View Full Version : Are you 1 strain or not

04-12-2020, 03:12 PM
I think getting back to discus. I have 150 gal.planted tank. I think of 1 strain of discus what do think? thanks Ed

04-12-2020, 03:16 PM
I like the look of one strain only the best .
Not that mixed tanks look bad but all one strain seems most natural in appearance to me .

04-12-2020, 04:05 PM
I'm working right now on making my own line of red spotted blue SS's from a cross between a domestic RSG and a Blue Scorpion. I've run into a lot of unexpected problems along the way. If I get to the point where I'm certain that I will get nowhere with this effort I will take the lot to the LPS. I have been keeping the 3 best of Al's Red SS in reserve. They have fewer faults that bother me than my home bred fish, but I'll sure miss the passion I have for my current project.

The answer to the question is that I am a 1 strain person who keeps her options open.

04-12-2020, 05:04 PM
Although one strain seems more pleasing to the eye, I think it's a shame not to have multiple strains. I really like the beauty of each strain of discus so I personally have one of each in my tanks. I think multiple strains look great as long as you're putting in the same color such as blues or reds. Another reason I have multiple strains is due to the expense of discus. I can't fathom spending $50 or more on 6 fish that look all the same. I would do one strain if I somehow bred my own discus.
Though I do agree with the general consensus that one strain tanks are the way to go. Too often, us fishkeepers get overwhelmed by the plethora of choices and then choose to add one of each. This results in a unnatural looking tank. Another advantage of single strained tanks is that they'll be compatible come breeding time.

04-12-2020, 05:25 PM
One strain! I love one strain tanks. They look sharp. That said, it's so damn hard to resist having more than one with all the awesome strains out there! I might have to hide another tank from my wife so I can have more than one strain!

04-12-2020, 06:10 PM
I see the beauty and class w a single strain, but....having said that....I have two tanks of reds/blues and one of yellows. It’s really a matter of personal preference......and......the fact that I can’t decide which one I like most. So I put several of each in and enjoy from my centrally located recliner. What a way to take a nap by being surrounded by such magestic serene fish and the sounds of running water/bubbles.

04-12-2020, 06:45 PM
I think getting back to discus. I have 150 gal.planted tank. I think of 1 strain of discus what do think? thanks Ed

One strain has its appeal, if you enjoy that strain. If it were me I would find those same strain fish from three or four different sources. I have always thought that inbreeding is not a good thing. Bad genes get worse genes is my fear or even inherent health weaknesses. Tutankhamen and his ilk never figured that out and look what rewards incest got for them. I have two directions at the moment. Grouping wild Alenquer crosses and I do have a pair made up of the Blue Scorpion and Albino Gold. I would hope to get green offspring, blue and yellow makes green on the color wheel, but that is not how it works so I would most likely get some yellows and some blues out of that pairing. I'm going to be interested to learn what Liz develops because of the Blue Scorpion.

04-14-2020, 08:56 AM
No interest in breeding so I like a mix. If you buy 1 strain your getting fish from the same hatch. So more of a chance of some lagging behind. Getting a mix at the same size I believe less chance of lagging. And as said when your paying this much for fish why look at the same thing :). There’s a hobbiest view and a breeders view. I’m a hobbiest :).