View Full Version : HELP - Discus tankmates

05-09-2020, 12:48 AM
Need some help guys!!

I switched to Discus fishes about couple of years back (God bless Kenny for great fishes!)
I have 5 (5 - 6") discus in my 75g, bare bottom tank pH bit high ~7.5 but fishes have been healthy and growing.

My idea was to let the discus grow and settle into the tank and add schooling fishes around them. Thats where my trouble started. I have tried few times to get tetras added to tank (cardinal, neon, couple of others...) but my discus fishes kill and eat them over a period of time. Every week one fish would go missing, i for one couldn't figure out what was going on until one night I saw the discus chase around and injure a cardinal tetra and then start to eat it. I earlier had some other fishes in the tank which I thought could be the killers but after getting rid of eveything else and just discus and tetras (plus 3 ghost shrimps) in the tank saw discus killing the tetras!

Before anyone gets too worried, i go through usual quarantine for 6-8 weeks before adding the fishes to my 75g :)

I feed my discus once daily (food enough that they can finish in 4 - 6 minutes) and couple of days in a week i feed them twice in a day. Diet is mix of frozen red worms, blackworms, pellets etc.

Help me with what am i doing wrong with tank mates? Am i getting tetras wrong as mates? am i feeding the fishes too less which is making them chase and kill tetras.

My hope is one day to have some schooling fish around the discus... not an over crowded tank.... 5 discus with about a dozen schooling fishes - HELP PLS!

05-09-2020, 01:28 AM
Biologically most fish feed constantly through out the day. They can only eat so much before their belly fills and if that food digests quickly they have to wait, hungry, for 24 hours until next food. I would suspect they are going to look for anything to eat, even little Cardinals. I had thought from time to time to have Guppies as tank mates so that the prolific Guppies would provide a constant fry food supply, Speaking of fry, what if a hungry Discus should spawn and where would it think to find food? It's own offspring. I would try to feed 4 or 5 smaller amounts of food through out the day.

05-09-2020, 02:52 AM
Similar topic:

05-09-2020, 03:12 PM
Agree with Peewee with the more regular feeds. I’ve had RCS and tetras in with my discus for ages and haven’t lost any, although they occasionally hunt a RCS with little to no success.
Some people seem to have success with keeping tetras etc with discus, and some don’t.
When purchasing any of these tank mates, I would be adopting the expectation that they could very well become dinner for the discus.

05-09-2020, 04:12 PM
My discus will regularly snack on cardinal and emperor tetras. But for some reason, they leave rummynose tetras alone. The rummynose also school better than the other tetras.
