View Full Version : aging a wild heckel

02-16-2020, 03:46 PM
I have a question regarding the age of a wild heckel, how old would you estimate the age of a 6in. heckel to be, I know in captivity people can grow a discus to 6in. in 1.5 to 2years just because they have a constant supply of good food and in the wild they get the bulk of their food in the rainy season, so my question is would a 6in. wild be a old fish


02-16-2020, 05:58 PM
Each individual fish varies so much that it would be hard to figure that out. Definitely easier when smaller fish that haven't spent too much time between stops but once they are about 6 in then it's anyone's guess. Some people think Kenny discus from the wild with find that you can see because their bodies are so skinny might be old but that's not always the fact. Meanwhile, if it is a healthy thickness and happy then I wouldn't worry too much. Heckles can we talk to get more growth on them in captivity unless you are super good with water parameters. You can still keep them happy without that much growth on about. Also I left out, males tend to get bigger while females may stay at that size.

If someone proves me wrong then I will totally eat crow because I'd like to learn if someone has good points. Especially with heckles. I had a pair a long time ago and thought they were the coolest fish. I just don't think I'm not disciplined enough at this time to keep more heckles ( hell, I need to get better at my current fish)

02-16-2020, 06:26 PM
If the fish came to you direct from the wild it could be any age. If the fish came to you from fish farm most likely the fish is of a younger age because it wouls seem to me that if a farmer/breeder is selling stock they are not going to hang on to one for too long before they move it for the almighty dollar.

Second Hand Pat
02-16-2020, 06:57 PM
Can you post a picture of the Heckel in question Jeanne? At that size the heckel would be at least two years based on my experience with wild fish.