View Full Version : Discus in newly setup tank

12-01-2019, 12:56 AM
Hi, I need to know if I can put 6 discus (2 inch/5cm size) in a newly setup 75 gallon tank.
I have the filter media from my previously setup planted tank, but due to power outage the filter was not running for 2-3 hours. Do I need to cycle again or is it safe to put the fish in?

12-01-2019, 01:36 AM
What sort of filter? Generally should be ok, I'd just be testing the water, using prime and lots of waterchanges to be on the safe side.

12-01-2019, 08:19 AM
Welcome to SD Bob .
I think your filter and bacteria are all good ..
6 disc in a 75 should be fine ..

12-01-2019, 09:35 AM
I agree with Tom. I think I read somewhere once that canisters have about a 6 hr O2 supply providing they're not package with sludge. Rinse the media with dechlorinated water and it should be good. Just watch your parameters and do your wc's and all should be well.

12-01-2019, 10:20 AM
I agree with Tom. I think I read somewhere once that canisters have about a 6 hr O2 supply providing they're not package with sludge. Rinse the media with dechlorinated water and it should be good. Just watch your parameters and do your wc's and all should be well.

Thanks Dan !
I am going off the impression Bob is using an HOB?
I communicated with him on another forum also so I may be wrong or have info yet provided to others ?
HOBs can sit for days IMO and IME as long as they are wet .
I don't own or run one canister and probably never will . Not a fan at all ..
Something about old dogs and tricks ? Woof!

12-01-2019, 10:36 AM
Haha, that's funny Tom. Yes I agree with your hypothesis on HOB's for sure, moist media and contact with fresh air = oxygen supply. I made mention of the canister info not being sure of the OP's filtration method.
Canisters are a PITA for sure. I am an ole dog myself, woof! I run a sump on my 125, but recently added a Fluval canister on my 75 because it was given to me and i got tired of looking at the sponges, lol. It's surprisingly easy to maintenance actually, but the danger of a power outage longer than 6 hours when I'm working my 12 hr shifts does potentiate disaster with my fish.

12-01-2019, 03:18 PM
Thanks for replying, I have a diy overhead sump (2 gallon) & the filter media was wet during the power outage.

12-01-2019, 06:36 PM
Should be totally fine then mate. I would still rinse it with tank water, and then have at er.