I am also not a fan of having your hands all over inside the tank to wipe down the glass that creates stress stick with what your doing after all you have a spawn and free swimmers that are growing well, and congrats on the spawn.
