View Full Version : please help...

04-10-2020, 12:03 AM
So I am appealing to experts in here I just noticed my discus breeding by accident. They laid eggs on the filter intake pipe. And I want to know if it is safe to do water changes should I do water changes till they hatch? Any qualified info would be helpful . They lay the eggs about 3 in from the surface of the tank so I can't go very low only about two inches from the top for a water change. Thank you

04-10-2020, 12:07 AM
Is this the first time they’ve laid eggs? Are you planning on breeding?

04-10-2020, 12:13 AM
This is the first time I didn't even know that they were paired off. I was just doing my weekly water change and noticed the eggs on the intake and got pretty pumped up that I'm doing something right. I mean I will always lie try to keep them alive if they are hatched but I didn't have plans on becoming a breeder so to speak.

04-10-2020, 12:15 AM
I'll be the first to admit that I'm in over my head. I'm willing to set up a another tank after they hatch to grow them out I'm not afraid of hard work either.

04-10-2020, 08:00 AM
Congratulations on getting your discus to spawn. At least, the female appears ready to do so. You have no evidence that the male participated. Males come into sexual maturity 3 - 6 months after females, so its unlikely if they came from the same spawn. If the male did participate, that's great. You'll need to see if the spawn is fertile, which will happen in 60 hours at 82F. Again, first spawns are almost never fertile. A mated pair of discus often require 10 - 20 tries before getting it right. So you've got plenty of time to enjoy the process.

Setting up a separate tank is a good idea. I'd move the pair to this tank AFTER you see a fertile spawn. Then you're cooking! ;)

04-10-2020, 08:15 AM
Congratulations on getting your discus to spawn. At least, the female appears ready to do so. You have no evidence that the male participated. Males come into sexual maturity 3 - 6 months after females, so its unlikely if they came from the same spawn. If the male did participate, that's great. You'll need to see if the spawn is fertile, which will happen in 60 hours at 82F. Again, first spawns are almost never fertile. A mated pair of discus often require 10 - 20 tries before getting it right. So you've got plenty of time to enjoy the process.

Setting up a separate tank is a good idea. I'd move the pair to this tank AFTER you see a fertile spawn. Then you're cooking! ;)

Okay thank you very much. The two discus are from two separate stores that purchase them as adults so I don't know their ages. And I did not see any evidence that the mail is participating other than he hangs out over there. But thank you I will take that information to Heart. My tank is at 82 degrees all the time. I am going to thoroughly enjoy this process. At least I know they're happy

04-10-2020, 09:25 AM
How many discus do you have? And is it a bare bottom tank? Good luck with your eggs and future eggs :). Some pics would be nice!

04-10-2020, 10:10 AM
How many discus do you have? And is it a bare bottom tank? Good luck with your eggs and future eggs :). Some pics would be nice!

For discus in my tank two juvenile two adults from two different stores. I got them all back in October and November of last year. It is not a bare bottom tank, it also has tetras which could complicate things I'm sure. I'll post a picture the lights are off with my timer right now but I will put one up from a week ago. I'm definitely not set up for success in this case. I had no intention on breeding in fact I didn't think I would be able to even get it to happen with that few number of fish it would be easier to be struck by lightning Maybe only two adults haha from two different stores.

04-10-2020, 10:12 AM
I don't know how to put pictures up

04-10-2020, 10:36 AM
For discus in my tank two juvenile two adults from two different stores. I got them all back in October and November of last year. It is not a bare bottom tank, it also has tetras which could complicate things I'm sure. I'll post a picture the lights are off with my timer right now but I will put one up from a week ago. I'm definitely not set up for success in this case. I had no intention on breeding in fact I didn't think I would be able to even get it to happen with that few number of fish it would be easier to be struck by lightning Maybe only two adults haha from two different stores.


04-10-2020, 10:42 AM

04-10-2020, 10:46 AM

I apologize for the poor quality but this picture is taken with the lights off and there is a tremendous amount of glare in My Den. But this is them with the lights off

04-10-2020, 12:36 PM
Nice pictures !
Good looking round fish there ..

04-10-2020, 12:38 PM
Thank you!!! Shopped for weeks before pulling trigger.

04-10-2020, 01:34 PM
Well if it’s their first time laying eggs. They will more than likely eat them. It usually take many time laying eggs before they get it right. So you should have time ti decide if you want to breed and than set up a breeding tank. Or if your not interested just leave them be and the eggs will be eatin. If not by them than others in the tank.

Nice looking discus and tank! Good luck.

04-10-2020, 03:58 PM
Awesome thank you! I well set up another tank if they continue to try.