View Full Version : Corona Breeding for the Bored

04-08-2020, 08:34 PM


(I don’t know how to rotate images in this forum sorry)127380[/ATTACH]Okay guys hello again! It’s been a while on the forum and I have full circle come back to discus. Amazingly enough a pair caught my eye in the store and they were the last 2 in the tank. I have had them for about 6 months so they have grown and gotten much thicker. It turns out they were a pair and started to breed in my 150 gallon and to my surprise I snatched them up and put them in a 30 all to themselves. Fast forward a bit and this is there 8th attempt. I remembering reading patience is key and “let them be” as common themes so up until now I have only watched and gathered tons of awesome video and pics. First 2 were straight duds and caused me to think dud or two females. Luckily I was wrong and the 4-6 have gotten to wrigglers and then a few free swimmers. This last time all eggs were white so I was a little concerned because after they took some extra time to just be themselves and I was about to put them back into my 150, well the female started to pucker at the glass and I got to cleaning the tank (it needed it) and giving a water change with para Gaurd and half dose of stress Gaurd. Honestly I was hoping to get away with leaving it natural and the last hatch that didn’t fertilize I did that. The previous early attempts I used para and stress and it worked so I figure go back to it
I guess I’m more or less making this to see in these boring corona times if anyone wants to follow along and for the good or the bad see how it went and what I can do if anything to help or possibly am I hindering. I have another 30 gallon plexi in my living room that is ready and cycled to take the babies if they ever do get going so for now I just wait.

My parameters for my water is 82 temp and 7.8 ph and 125 ppm. I have not tested the nitrate or nitrite in the water because my fluid ran out but before it did (month ago) they were solid with no nitrite and barley any register for nitrate. I have a large sponge that was going with a FluvalSmart for a months and then I moved FluvalSmart to grow tank in living room so all the discus have now is sponge so I do (realistically if I’m being honest) %50 w/c weekly and I can honestly say I hit this before I do any of my other 4 tanks ��. That’s the background that should get you caught up if your following and everything in me wants to see these 2 have babies because too me at least there very beautiful and for a rare find in a lfs as a last 2 I’m speechless so I’m willing to put in the work for these guys. Side not from there last hatch that did have wrigglers I ended up with 2 free swimmers that I think got stuck somewhere in the tank and the fish were starting a new spawn with these 2 free swimmers.. alas it only lasted a day and then I couldn’t find them. This has been such a rewarding experience and I am grateful for anyone willing to go along with me to help steer me toward a successful breeding pair (I feel like I have always wanted a successful discus hatch the moment I fell in love with them and it potentially is going to happen). What’s also so inspiring is to watch the different techniques they use and placement of eggs. One hatch the eggs were everywhere and that grew to now a more refined clutching or cluster of the eggs and I really can feel them problem solving with only the resources they have. If you have any questions please feel free to ask but I am going to update progress as you know time frame is rather quick for us to find out how it goes.

04-08-2020, 10:46 PM

04-09-2020, 11:24 AM
Wow, cool I used the video insert link and added the youtube share link but it didn't add it into page like yours did. Could you tell me how to do it correctly in the future so it shows the way you did Danotaylor, please and thank you!

04-09-2020, 12:05 PM
Wow, cool I used the video insert link and added the youtube share link but it didn't add it into page like yours did. Could you tell me how to do it correctly in the future so it shows the way you did Danotaylor, please and thank you!

I believe you just need to take the 's' out of the https .

04-09-2020, 09:01 PM
Congrats and nice fish, can't say I've seen any stock like that at any of my LFSs

04-09-2020, 11:33 PM
I believe you just need to take the 's' out of the https .

Sweet thanks!

04-09-2020, 11:38 PM
Well normally I would say I’m lucky because this store specialized in Discus but ever since they went to salt their discus section has decreased. These were probably the last pair of nice looking fish in that store (now it’s smaller fish but many have Gill fluke and cloudy eye). I should probably say I feed them a mix of my own made food with natural color enhancers, and boy can I say after a month there quite something! The video does a good job but it’s also to over exposed as the colors are vibrant but more natural.

04-10-2020, 08:16 PM
Thanks Josh! Dude, please keep updating!

04-10-2020, 10:38 PM

Day 3 and I have a few white but that looks like a wall of gold to me at this stage! Boy I hope they all start wriggling!


For those that are following along here is the home they came from. The plants are coming back after a Hiatus of co2... I was being lazy and didn’t want to refill. It’s bouncing back and the other discus in there are looking really nice too. Once I get some wriggling action (I hope) I will get you guys a nice video of that. I really am hoping that me sharing with you guys is the luck straw in the breeding discus bucket because I didn’t know what to grasp in next. I guess for those following along too I have a few questions for those that have been in my shoes. Do you feed your discus parents during the hatching phase? Do you do water changes? Do you slow the flow or speed it up. I’m just curious as I would love to hear how your breeding went and what seemed to work for you. Thanks again guys for following along with me as I feel exposed a little knowing it failed 7 times prior, I feel like others are rooting me on!

04-10-2020, 10:39 PM
Can someone also help me with posting pics in correct orientation. In my phone there straight but once posted the turn and I see other posts where there straight! I wish I could just edit the photo

04-11-2020, 12:45 AM
Just wondering, is your LFS aqua life aquarium? They get their discus from Golden State discus, a sponsor in this forum. That could explain why the discus are so nice.

04-11-2020, 09:39 AM
No I live in sacramento and the owner went overseas for his discus. Trust me he was devoted and knew what he was doing. Like I said he grew out of discus unfortunately for salt (good for him) but his efforts are more salt now probably because he makes more money. That being said I would have to say my personal fish food helped a lot in their growth and coloring but these 2 specifically have good genes. Not the best but too me their perfect. I just wish I can upload better shots. I will upload an image sideways next time to see if that fixes it.

04-11-2020, 12:38 PM
Can someone also help me with posting pics in correct orientation. In my phone there straight but once posted the turn and I see other posts where there straight! I wish I could just edit the photo

Your pics are small enough for the forum software to post, but I think it turns them to fit. If you resize them down or crop them slightly I think they will post correctly.

04-11-2020, 01:38 PM
Your pics are small enough for the forum software to post, but I think it turns them to fit. If you resize them down or crop them slightly I think they will post correctly.
Thank you that makes sense. I should have some exciting pics to post when I get home

04-11-2020, 03:53 PM
Here is what you were all waiting for!


I will show pictures when lights are at their brightest

04-11-2020, 04:42 PM
Nice .
Hopefully they will attach ..

04-12-2020, 12:30 PM
Well start of day 4 and it looks like they got moved to the bottom corner but at this stage this is the most that have ever lived to this point. I guess time will tell with these guys and if the black walls are going to be an issue. I wish we were not locked down for corona because I would just go to Joanns and get some white art non toxic paint and change it white. If the fry don’t hatch after this attempt I will do that... I guess I should also take the parents out and flip the tank and do the bottom, ugh the work... but their worth it.


04-13-2020, 03:25 PM
Looks like a good batch, they should be almost free swimming by now.
You can place a black slate where
they last spawn


04-14-2020, 04:01 PM
Looks like a good batch, they should be almost free swimming by now.
You can place a black slate where
they last spawn


Things are looking up!!!


04-14-2020, 08:02 PM
You might turn off the sponge for 5 minutes sometimes this will force the
fry back on to the parents.


04-14-2020, 09:17 PM
You might turn off the sponge for 5 minutes sometimes this will force the
fry back on to the parents.


Thank you Cliff, I will give this a try! When I went to go look at the tank after reading your advice I just sat there and watched... and... watched, it really looked like they enjoyed the back of the tank and why wouldn’t they as all 3 sides are painted black. Now with the heater up front and the filter it does seem like more babies are on the parents and it gives the parents the full length of the back of the tank to swim across. I will see how it goes, and again thanks for the advice!


04-15-2020, 04:29 PM
I will let some time lapse now for updates as time is really what I’m waiting for now. Here is a video I just took and I am very happy


04-19-2020, 01:33 PM
It’s time for a little update. These babies are looking good and you can see clear definition. They are interested in baby brine so hopefully they will take to my Discus DIY food. Everything is going smooth and I cannot wait to get these guys out in the grow tank. I will include a picture of the grow tank and also one of my Show tank... the show tank needs cleaning and I will be getting to that.

04-19-2020, 03:30 PM
They look great !

04-19-2020, 07:35 PM
Thank you! I’ll include a bonus video of “parents squabble”


04-19-2020, 11:14 PM
Should I be concerned of some fighting? This video was the aftermath but the violently went at it for 15 seconds scattering babies and it looked like mom was upset and looking to eat a baby swimming close. Things have settled and there back to taking care of babies. At what point would I remove one parent? The fry haven’t eaten anything but the parents at this stage so I hope the dad could handle the rest. Like anything I will give it time but if I were listening to what my discus are saying the energy is building up.


04-20-2020, 04:50 AM
I had to separate my pair for their first spawn ..
Many here suggest a eggcrate divider so the fry can go back and fourth .

04-20-2020, 10:23 PM
I had to separate my pair for their first spawn ..
Many here suggest a eggcrate divider so the fry can go back and fourth .

I bought the egg crate and I have been watching very closely, it really seems like they had a squabble and there okay now. In fact it seems like they are doing more 100% shared babysitting instead of both of them at once. I think they were talking it out.

04-26-2020, 06:53 PM
Time for update of day 14. I put the egg crate in and everyone has been growing along smoothly.


04-26-2020, 07:21 PM
Well done .
My pair keeps eating their eggs and my youngest fry are almost 3 months and huge , so for now I am living vicariously through your post ..
Love seeing them !

04-29-2020, 11:46 PM
Well done .
My pair keeps eating their eggs and my youngest fry are almost 3 months and huge , so for now I am living vicariously through your post ..
Love seeing them !
Thanks! It has been many years coming so to see them at this stage I’m stoked... I’m dreading the day of separation to just think I haven’t done enough or wasn’t prepared but I can’t think that now... just got to keep moving forward.
Here is an update


05-02-2020, 10:59 AM
I got a Day 17 Update. They are looking awesome with tiny flare of color which is getting me jazzed. How much longer should I keep the babies with the parents before I move them? they will go for BS now but still graze the parents which I am sure they would keep doing so I want to separate so I can concentrate on my parents and getting them in better shape after some fighting. I am really wondering whats going to happen after the move with the parents and if they will still fight.

This video I took in 4K so you might have to view on computer to see the best quality, but I got some really nice close ups so enjoy.


Here is a cool time lapse I did for fun as well


05-02-2020, 12:58 PM
They look great .
I would think you could separate them any time now . The most important thing is they know to recognize food and eat it .
Do you plan on moving the parents or the fry ?
My male whipped the females tail the same as yours looks with their first spawn .It was the reason I separated them .
Here I was nervous also ; http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?136256-Tail-biter&highlight=
I moved the fry but I would move the parents in your case .My pair and fry were in a 60g so I moved he fry to a 29g and let the parents have the big tank to themselves .
They spawned days after being re introduced and I am still raising the fry who are 3 months old just 2 days ago ..
Here is my fry !

05-02-2020, 04:06 PM
They look great .
I would think you could separate them any time now . The most important thing is they know to recognize food and eat it .
Do you plan on moving the parents or the fry ?
My male whipped the females tail the same as yours looks with their first spawn .It was the reason I separated them .
Here I was nervous also ; http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?136256-Tail-biter&highlight=
I moved the fry but I would move the parents in your case .My pair and fry were in a 60g so I moved he fry to a 29g and let the parents have the big tank to themselves .
They spawned days after being re introduced and I am still raising the fry who are 3 months old just 2 days ago ..
Here is my fry !

I was going to move the fry to their own 30 gallon and keep the parents in the same tank but just recently the grow out tank I was going to use has 6 different fish just to keep water going but I just noticed Ick on 4 of them so I’m treating tank anyway but I’m inclined to just move the parents up into this 30 Because there stronger and keep fry in the same tank and parameters that have been working. The difference in the two tanks is one is 1.5 yrs old and running while the grow out is 2 months old. The tank got cycled media in Fluval and I have 2 sponge filters And 2 fluidized media canisters as well so filtration should be no problem. I will say I don’t like this light and I think I’m going to change it to a Fluval light.
The babies recognize me know and come running to the front of the tank so I think there ready. I’m trying to get them used to crushed flake food so I can put it in a timer and have that feed while I’m at work. On top of that they will be getting frozen and live brine (lfs has nice live black worm and bs) as well as my DIY food that really doesn’t cloud water and can stay on bottom in chucks for a while. I just need to break a bunch of smaller pieces so everyone can share lol

05-02-2020, 07:29 PM
Nice going, you can separate the fry. You may want to cull the sliders.

Please keep us updated.


05-02-2020, 07:58 PM
Take out mon and dad. The kids are doing very well and no longer need them. The pair could use some time off feeding fry from their bodies to recover well. JMHO, of course.

05-02-2020, 09:19 PM
Nice going, you can separate the fry. You may want to cull the sliders.

Please keep us updated.


Thanks for you insight, and I am sorry for sounding very noob... but what are sliders? This is my first batch that I have raised so the culling process is new and at this size I don’t know what to look for and I really should do it sooner than later because it’s going to wreck my heart.

05-02-2020, 09:21 PM
Take out mon and dad. The kids are doing very well and no longer need them. The pair could use some time off feeding fry from their bodies to recover well. JMHO, of course.

Thanks Liz! I think I have settled on this as the best option and the parents will be in my main living room again so that will be cool. I guess I can put a breeding cone in their and in the event they spawn again hopefully the babies will be stronger to make a flip flop.

05-03-2020, 11:56 AM
Really nice fry. I would be interested in some when they are ready.
If you are interested in the dark Rams or gold, we could do a trade. I have some that are about 3.5 months old and another group that is about 1.5 months old.
Or, if not, would be happy to purchase a group of 6-8.

05-03-2020, 02:44 PM
Thanks for you insight, and I am sorry for sounding very noob... but what are sliders? This is my first batch that I have raised so the culling process is new and at this size I don’t know what to look for and I really should do it sooner than later because it’s going to wreck my heart.

Sliders are Discus with bladder problems.
Discus swimming at a 45 degrees angle(kind of a snobbish look), sometimes they will lay flat on their sides till its feeding time.


05-03-2020, 04:43 PM
Sliders are Discus with bladder problems.
Discus swimming at a 45 degrees angle(kind of a snobbish look), sometimes they will lay flat on their sides till its feeding time.


Ok got it, thanks Cliff! In your experience what is the best method for culling? It’s my first time

05-03-2020, 04:44 PM
Really nice fry. I would be interested in some when they are ready.
If you are interested in the dark Rams or gold, we could do a trade. I have some that are about 3.5 months old and another group that is about 1.5 months old.
Or, if not, would be happy to purchase a group of 6-8.

Yea sounds like we can figure it out. For now I need to do my best to raise them up

05-05-2020, 07:06 PM
Ok got it, thanks Cliff! In your experience what is the best method for culling? It’s my first time

Usually I start to cull early as possible for deformities such as:
short gill plates
cloudy or chip eyes
beakie or parrot mouth
short anal and dorsal fins
bent tail
Oval or oblong body
these are only a few thing to look


05-07-2020, 09:49 PM


So I am updating now and sorry for the gaps but life get crazy and I am going into work an hour earlier so that has changed my whole world but I am adjusting. So here is my dilemma...The tank I had ready for parents I had bought some rams for my 150 but didn't have anywhere to put them for quarantine except that tank and I was even hesitant at first. Long story short the fish got ick and even with treatment it got works and took the lives of 2 smaller rams and 1 medium sized and I have one left that I was medicating. What worries me is that tank getting my parents sick so the other spot is too put them back into the 150 but if they spawn again chances are it will be on glass because that's what they like and that batch will not survive. If I want to go back and net them out it is not an easy process with my 150 and there are other larger discus in my main tank so that might not go so well. I am contemplating buying a new tank and the filters running in the tank I have now are cycled. I should end with when I put the rams in the tank when i bought them home i saw specks of ick but I have gotten rid of it from lck so I gambled and now I am just worried about the parents getting anything from the tank. Any thought would be appreciated but come this weekend something is happening.

05-12-2020, 09:41 PM
Hi guys, I hope everyone is well and doing good. Sounds like the country is coming back to life so that’s a good thing and my Corona Breeding has been a total success. I took the parents out finally and honestly they both were doing well with the babies so I almost didn’t want to take them out. Ultimately I decided the feeding and cleaning would be easier without parents. I ended up buying a 30 Tall and swapped my plexi and I couldn’t be happier.

Update on parents they did not enjoy each other’s company so she went back into the 150 and she isn’t being chased and is fitting right in. The male is getting time out in this new tank, and really he actually looks nice in a 30X glass tank and maybe he will calm down but I don’t feel like chasing him out of my 150. For now the arrangement is working

Here she is in the 150

Here is a video of the babies at day 28


Depending on how many babies I get I might just clear out my 150 and start with just the babies or get a bigger tank for adults with nothing but sand 😍, and keep the 150 for the babies...

05-19-2020, 02:42 AM
Just an Update but it's a long video also showing my setups and other tanks. the babies are mentioned at the beginning. I hope all is well with everyone out there and I hope people are returning back to their daily lives slowly.


05-19-2020, 05:28 AM
Looking good mate...nice work!

05-19-2020, 09:09 PM
Looking good mate...nice work!

I appreciate it, the struggles are real being the parents 8th attempt but I am glad to have now gone full circle with the discus hobby and the first successful breed and they didn’t die off... I really thought that was going to happen once, luck me

05-24-2020, 02:40 AM
Just a video for everyone


05-30-2020, 05:08 PM
Looking good , should see the round Discus shape in another week or two.


05-30-2020, 06:04 PM
They look amazing mate, fat little bellies, happy disposition! Keep at it, you're doing great!

06-13-2020, 03:56 PM
I will be doing an update video this weekend so if anyone wants to see an update it’s coming!

06-13-2020, 11:06 PM
Bring it on Yashua :thumbsup:

06-14-2020, 06:57 PM
Heck yeah Josh!

06-14-2020, 09:00 PM
The weekend is nearly over!! :drummer:

07-06-2020, 04:56 PM
Well sorry it’s been a while guys. A lot has happend for me and I’m voluntarily quarantine at home because my roommate probably has covid... test results should be in today. So lucky for us I took update videos but never posted them so I have a couple that I will share in this post but wow have they started to grow guys! For now here is the 2 video update I promised and so much time passed I took another

The video I promised


The video I took a week after


I will be taking another video this weekend just for those who are interested in seeing the growth with a week intervals. I also see a few small discus now that I will probably cull but the experience of watching them grow was invaluable. Seeing who really couldn’t swim or gills deformed, but those actually ended up being floaters when I came home so I guess you could say they naturally got culled but now I’m getting to some nice size and healthy eaters so it’s probably time to make the drastic cut. I think right now I have about 25 left

07-06-2020, 05:25 PM
They got great color for their size .
Hope your healthy or recover well.

07-06-2020, 05:32 PM
They got great color for their size .
Hope your healthy or recover well.

Thank you! I take care in giving them a mixed diet of live black worms / Brine shrimp / flake food / and last my homemade food that has spurlina and astaxanthin so that’s probably where most of the color comes from. I almost want to take another video right now because the change in 2 days is crazy, but this weekend should be a nice reveal!

I’m doing my best to stay healthy but I’m pretty sure I got it and trying to work because my work needs me is really the difficult part. Anyhow I have had more time with the fish and they seem to chase me around now so that’s a plus lol

07-19-2020, 08:33 PM
Another update


07-21-2020, 03:56 AM
I do love the coloring !
Way to go with the asaxathin .That is a good natural color enhancer .

07-21-2020, 08:47 AM
Is it the lighting? There is a dark one with a white face? Nice looking 3 month old fish.

07-27-2020, 01:31 AM
I do love the coloring !
Way to go with the asaxathin .That is a good natural color enhancer .

Thank You! I need to make another batch and my dad wants some too. I hope the supermarkets have beef heart on hand. I will make sure to put the asaxathin and purlina in the mix again!

07-27-2020, 01:32 AM
Is it the lighting? There is a dark one with a white face? Nice looking 3 month old fish.

The lighting does play havoc to camera but no I think that’s mostly from the water change I did abo 15 mins before video. They still get all excited and it takes them about 10 mins to calm down and come chasing me every time I walk by so that’s probably just the color change from stress

07-27-2020, 01:43 PM
Very nice, seeing some color forming around head.


07-27-2020, 10:23 PM
Very nice, seeing some color forming around head.


Thanks Cliff that means a lot. I know they have a long way to go and I probably should cull 1 or 2 more but this really is a learning experience and the parents have had several batches that haven’t taken and I wa really down on myself but I then realized I would be overwhelmed if I had to keep up with wrigglers and these babies. I guess it’s a blessing but I would love more batches from the parent lol

07-27-2020, 11:40 PM
Good work Joshua...jazzed for ya mate :thumbsup: