View Full Version : QT For Non-Discus

02-26-2020, 09:30 AM
Hi SD!

I've read Al's great article on the QT procedure for Discus, but I was curious what everyone else's thoughts are on QT procedures for discus tankmates (i.e. cardinal tetras, cories, rams, and the like). Do you all still do an aggressive QT as outlined in the article? I'm about to look into getting some large cardinals as dither fish, but want to make sure I've got a plan in place.

My thoughts are to do a 4 week QT, but not using a proactive treatment such as Praziquantel/Metro. I would do frequent WCs and keep the temps in the 84-86 range, and only treat if I notice anything off. After the 4 weeks are up, I'd put in a hero fish to see how they mix. After two weeks and no bad signs, I would merge the two groups. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all ears! :)

02-26-2020, 11:07 AM
You're supposed to do everything you do with Discus but IMHO every thing you are doing is fine. BTW most of us don't treat with meds unless we see a problem. The big test is the introduction of the sacrificial lamb.

02-26-2020, 01:01 PM
Hi Liz,

Thanks for the input. I've got Prazi and Metro on standby in case something goes wrong when it comes time to introduce the hero fish. :)