View Full Version : pairing mature discus

11-01-2019, 12:53 PM
Would like to have opinions on this. We always read that to get a mated pair to buy several young discus and let them pair off as they mature. would this work if one was to put 8 mature discus together that are new to each other would they pair off as well or does this only work with young discus thanks for the replies

11-01-2019, 01:26 PM
I would imagine it's the same principle mate. You will need to observe them more closely for aggression being adults, and for health issues if you're going to bring them all together for the 1st time. I bought 8 discus from the same vendor, all 5"+, and ended up with 2 spawning pairs in the first month. Are they all in your possession now?

11-01-2019, 04:06 PM
yes they are but they are separated where I have them in 4 different tanks 3 in each tank did not want to put them all together for a while to make sure they are all healthy and nothing sick

11-01-2019, 04:19 PM
Gotcha. Mine were fresh imports from a Malaysian supplier brought in by Dennis's Discus Fish. He QT'd the shipment and they were housed together for a few weeks before I purchased them. Once in my 125gal 2 pairs emerged pretty quickly, 1 of which would not tolerate the presence of the other discus when spawning, and 1 female that had wigglers with 3 different males lol.
What strain/s are you bringing together?

11-01-2019, 06:04 PM
The OP said "8 mature discus" Liz. He didn't meantion an actual size/length. Jeep's stud looks 8" and is prob the biggest I have ever seen!

11-01-2019, 10:41 PM
These discus I am talking about range in size from 4 inches to 7 inches they are 2 super red 4 red melons and 1 red malboral so they should produce some nice fry. They are around 2 years old. I also have some blue diamonds and royal blues but I wont mix them with these. I also have 2 white diamonds which would work with them. Thank u for the replies

11-03-2019, 04:45 PM
First, quarantine everything. Don't mix discus without a good quarantine. It'll also take time for them to get used to your tanks and fish food.

Once you're ready, put one suspect male with one suspect female. (How to pick males versus females is another thing all together.) I've done forced pairings and usually they will pair off within two weeks if they're going to at all. Fortunately, I've not had a discus kill off another one like angelfish do sometimes.
