View Full Version : Well, I needed to mop

12-12-2019, 02:14 PM
When I had this room built my carpenter asked if I wanted a drain in the floor. Whatever was I thinking? I'd had huge floods in the past. Why did I think that I would no longer have them? Flood is my middle name.

I had a huge flood in the fish room this morning. My floor is concrete but the water leaking out doesn't do my slab any good. It wouldn't have happened had I been paying attention. As long as it happened I made the best of it. I pored on Mr. Clean and gave the floor a good scrub with a brush. I had to open the door and sweep the mess out as much as possible, then get the wet/dry vac and vacuum up most of the rest. It took a long time and killed my back

I'm done now, and the floor looks beautifully clean. I didn't fall through the floor like Brian did when he had a huge flood, so it could have been worse.

12-12-2019, 02:18 PM
We are cut from the same cloth Liz. When I worked as a grower in an indoor hydroponics farm (lettuce, basil, micro greens) I would flood the warehouse about once a week refilling the 800gal nutrient tanks. I know how ya feel mate ;)

12-12-2019, 02:38 PM
I always thought my first flood would be the last. Several years and many floods later, I fell through the floor, lol.. My #1 rule now is to not leave the area, sit down, cook dinner or accept a phone call while the barrels are filling :idea2:

12-12-2019, 03:00 PM
I should take that to heart.

I was in the office Googling something. After finding out nothing important I thought, "Did I leave that hose on the Discus tank running?" Sure enough I had. The amount of water on the floor could have kept a fish alive. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

12-12-2019, 03:18 PM
Join the crowd. I think it's something like a "right of passage"

12-12-2019, 05:02 PM
Hah ! Not laughing at you ,maybe with you ..
IO had a thread called I spill water everyday ..
My fish room is carpeted but on concrete in basement ..
So I'll save my multiple stories and cut to the chase
How long is he longest any of you left water running ???

12-12-2019, 05:03 PM
"I don't need a siphon break in my return, the check valve gasket is foolproof!" - Me. Flooded 2 X before I learned my lesson.

12-12-2019, 05:12 PM
How long is the longest any of you left water running ???

This could be a new contest!

Sorry Liz. We've all been there.

Second Hand Pat
12-12-2019, 05:14 PM
Glad you now have a clean floor Liz. :D

I was filling a bin and ended up in an argument with the hubby. I was so mad I went upstairs to chill. A while later I asked myself if I left the water running. Ran downstairs and sure enough. Had quite a nice flood happening. Out came the wet/dry vac and a couple hours later it was mostly dry. I watch the bins fill now. lol.

12-12-2019, 05:14 PM
This could be a new contest!

My wife hates me , but between the fish and if I win it is worth it !
Some achieve greatness through hard work others natural ability !

12-12-2019, 05:57 PM
This could be a new contest!

Sorry Liz. We've all been there.

Brian would win. He actually fell thorough the floor. I'd like for someone to top that!

12-12-2019, 06:50 PM
I'll take the hit and not wish for anyone else to try and top it, lol... It's been a year and I'm still recovering...

12-12-2019, 07:17 PM
Did you spend a fortune and fix it or just move?

12-12-2019, 07:48 PM
Actually, I'm preparing to knock out a wall, rip the floors out to the joist and start all new and top off with oak hardwoods. I'm consolidating all my plumbing into a small storage area with a whole house tankless water heater, a smaller 120v tankless for water changes, 2 RO units and a 250g vertical aging barrel with overflow directed to the sump pump. It'll be tight but I don't have an option considering I don't have a basement...

12-12-2019, 07:56 PM
Oh...You know carpentry. It's hard for me to read a tape, although I can if I concentrate. (once upon a time I was a carpenters helper but I was the one who pulled the nails or hauled the lumber). I taught myself poor but serviceable plumbing. When I see pics here of people's perfect clean plumbing, I shake my head at myself. Do you have the smarts to do electric, too?

12-12-2019, 07:57 PM
to those who has ever owned an aquarium and has denied having a flood either through an accident or neglect I'd be skeptical. I mean it's almost a right of passage to have a flood at one point or another

12-12-2019, 08:17 PM
I know basic self taught electrical but nothing fancy. I hire that stuff out if it gets complicated. That's why when Jack's house caught fire I freaked. Years earlier I ran the electrical for his fish room for over 200 tanks. Turned out is wasn't me, lol...

12-12-2019, 09:41 PM
Who left the hose running [ mix heated water I will show on another thread] filling a tank for 4 hours ….
The first time in 2015 ??
Brain I feel your pain , my wife would say tomorrow "you could put tanks in the two rooms upstairs " ...NEVER …
Even I cannot and read it in the second post of mine and like it or not she hates me and fish ,she might say that tomorrow still .
Got a call about a month or so ago am sure I can find "documentation " [why I really post on forums ] from my wife while at work .
She said [voice mail because I don't answer my cell] " I think we need a new water heater or the thing that makes heat . I was rinsing dishes and the water is cold " . My wife [close to 25 years] does not partake in fish like I..The washing machine is in the fish room [part 1] but she don't even want to talk to me when in here , not about fish ..
She has had to ask to what to shut off a couple times before when she called saying there is water on the floor in the wash room .. It really is not a simple the whatever over there answer although it is also .She has managed and I am sure cursed me . I love her .
I make water ! I use water . I keep water ..
I have been told and even seen fish like water ?
So back to needing a new water heater . I call back home and she answers [she knows I am delinquent while at work and is nice to me ] .I say ; there is no warm water ? she says no . I say have you looked to see if I left water running ?
She said where ? I love her and we shortly worked that out ..I told her to put on her garden boots to insulated her or just stay out at this point .It was like 10 am and 4 hours is not the record ,that was the first and well I DON'T KEEP COUNT! She put her garden boots on and shut off the water ..I got leads all over and 3 circuits running my room[s]. 1 will fry you . She loves me and knows how important fish are to me .
Water makes concrete harder so I will never have a hole but .
Without failure success would never taste so sweet !

12-12-2019, 10:07 PM
Add me to the list too Liz. Just did a small one today. But my first flood and worst was about 20 yrs ago. I had a 125 gal. tank in the living room, on a lovely area rug. The tank cracked and about 50 gal, at least, poured out onto my lovely rug, and all over the living room hardwood floor. Late at night of course. It was a nightmare night. But the only fish loss was a large pleco who had a rock fall onto him while I frantically emptied the tank into a kiddie pool I drug in from outside. A very bad night, and had to throw out my rug.

12-13-2019, 01:04 AM
Tom, tell her at least she knows where you are and you're not at the local pub running up bar tabs ;)

12-15-2019, 04:27 PM
We should set up a system where we check in every time the fish room floods.

I change water every day so flooding is at least a weekly occurrence. :p. Fortunately, the fish room is in the basement with a concrete floor and a drain!

12-16-2019, 12:40 PM
I bet I'd give you a run for your money, Willie. I just had another one. This one was in my office with the Pergo floor so I had to vacuum and mop it up. I've been doing fish since 2001. If I haven't learned not to flood by now, there's little hope that I ever will.

01-26-2020, 03:28 AM
I totally respect the flood!

Having worked with fish since 2004 or so, i've flooded an aquarium shop with freshwater, Ive flooded an aquarium shop with Saltwater (MUCH) worse, ive flooded clients yards with 26+THOUSAND gallons over 24 hours, Ive flooded basements through outside walls, I had a sink drain clog running a python drain on a 200 gallon tank and completely flood all of my kitchen drawers, floor and half my living room in an upstairs apartment...annnnd Ive overflowed my 240 gallon tank 2x and also had it completely sheer crack across the face, losing 100+gallons out into my living room tile after the exploded tank.

My wife doesnt even care that she sees my head cocked at an odd angle when i hear the tell-0tale sound of water running through supply lines and ask if she's running laundry, or if the toilet is stuck...i am KEENLY attuned to the sound of running water!

Best part is that having seen the worst of the worst its all pretty simple to handle and all in the same way...Calm stepwise removal of most water first, then drying up puddles, then repair of anything that can mold!

Good luck and minor floods only in the future!