View Full Version : bbs feeding

11-07-2019, 02:25 PM
15 gallon tank
Small Bio Double Sponge filter + 1in air stone
my fry are about a + dime/nickel size now and 3 wk +, feeded them min 2 try to feed 3,4 time a day and 1 -2 water changes a day depending on feeding (~ 8 gallon or 50% per/wc)

my question is
they have start to eat beefheart just a little (when i feed the parents). whens is a good time to stop feeding them bbs (thinking when they get to a quarter sizes) also would move them to there own tank (55g?) at quarter size.

11-08-2019, 04:43 AM
I stopped feeding it to mine at around 5 weeks, they were beginning to lose interest then and much keener on beefheart and FDBW. The ones that are growing best were moved from their parents at 3 weeks, they're now just coming up 8 weeks and between 50 and 60mm in length.

11-08-2019, 10:51 PM
You should wean fry onto beefheart as soon as possible. The growth rate you'll see on beefheart is 4 - 5X that of baby brine shrimp. I've had fry feed on beefheart as early as 11 days free swimming. Once they feed on beefheart, then you can pull the parents. Since they're already nibbling on beefheart already, just start feeding. And don't forget large and frequent water changes.

Good luck, Willie

11-09-2019, 01:09 AM
Thanks Kev and Willie.
@willie I have my parents in with the fry (planing to take the fry out in a couple of days) the fry has started to eat BH when I feed the parents, but in the past week I have lost a couple of Frys, so I was thinking it was because of the BH (heavy food, there digestion system is 100%, ((just my thought)).