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View Full Version : Ever notice how quite it gets around the bird feeder?

03-04-2020, 04:16 PM
I'm in Oregon and were going through what some call our February Fake-out; a couple+ weeks of mid 60's weather that gets everyone thinking of Spring and gardens, etc. Usually, hopefully, we fall back into late Winter weather or a messy Spring and we get more rain before it quits for the season. Anyway, it's been nice sitting outside and watching the birds at the feeders. We get the usual locals;jays, doves, junkos, finches, robins and others. We have lots of cover areas and several feeders, so we're a feeding station. Usually it's noisy, especially with the jays around. But when I fill the feeders, and they all start swooping in to eat and leave, it can be incredibly quiet. Like they don't want to advertise, but possibly for protection from the occasional hawk that comes by.

03-04-2020, 07:24 PM
The wild birdies know how to stay safe. The most vulnerable time for any animal is while they are eating and sleeping. Or your birds may be the polite type and not speak with their mouths full.