View Full Version : I have a white and red spots in my fish

moh elbasiony
06-07-2020, 12:10 AM
1 – one of my fish stopped eating
2- I saw red and white spots
3 – I raise the temp to 30
4- 300 liter ,15 months ,8 discus different sizes ,8cm , 10 cm and 16 cm
5- water change 30% weekly
6- tank running from 16 months, basalt substrate, deep is 3 cm.
7 – I use tap water and leave it 2 days before use it.
8 – I don't use conditioner to water
9- I haven't test kits
10- I added neon tetra and rummy nose tetra from 6 monthes
11- I feed them beef heart formula contains multivitamins and garlic and vitamin b and I feed them shrimp and calamari about 2 times a week
I feed my fish twice a day

after i moved this fish to spare tank i discovered that there are another case in main tank and this is the picture

06-07-2020, 01:42 AM
While I am not sure of the diagnosis of the illness, increasing your water changes to daily will be a good start in recovery and overall health. The fish in question (first photo)also looks slightly stunted, given the eye to body ratio.
How often do you vacuum the gravel? Can you provide some full tank shots please?
I would recommend purchasing a test kit as that can tell us what’s going on as far as parameters go, which will aid us in helping you as much as possible.

06-07-2020, 08:25 AM
your problem is #5

06-07-2020, 11:26 AM
your problem is #5

Agree with both Mervin and Brendan. Could you up the change to 30% per day for a while? Also salt is a good general tonic first try for many fish ailments. I also thought stunted but that would be a reason for the condition. We all have had stunted, do have, and will one day have a stunted Discus. They just end up smaller and have bigger eyes. Check this out and tell me that there
is something wrong with big eyes------------> https://www.needpix.com/photo/862990/girl-portrait-big-eyes-figure-the-little-girl-baby-children-photographer-kids-nicely sorry I do not know for sure if she is stunted or not.

06-07-2020, 04:06 PM
Hi Mohamed,
Welcome to SimplyDiscus!

I have to agree with the others that your water quality is probably the culprit here. The pink/red nose condition you are seeing is probably from nitrates. Its something thats seen often in light colored fish.. I'm sure it also happens in darker pigmented fosh but we don't see it because the pigments hide it. We don't know 100% what causes it but water quality has been linked by observation. Easy enough to check by upping the water quality and maintenance schedule. My personal pet theory is the red nose is caused by a vasodilation response to nitrates in the water, again , thats not proven, but water changes would be something to try there.

Between what you are feeding and the 30% weekly water changes for months... those nitrates will just continue to Climb. I would guess your nitrates are off the chart right now...Not Ideal for discus. A test kit would be a very good investment here.


06-07-2020, 06:16 PM
The water changes would lower the nitrate and allow your fish to grow at a faster, or more normal, rate.

06-07-2020, 08:47 PM
Water changes will also lower your total bacterial counts and decrease the incidence of skin infections like discus pimples. I would suggest adding salt at 4tbs/10gal and replace with you water changes for a couple of weeks. This will sooth your discus's sore skin, promote slime coat reproduction and lower the bacterial counts by hindering bacterial reproduction.