View Full Version : I feel like I might have 5 males in the tank and 1 female

01-15-2020, 06:19 AM
Hoping to get some females from Dennis at the end of the month. I feel like after losing my female that was with my Royal red male, I hooe that when I buy more Royal reds(please be female), that he can find another partner in time for Valentine's day. I have to say this, even though it's been a week since my Royal Red jump out and losing my first official pair, I still feel so guilty and blame myself for not realizing and doing something to precent my fish from suicide. I don't know how to cope with this problem.

01-15-2020, 08:02 AM
I would say that everyday is a learning experience, so consider the advances you've made and I'm sure that with the experience Dennis has that he can pick you out a couple nice females and you can only improve on your mistakes I'm sure that with the progress you've made that you will again be successful


01-15-2020, 08:41 AM
We always blame ourselves. I think it's human nature. Why would it occur to you that your fish would commit suicide like that? It's not like it's something that happens every day. Work at trying to forgive yourself.

01-15-2020, 09:41 AM
I agree with Jeanne and Liz here Donny. If its any consolation mate, you're in good company, maybe not with having a jumper, but keeping fish is a real learning curve and pretty much everyone has their moment or moments of deep regret. Reach out to Dennis, he has a new shipment coming in very soon and I'm sure he'll do his dangdest to get you some pretty girls and you can move forward once more!
Be at ease mate, you'll bounce back, just don't dwell on it or give it any more of your head space!

01-15-2020, 09:55 AM
Donny, I had one jump out about 4 months ago. I was there to see her jump but she jumped because I startled her. Several days later she lost her slime coat so I treated for it. My tank has 1 female, 4 male and 2 unknown. The female and one of the unknown try to spawn but so far I do not see wigglers. I would like to get more female but have no room for them until I get a proven pair moved to their own tank. To solve the jumping out I placed a brick on top of the hood/lighting cover.