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View Full Version : Herbicidals 240 gallon with 3D background

05-03-2020, 01:12 AM
Hello everyone. It has been awhile since I've posted any kind of updates. Just over two years ago I was very fortunate to be able to upgrade to my dream aquarium of 240 gallons! I kept my 155 gallon aquarium with an Aquaterra 3D background for several months of overlap while the new aquarium was set up and cycled. Then I gradually moved over the Discus and their tankmates.

Bringing it home. Here it was strapped to a rental trailer at the shipping companies parking lot. I had about a 25 mile drive home on the freeway and I was sweating bullets the whole time! Should have rented stouter tie-downs, but it worked and I made it home safely.

With the help of many neighbors and friends, we unloaded everything from the trailer. It was shipped with the canopy on the tank and the tank on the stand. Here is the tank with the UV sterilizer and hoses to plumb it. It is 1/2 inch thick glass and very heavy!!! I opted for a 60 gallon sump that sits in the stand. I also ordered a 3D background and it was installed at the company after the tank was built. It's fairly thin and wraps around the two overflows at the back.

This is a close up of the background and the right hand side overflow:

The canopy and stand were unfinished wood and my dear wife painted everything black for me. Here is the tank on the stand and the sump underneath. I've already added an LED light underneath so I can see the sump for regular maintenance. Working on the location of the sump and then the plumbing. The white-ish strip on the stand is where a trim piece needs to go. Note the opening on the right end of the stand to allow the sump to be placed inside. It's just a panel that lifts on and off.

Sump end view with UV sterilizer on top:

Another view of sump, pump, UV sterilizer and LED light:

Painted under the canopy white and added an LED strip light before I moved over the 6' main LED light from the 155. Also converted the drop in panels for the canopy to lift open doors using a piano hinge on both:

Finally all together! The 155 is just to the left. Still need to add the trim on the stand and more plumbing work on the overflows. Also want to convert the front two drop in panels on the stand to swing open doors. It was actually rather a pain to find the right style hinges to make it work.

More info and pictures to come as time permits.

05-03-2020, 03:32 AM
Noice! :thumbsup:

05-03-2020, 06:45 AM
Wow! Can't wait to see more ..

Second Hand Pat
05-03-2020, 08:48 AM
You will love that size tank. I am cleaning and resetting up my 230. You might consider hanging a power strip on the inside for the stand near the top. The reason for hanging it is if you should have a leak inside you do not want any live power in the water. I also like to line my stands with the vinyl shower liner used to line actually showers. I run the liner about 2 inches up the side. This is in case of a leak and you can place a water alarm on the bottom of the stand. :D

05-03-2020, 11:21 AM
That is an amazing tank you have !!........I am looking to upgrade in size myself........only thing is that since we reside in Bermuda, I need to be certain that my next tank is a well constructed tank, as it will have to be shipped to me and I don't want to mess around with manufacturing defects which may result in having to return it. My tank I am replacing is an Oceanic 180 gallon bowfront and it is well constructed, the glass is very thick and all the joints are very neatly and securely sealed. I hope you don't mind me asking the brand of your tank and how satisfied you have been with it in terms of overall quality.

05-03-2020, 11:47 PM
Thank you all for your comments and tips! Great idea Second Hand Pat on hanging the power strip and the shower liner with water alarm, very smart! Great suggestions for anyone starting out or redoing a set up. In reality, the tank and sump have been up and running now for about a year and a half. ;) I am finally making the time to bring my journal to life. However, I will move the power strip off the bottom and hang from the back or side wall.

Hey Crockett, I bought the whole she'bang from GlassCages.com. Overall things went fairly smoothly. A few communication issues and delays. The delays were most Mother Nature as it was winter when I placed my order. The background was shipped from a different state and again, weather delayed a monthly shipment. Everything arrived well packaged and with no damage.

OK, onward with a few more pictures.

Once the aquarium was plumbed and filled with water (and only water) and verified no leaks, I needed to do something about the horrible sucking noises coming from the overflows! Sounded like the tank was emptying continuously onto the floor! Hard to sleep that first night. Did some searches and long story short, discovered that the durso overflow silencer was the least expensive and easiest way to quiet the noise. In fact, the difference is night and day! Note the hole in the top cap, that is where the magic happens. Google 'durso overflow silencer' to see exactly how it works. Simply genius!

Left side:

Right side:

Adjustable returns, four "tips" in total:

I had to expand and extend the water return "slots" in the background 'deeper' down and notch them to allow the returns to fit under the glass top. Then I had to balance the length and position of the overflow tubes (up or down) to adjust the water level in the aquarium so that it was just high enough that the canopy "hides" the water line. MUCH trial and error!

I transfered over my Jehmco heater controller and the two 500 watt titanium heating rods to the sump. Apologies for the sideways picture of the controller. Actual temperature is set for 84 degrees.

Then loaded up the sump with various filter media including two large bags of bio balls (300 balls each?) and a pair of 200 micron filter socks. Also have a pair of 100 micron when I really want to go nuts!


I elevated the filter sock platform to accommodate longer, deeper socks. This picture shows the shorter sock that I ended up not using.

OK, this is all I have time for tonight. More pictures coming and of course the reason for all this, the DISCUS!!! :D

05-05-2020, 11:45 AM
Looks incredible mate

05-05-2020, 05:09 PM
Looks incredible mate

Thank you Shan. Hope to post more of the initial build in the next couple of days and have all that documented.

05-07-2020, 11:56 PM
While I still had my 6' LED light on my old aquarium, I needed some kind of lighting for the new one. So I picked up a 10' length of LED rope light. It has a remote control and allows for color changes. I liked it so much I left it in the canopy and have it on it's own timer. This light, when set to a pale blue, is my morning "wake up" light. It comes on about 20 minutes before the main LED light. There is a controller on the main light that is able to start off fairly dim so as not to startle the Discus with a bright light.

The main light is on for about 45 minutes in the morning, then dims and turns off. The rope light remains on for another 20 minutes then shuts off. There are no lights until about 3:40 in the afternoon then the rope light comes on and at 4pm the main light gradually comes on up to about 60% of it's capability. This thing can get BRIGHT!!! Then at 9pm, the main light starts a slow fade for about 20 minutes then shuts off. The rope light remains on for another 20 minutes than shuts off for the night. Maybe a little much, but makes for kind of a sunrise, sunset, sunrise again and sunset again. ;) Here's a couple of the colors. The canopy is upside down and the rope light is more towards the front.




It is interesting to see how the different colors of the Discus are enhanced in some cases. Perhaps I'll try to get a tank picture. The low light level will probably require a tripod or something similar for my camera.

Here is a picture inside the canopy of the various light timers and controllers plus the rope light remote. Periodically, for a good cleaning and\or rearranging of the aquascape, I have to remove the entire canopy. By unplugging 3 plugs, I can lift (with help) it right off and set it on some stands. Then it's so much easier to remove all the glass panels on top. Just visible is a small portion of the overhead LED light:

Sorry for the poor quality picture due to reflections, but there is a water circulation pump in the bottom of the sump to keep detritus from settling. Works pretty darn well I must say! Also, there are the two 500 watt titanium heater rods in the same area so helps to minimize hot spots around the heaters:

Ran into an issue very quickly with too much humidity inside the stand due to the 60 gallon sump. Solved the problem by adding two louvered floor vents, one at each end of the stand. Here is an outside the stand (the light is on inside the stand) view followed by inside the stand looking out:


That's all I have for now. Just about done with the configuration of the hardware so to speak. Next will be some of my early pictures of the whole set up, including Discus and working towards how it is today.

05-10-2020, 01:53 PM
Awesome setup! Just a heads up, those bio balls are pretty bad at filtration in anything other than a wet/dry.

I would definitely swap them out for some sintered glass (Biohome / Eheim Pro), horticultural pumice, or BBQ lava rocks.

All are progressively less expensive from left to right, and are capable of developing anaerobic bacteria that help consume Nitrates.

05-11-2020, 01:58 PM
Thank you Thingsarefun! I appreciate the tip regarding the bio balls and better alternatives. I'll do some further research on your recommendations.

05-11-2020, 03:33 PM
Nice and clean, tight setup under the stand. The floor vent was a great idea, never seen that before

05-11-2020, 08:35 PM
Thank you pantherlax. Just thought a little flow through ventilation would be a good idea. Ended up with a couple of plastic 'lids' over some areas of the sump. Those items combined = no more dampness on the ceiling or walls underneath the stand.

05-14-2020, 11:25 PM
OK, enough of the "hardware" pictures for now. Please keep in mind these next set of pictures are how I started back around July of 2018. So aquarium lighting, camera (phone), attempt at aquascaping and my skill level for all of those were, well... pretty uninspired. But, this is a journal and it will be interesting to look back at the early days and see the progression.

So, swallowing my pride, here are some early days pictures.

A couple of newcomers in quarantine. I still have a 30 gallon bare bottom tank I use for new arrivals and of course when one of Discus are not feeling well.

A couple of full tank shots from different angles. Not much in here yet and I had not yet moved over my 6 foot LED light from BuildmyLED.com. So this is light from that rope LED that has different colors. I think this was simply a "warm white". The wood is manzanita (copius amounts about an hour away from where I live) and I was trying to simulate roots coming into the aquarium.

Not a great picture either. Sigh. The guy in the upper left doesn't look so hot. I honestly don't recall, but like to think I put him in the hospital tank shortly after this picture. Definitely looking stressed. Some random fake plant was put in there for a splash of color at the far end. It is long gone.

A slightly different angle and for some reason I had left a stand door open. Again, a bit embarrassed to even post these. But, the pictures do get better! Gotta start somewhere, right?

That's all I have time for tonight. I'll post more "progression" pictures hopefully soon and when I get to near present, there is a bunch more color! Looking pretty brown at this point.

05-17-2020, 08:10 PM
Went searching for some more pictures from 2019 and found a couple from early in the year. Still experimenting with the manzanita branches and a few fakes plants for some greenery and contrast. Decided not to try live plants this time around.

Looks like one of Al's freeze dried black worm cubes stuck to the glass. They do love those bw cubes!

One of my all time favorites! A Virgin Red:

Apparently after these two pictures, I did not take very many more in 2019. It was a VERY busy year for my family and I did not spend much time sitting down in front of my aquarium and taking pictures. Ah well. So the next round of updates will come from 2020.

Dinners ready! I'm outta here!

05-18-2020, 04:39 AM
I like the manzanita and wish I could find wood like that in NY !
The red is my favorite . What a great halo ..

05-19-2020, 12:20 PM
I like the manzanita and wish I could find wood like that in NY !
The red is my favorite . What a great halo ..

Thanks coralbandit! I'm very fortunate to have access to this gorgeous hardwood. Agreed, that red does have a great halo! A nice contrast to the others. Also a favorite of mine. :)

05-19-2020, 11:01 PM
OMG I want to steal your RC Blue Halo'ed beauty... and LOVE you tank. I just put led strip lights on literally 10 mins ago and love them

05-20-2020, 11:40 AM
Thank you pastry! That is one of my favorites. LED lights have come a long ways for sure! If you have one that can change colors, it is interesting to see the changes on the Discus. The strip LED's can also help enhance an existing light.

05-20-2020, 11:48 PM
Here are two full length tank pictures. The first is from an earlier complete makeover (January this year) where I took everything out, plants (fake) and all the old manzanita branches. All the new branches have been trimmed and power washed. Now they are floating while waiting for them to waterlog and sink:

This one was taken about three weeks later in February. Wood has sunk and added some new plants for some green. I also have about a dozen or so dither fish made up of Silver Tip Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras. About a half dozen different Corys roam the tank bottom as well:

I also bought a new phone with a better camera. Still learning how to use it. Later pictures are better in my opinion. More to come! :)

05-25-2020, 01:33 AM
A few more "hardware" pictures before moving on to more of my Discus.

I have three aging barrels set up near the front door of our home off to one side. Each has an airstone and 300 watt heater. Typically I age the water from 4-6 days. Water temp is set to between 83 and 85 degrees. To minimize the eyesore, my wife bought a tan, microfiber blanket that I drape over the top and wrap around the sides. They practically disappear! ;)

I use a pond pump and an aquarium dedicated 50' RV water hose to pump the water out of the aquarium and then to pump the water out of the aging barrels back into the aquarium. No hauling water buckets here!

I now have free floating bio balls in the main chamber of the sump. I have not yet looked into better alternatives, though some have been recommended. However, I do have a circulation pump in the bottom front left angled up towards the surface. I've moved some of the bio balls into other chambers and now the pump pushes them around in a counter-clockwise direction. Previously I had them contained in two mesh bags and they became traps for detritus. Now they are no longer stagnant and instead, tumble and move around constantly. I feel this is a big improvement in the cleanliness of the sump and better action and water flow through and around the bio balls.

The jumble above the sump. I added a few plastic pieces to help reduce the humidity inside the stand. These and the vents at each end have done the trick! There is also a UV light and each return to the sump has a ball valve that I twist close during water changes. There is a 3' LED shop light suspended under the stand so I can see what the heck I'm doing!

And lastly, inside the canopy. The main LED light and the LED rope light. The water hose with pump attached is inside the aquarium for a water change:

05-26-2020, 09:19 PM
Looking good!
Wishing I had a spot to keep aged water, that pump must really speed up the water changes.

05-26-2020, 11:29 PM
Thanks Thingsarefun! It really makes the water change process so much easier.

Here are some pictures of most of the group. I have a total of 12 Discus in here. With a full range of personalities!



If you look closely, there are eggs on the horizontal branch. The large checkerboard is the dad and mom is looking at the eggs and has her tail towards the camera:

That pair has been something else! I've lost count of how many time they've laid eggs in the last couple of months. Unfortunately, soon after they hatch they are eaten. I just don't have a place or the time to give them their own room. :p

Mom and dad watching over the eggs:

Dad with the fry from a different batch:

05-27-2020, 06:08 AM
Looks fantastic@!

05-27-2020, 01:32 PM
Thank you Shan.

05-31-2020, 01:09 AM
Taking a few minutes to add some pictures.


Not the biggest Discus in the aquarium but possibly the bossiest!


Forrest Giant Blue (f):

Feeding Al's freeze dried blackworms. Very firm push to the glass so they stick. The Discus LOVE them!

And last but not least:

05-31-2020, 08:49 AM
Very nice mate...stunning looking fish & tank!

05-31-2020, 09:38 AM
I've been very busy and haven't had much forum time recently so I try to get caught up when I can. This is a really nice thread!

I have a lot of remodeling still to do and somewhere in my mind is to incorporate a large tank into the decor. I've never used a sump but I want one... I know the basic concept and benefits, but I haven't had time to research. The detail you are providing is excellent and makes sense!

06-01-2020, 10:45 AM
Thank you Danotaylor and Jeep! I appreciate your compliments.

06-02-2020, 11:06 PM
A recent night time picture with only the LED strip light. This is their morning and going to bed light. :p

06-03-2020, 11:29 AM
Hey Herb! Tanks and Fish look great my Friend! Very envious of that big tank indeed! Thanks for the updates here. Discus are obviously healthy and Doing well!!

take care!

06-03-2020, 01:41 PM
Thank you Al! I'm very fortunate to have one this size and a place to keep it. Thanks for the kind words on the Discus. They do LOVE your blackworms! :D

06-04-2020, 11:05 PM
Adding a few more from my photo collection.





06-04-2020, 11:39 PM
Cool pics mate!

06-05-2020, 01:27 PM
Thanks Danotaylor!

06-05-2020, 01:49 PM
Tank goals. :bounce2:

08-09-2020, 12:37 PM
Taking a few minutes to add some pictures.


Not the biggest Discus in the aquarium but possibly the bossiest!


Forrest Giant Blue (f):

Feeding Al's freeze dried blackworms. Very firm push to the glass so they stick. The Discus LOVE them!

And last but not least:

Is the first discus a red snakeskin? Beautiful fish! And amazing tank!

08-09-2020, 09:23 PM
Thank you number1sixerfan. The first picture is of a Penang Eruption. Unfortunately a couple of weeks after the picture was taken, she died. I noticed that she appeared "off" and was hiding behind the branches and wasn't eating. Moved her to my quarantine tank and started treating with Metro. Two days into treatment she was gone. I noticed a small bloody glob on the bottom of the bare bottom tank, about a 1/4" in diameter. I have no idea what happened.

On a lighter note, everyone else is doing just fine!