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View Full Version : How long do discus take to pair off?

04-28-2020, 11:14 AM
My long term plan is to attempt to breed discus. I know its a lot of work but I want to see if I can do it. I have done a lot of research and will start setting up a tank over the next few weeks to months. Once I feel comfortable that I can change the water properly and the tank seems stable, I will order 8-10 discus that are about 2.5" each, in the hopes of getting a pair. I understand that when they start getting bigger I will need to sell them or move them to different tanks, so I was wondering how long a 55g would last? When would I start noticing any pairing behavior? If they dont pair until 5", then there is no point in getting 8-10 because I will need to remove them before they even began trying to pair.

04-28-2020, 12:59 PM
If they pair off it can be anywhere from 8 months to 2 years. Females can start laying eggs long before a male matures.

I wouldn't keep that many in a 55g much after they reach 3.5 to 4" unless you'll be doing major daily water changes...

04-28-2020, 01:05 PM
Yea I was planning to do fairly major changes, but this is good information and I may adjust what I plan to do

05-01-2020, 09:45 AM
My approach would be to get 8 - 10 2.5" discus and grow them up doing daily water changes. Out of 10 discus, I'd be really happy to get 2 - 3 really nice fish, 4 - 5 average looking discus and 2 - 3 complete duds (undersized, bad shape, poor color...). As they grow up, I sell off the lesser desirable fish at our local auction and end up with 5 - 6 of the best ones for pairing purposes. Discus are not widgets, there are nicer ones and uglier ones. I've received both types from every seller I ever dealt with.


05-16-2020, 11:12 AM
:bandana: Agree w/ "Willie". Out of a lot of 10 you'll have to choose 5 or 6 & rehome the rest. Once you've decided, you can begin trying to entice breeding behavior by increased mega WC's, elevated temps, premium feedings etc. There is still no guarantee but your best efforts should be spent on that select few and fingers crossed you might be successful. Good Luck! "T"