View Full Version : only dominant discus (juvenile) eating

05-19-2020, 07:33 PM
hey guys, im relatively new to discus keeping, i bought 3 new discus (about 7,5 cm) they all got / get allong quite well, but when it comes to eating only the dominant one eats infact he eats like there is no tomorrow, the other two used to take a few bites off the goodheart beef heart i feed 3 times a day, but after a day or two they stopped i havent seen them eat in a few days and even though i put the food in in opposite sides of the aquarium (and thus they have enough chance to get to it) they simply follow the dominant one and they just look at the food is this normal? ive had them in my main aquarium for a week now should i be concerned (btw they look healthy so i doubt its some kind of illness) appart of this they have the usual setteling of the pecking order and the agressions that come with that. will they eventually start eating as the pecking order is set or could this be a sign of something going wrong

05-19-2020, 07:53 PM
Try a variety of food. Worms, shrimp, small pellets. Place the food in different areas of the aquarium Have floating food and food that sinks to the bottom.

05-20-2020, 08:38 AM
How many more discus do you have in the tank.. Please don't say just the three. If so it will not get any better. Three is not a good number for young discus. One will always come out on top; the others will/could be stressed til death/severely stunted.

05-20-2020, 08:54 AM
How many more discus do you have in the tank.. Please don't say just the three. If so it will not get any better. Three is not a good number for young discus. One will always come out on top; the others will/could be stressed til death/severely stunted.

To add. Try for minimum of six. I am going to establish a 30 gallon breeder, which will have two, and that is okay for breeding pairs. I am setting up a 40 gallon for other discus as soon as Kenny gets a post virus shipment. That tank will have six.

05-24-2020, 07:26 PM
i have 2 others but i temporarely removed them to a quarantine tank becouse they were very agressive towards the new ones, im planning on reintroducing them sometime this week. also one of the two has started actively eating again and the other one i starting to little by little