View Full Version : To Sell or Not To Sell ?????????????

01-22-2020, 04:08 PM
I was trying to sell some of my stock on craigslist, well I got a call from a potential buyer looking for a fish. He seems knowledgeable about discus for the most part, I don't know if he's a member on here or not. I was ready to sell him the fish when I asked him to make sure and quarantine the new fish. He said that my fish looked healthy so he would only QT it for more than 1 or 2 days before placing it in his community tank which is a 125 gallon tank. After thinking it over I told him no I'd rather keep my discus and take my FOR SALE sign off of craigslist. I was thinking well sure you sold a fish but what happens if it dies or worst yet infects his tank because of improper quarantining. He could come back and ask for his money saying my fish was bad, what I want to ask though is what about my reputation for selling clean fish if something goes bad because of someone's QT procedure ???????????????????????????? Jim in Ohio

01-22-2020, 04:49 PM
I think you might have told him the risks he was taking and then sell him the fish. Once any fish leaves your hands it's the new owner's responsible for what he does.

01-22-2020, 05:07 PM
I told him that any discus should be quarantined 4 to 6 weeks and I guess he just shrugged, no answer just your fish looks heathy 1 or 2 days is fine. I don't want him coming back sometime later saying it was my fish that killed his tank, I've lost an entire tank by doing the buy plop an drop method.

01-22-2020, 05:14 PM
I had a similar situation and I felt as if I owed my fish a better care taker. I refused to sell them. I always test the buyers knowledge because I grow attached to my fish and I don't want them dying because of lack of experience or neglect.

01-22-2020, 05:39 PM
Well thank you Armando, I 'm not all that attached but I don't want anyone coming back on me cause they thought that it wouldn't happen to them. I guess it's just about my reputation.

01-23-2020, 07:05 AM
Ultimately despite whatever someone say's you don't know the fate of your fish once you sell them. Someone can say one thing and do another. You will always run that risk when you sell fish to someone you don't know.