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View Full Version : What do you wipe inside glass with?

09-28-2019, 02:03 PM
what is your preferred wiper for regular maintenance (not scraping hardcore algae)?
Cloth rag?
Paper towels?
Foam sponge?
Rough scrubber?

I read some wipers just remove and eject into the water, while others actually pick up and retain on the material.

Love to hear your thoughts. :)

09-28-2019, 02:15 PM
I usually wipe just before a water change, so I want it to enter the water. I use the green scrubby side of a foam sponge.

09-28-2019, 04:50 PM
I use the rough green side of the sponge too and I usually wipe the glas when my tank is empty , during my 80-90% WCs . It's a lot faster and easier to wipe the glass on an empty tank and algae and slime from the glass do not end up in the water that way .

09-28-2019, 07:08 PM
I don't bother with the double sided sponge/scrubbies. I only want the scrubby side so I use the large 3M scrubbies.

09-28-2019, 08:08 PM
Is there a reason for wiping down the glass other then maybe cleaning the front
glass so it looks cleaner and perhaps a little better to see the fish?

09-28-2019, 08:15 PM
I use the rough green side of the sponge too and I usually wipe the glas when my tank is empty , during my 80-90% WCs . It's a lot faster and easier to wipe the glass on an empty tank and algae and slime from the glass do not end up in the water that way .

I do the same wiping tanks after water level has been lowered . None of the junk goes back in water and pad holds most of it ..
I use cut to fit micron filter pads..
I buy a 12x12 sheet and cut it up .One for each tank sized as needed and then rinsed and placed in bucket with bleach and water till pure white again..
They seem to last years !

09-28-2019, 08:19 PM
I do the same wiping tanks after water level has been lowered . None of the junk goes back in water and pad holds most of it ..
I use cut to fit micron filter pads..
I buy a 12x12 sheet and cut it up .One for each tank sized as needed and then rinsed and placed in bucket with bleach and water till pure white again..
They seem to last years !

Could you post a link to those, please. They sound good.

09-28-2019, 08:39 PM
I use the green side scrubbie if it’s filthy. But it’s been a while. My tank changed about 8 months ago when i added a canister where I don’t even scrub the floor anymore. I do pass a white rag on the walls when doing water changes and I randomly pass the magnet glass cleaner

09-28-2019, 08:41 PM
Could you post a link to those, please. They sound good.

Basically I use a pad like this ;
https://www.amazon.com/gp/slredirect/picassoRedirect.html/ref=pa_sp_btf_aps_sr_pg1_4?ie=UTF8&adId=A04292232NOC31WN4A1JT&url=%2FEncompass-All-Premium-Micron-Polishing%2Fdp%2FB06XCHLT3J%2Fref%3Dsr_1_58_sspa%3 Fkeywords%3Dmicron%2Bfilter%2Bpads%26qid%3D1569716 976%26sr%3D8-58-spons%26psc%3D1&qualifier=1569716976&id=7103001169472971&widgetName=sp_btf
Maybe 150 micron is best ? Like I said mine have lasted years ! I like cleaning and sterilizing them also as a simple operation ..When I run out of clean dry ones I pull the soaking ones out rinse and dechlorinate and throw used ones in to soak till next time ..
60 tanks takes lots of pads or whatever you call them .. This thread is very appropriate for me as I often wonder what others do ? My marine tank has the floating magnet with metal scraper in front[works great] ,I have the largest magnets for my 180 but it comes with warnings for pace maker people !:eek:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mag-Float-500-Extra-Large-XL-Glass-Aquarium-Magnetic-Algae-Cleaner/383144283686?epid=691168587&hash=item59352dce26:g:i30AAOSwxmldNcrp:sc:USPSPrio rityFlatRateEnvelope!12020!US!-1
I would like to hook a horse up to it sometimes it is so hard to pull ! The pads always work great ..:)

09-29-2019, 12:51 AM
I use the magic eraser you get for dry erase markers. They are easily available, don’t scratch the tank, collect all the green algae and easily rinse off. I like that they don’t make a mess that emits stuff into the water and are large enough to make cleaning the glass a quick job.

09-29-2019, 01:46 AM
OMG I wouldn't own a big tank without a algae free piranha. http://www.algaefree.com/product/piranha-float-plus/

09-29-2019, 08:13 AM
Thanks Tom.

09-29-2019, 08:57 AM
I've used scubbies and sponges, but found micro fabric clothes to work great.

09-29-2019, 02:56 PM
Y'all convinced me. I just added another 12 bucks to my credit card. I'll post my review after I try it. It'll be here Tuesday.

09-30-2019, 04:57 AM
can any one please explain why I need to wipe inside glass ? I have a strong canister filter and good air circulation, very low light and almost no algae on glass, yet is it necessary to wipe the tank ?

09-30-2019, 08:35 AM
can any one please explain why I need to wipe inside glass ? I have a strong canister filter and good air circulation, very low light and almost no algae on glass, yet is it necessary to wipe the tank ?

If you have tanks that get enough light usually there's algae. No, it is not necessary but most folks like to watch there fish through clear glass and when the glass gets green it becomes difficult to see them. Also depends on your water and if it gets a slime coat on the glass.

09-30-2019, 09:58 AM
Biofilm of Beneficial bacteria colony covers the glass and there are heterotrophic bacteria that thrives on that biofilm . People that raise babiy discus wipe the glass regulary to get rid of this film and lower the bacterial content as much as they can because small discus are very sensitive to bacterial counts. For grown ups personally I don think that you need to do this if your glass is clean and you are not bothered by its appearance.