View Full Version : Need advice

08-10-2019, 05:42 PM
A while back I was at my LFS and they had a discus that had good shape but I could tell it was getting sick so I bought it in hopes that I good get it healthy and give it a better life. I know not a good idea usually. I put it in a 20 gallon tank. I ran salt for the first few days and then treated with Metro for a week and Prazi on two different weeks. After the Metro treatment it started to eat and started to look better. This was back in April and now the fish is doing great. My problem is that it is still in the 20 gallon by itself and I don't want to risk putting it with my 2 stendker tanks. Should I just let it live in the 20 gallon for the rest of its life or take it back to LFS and hope someone buys it before it gets sick again?
First day

08-10-2019, 06:20 PM
That's a really nice PB. It's a hard decision. Do you not have a poor quality Discus you could test it on?

08-10-2019, 06:22 PM
That's a very nice discus for a LFS find. The way I see it, since you have had it for this long and there doesn't seem to be an issue with parasites and it seems to be doing great, I would take one of your lesser Stendkers and put it in with this one and observe. Chances are if there is a bug, it may be pretty mild. But that's just me...

Just know, if you turn it into a LFS, it will probably get sick again, and if anyone buys it they probably won't give it the care you have and it will die...

08-10-2019, 06:27 PM
I would actually do the same as Brian but was afraid to suggest it. If you run into any problems we are here to help you out.

two utes
08-10-2019, 06:48 PM
Nice job with the recovery....id keep it. One way or another it will be doomed if returned to the LFS

08-10-2019, 06:53 PM
I would put one in with the one that was sick. Between the salt and the metro you probable cured it and if the added fish gets sick he would all ready be in the quarantine tank. I have had luck when I see white poo or in the past 2 weeks a fish which lost its slime coat. Rather than move the fish to a quarantine tank I have left the fish and treated all of the fish in that tank. It works for me, anyway.

08-10-2019, 07:11 PM
I'll go you one better, peewee. When I have hex in one fish I treat the entire fish room. What a pain! But I share equipment between all the tanks, so if it's in one tank it's in them all. Probably not necessary...

08-10-2019, 07:34 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Truth is I'm far more attached to all of my Stenkers than this one so that is why I'm having trouble deciding what to do. Just want the fish to have a better life than living in a 20 gallon. I agree with what everyone said about the LFS. Another thing I thought about was to give it to one of the members here if anyone was in North Carolina and wanted it.

08-10-2019, 09:53 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Truth is I'm far more attached to all of my Stenkers than this one so that is why I'm having trouble deciding what to do. Just want the fish to have a better life than living in a 20 gallon. I agree with what everyone said about the LFS. Another thing I thought about was to give it to one of the members here if anyone was in North Carolina and wanted it.

This is a rescue fish. I would take it but not in NC. If a male or female a 20g gallon tank is good for breeding. Buy another fish of the opposite sex and put him/her in there. Try to pair them up. A 20g tank is good for breeding.

08-24-2019, 09:06 AM
Hello, I am in western NC . I live 60 miles west of Charlotte. Where are you at

08-24-2019, 09:33 AM
Combo I live 25 miles north of Charlotte around Salisbury.