View Full Version : How long do discus grow for?

03-31-2020, 09:52 AM
Just curious how long do they grow for. Is it just the first year? Or are they allways growing? If moved to a bigger tank will they grow again?

03-31-2020, 10:10 AM
lets say growth rate for a normal Discus
3.5 inches is general about 3-4 months old ( from fry not from when you buy it)
so at 6-9 months Discus should be at least 5 inches with proper upkeep.
at 12-15 months they should reach 5.5 inches and by 2 years they should reach 6-7 inches.
this is dependant on many factors all of which need to be followed to allow them to reach there full potential.

03-31-2020, 10:11 AM
They grow for their entire lives but they achieve most of that growth their first year. After 2 the growth is very very slow.

03-31-2020, 11:13 AM
This guy kept growing his entire life. Don't remember how long he lived but it was a long time; he didn't have a sick day in his life. Most of his growth was the first two years probably 7" at that time. As time went on he developed blotching from aging. In his prime his skin was clear. 127286 127287

03-31-2020, 12:55 PM
This guy kept growing his entire life. Don't remember how long he lived but it was a long time; he didn't have a sick day in his life. Most of his growth was the first two years probably 7" at that time. As time went on he developed blotching from aging. In his prime his skin was clear. 127286 127287

The Brad Pitt of discus evidently.

03-31-2020, 04:01 PM
What a great looking discus blue!! Thanks for all the info I was just wondering :). I started this time almost a year ago. So I’m guessing most of mine are a year old . Not sure how much bigger I want them to grow :). I have 13 in a 125. When they were 2” the tank looked huge. Not so much anymore lol. As we all say “I should have went bigger”.

03-31-2020, 08:24 PM
That tank is perfect. Just keep up with your daily WC.

03-31-2020, 08:37 PM
Well to the daily wc. About the end of last year I went to every other day wc. No problems no changes. In feb I went to every 3 days. Again just wanting to see if there is a difference. Things are basically the same. Sometimes one will get a white pimple on a fin. Than I go back to every other day and it clears up in 2 wc. No idea what they are but I’ve seen other keepers put up pictures of there discus with them. With all this free time I am going back to every other day just to keep me busy :).127296 spot on back fin.127297 cleared up now.

03-31-2020, 10:39 PM
Tom they're known as discus pimples and they're associated with declining water quality. I kept 8 x 5.5-6" discus in a 125gal BB and could get away with 1 weekly wc of 90% feeding a deer heart cube in the am and 2 FDBW cubes in the evening. If I let I go longer than a week, or fed more when I was home from work I'd get the odd pimple here & there that always cleared up with the next big wc

03-31-2020, 11:00 PM
Thanks Dan glad to here that’s what they are. Now are these pimples only on the fins or can they be anywhere on the fish?

03-31-2020, 11:48 PM
My fish would get them occasionally on the head & body as well as the fins. If it took more than a day after wc day to clear I would add 2-3tbsp of salt to my tank and the spots were gone the next day.