View Full Version : Can fry from 1 pair of discus be added to another pair?

12-12-2019, 12:41 PM
Hello SD peeps,
I currently have 2 pairs of discus whom started to bred within the same day. One is a pigeon pair with orange stripped marking, the other is a male turquoise with a leopard snakeskin . WELL, the babies had zero problem finding the turquoise parents to start feeding from them, there as, the pigeon’s being white the babies don’t find them they just free swim around the entire aquarium. Is it possible, at this early stage, to introduce the pigeon fry to the turquoise parents? Both sets of parents are currently in the same divided 40 gallon breeder

12-12-2019, 12:52 PM
It depends on the parental instinct of the pair. I had a pair of Santarems that fostered any fry i put in with them even when they didn't have their own active spawn. It's certainly worth a shot, just use a turkey baster to suck them out...