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02-20-2020, 11:36 PM

I was a member some years back and posted a few times and a few pictures. I forgot my account information and have changed emails since the last time I was on board here.

Some history for me is that I started off about 8-9 years ago. I saw some discus at a local store and got hooked. I did a lot of research on the fish themselves and where to get them and ended up finding Hans. I purchased a 180 gallon tank with my mind made up of doing a planted discus tank. At that time I had not found this site.

I purchased young fish all under 4" with the intent of growing them out. I knew that I needed to do a lot of water changes but was a bit naïve on the task I was taking on trying to do a grow out in a planted tank. I did however have some extent of success and was able to grow out the majority of the fish to around 5-5.5" on my max ones. However, I lost a few on the way and had trouble at multiple points where I had to put a lot of work in just to keep fish alive because of the issues that arise in trying to grow out in a planted tank. I also ended up purchasing more discus from Kenny after I found this site. One of the most positive experiences I had was with my fish suppliers they were both top notch and also this site here being a well of information.

I ended up doing some work on the house I lived in at that time and had all the flooring replaced including my fish room. I bought 5 gallon buckets, air pumps, etc in plan for taking the 180g tank down and moving it so the floor could be done. Everything there went surprisingly well and at some extreme late night hour I finished putting the tank back together and getting my fish back in. Everyone made it. Woke up the next morning and.... everything was just fine.

I came home from work that evening and a stress facture developed in the tank itself and ran from the bottom of the tank to the top. I had approximately 130-140 gallons of water on my new flooring and only my bottom feeders alive. It crushed me and I got out of discus for a while but am back with a much better plan!

I recently set back up a 55 gallon I've had and me and my oldest son got it cleaned up and running. This time I am purchasing young fish and doing a bare bottom setup as a grow out tank for 5 fish from Kenny. This time around I am going to use the 55 gallon as a grow out and when I get them as big as I can I will setup the 180 again as a planted show tank and use the 55 as a grow out/QT tank and add over time. I am wanting to grow out in smaller groups this time to try and get a pair if possible. I had a couple different pairs lay eggs in my old tank but with it being such a community tank and not having the room to develop a breeder tank I never had any success and the eggs were gone each time they laid them by the next morning. This time I have moved and have the room to have a breeder tank or few if I get lucky.

Anyway sorry for the long intro but I am very happy to be back both here and with discus in my tank. I have help with 2 of my 4 boys that are old enough to do so any they are both excited to get the fish! Almost as much as me haha. I currently have the water getting cycled on a fishless cycle and am awaiting Kenny's March shipment which I am sure will be amazing!

02-21-2020, 07:09 AM
Welcome back and interesting read! That experience is a nightmare for us fishkeepers and my condolences on that loss. We all feel it and want you to know you aren't alone. Stoked that you're coming back though, that's all that counts. Looking forward to seeing updates.

My buddy in town recently got 6 4"+ discus from Kenny's and they were exhibiting egg laying behaviors less than 24h in the tank. They look amazing color and size wise.

If you're planning on doing a grow out in a 55 to move to a 180, you can definitely get more than 5!

02-21-2020, 09:29 AM
Yeah I plan on adding slowly and eventually want to have a few different strains in the big tank. If I manage to get a pair I'd prefer them to be the same or similar strains. So I'm going to purchase them in groups and see what happens.

I don't have enough experience with a random hookup of different strains to have any idea what to expect lol.