View Full Version : An interesting observation

06-11-2020, 04:33 AM
So about 6 weeks ago, I bought 7 2.5” discus, with the idea of adding them to my main tank after a QT, to fill it out a bit more (10 adults resided in the main tank). I had read lots of differing experiences with keeping large and small discus together, some positive and some negative. I was unsure how they would get on and I didn’t really have a plan B.

So after the quarantine period, the New fish had grew about an inch in that time and I was happy that they were “clean”. So I added them on the Friday, as I had Friday Saturday and Sunday off to keep a close eye on them all. Shortly before I added the, I actually did a slight rescape of the driftwood and plants. I felt this helped reset territories etc.

Well to my delight and surprise, they got on wonderfully. It is almost like the smaller discus were invisible to the adults, and feeding time was no problem . In fact, the smaller discus did not hesitate about charging the big fish out of the way
to get to the food!

Now several weeks on, things are still going well and the small discus are growing very well. They seem to have their own pecking order between them, and the adults seem to have their own as well. With the occasional interaction between the two groups.

I just thought I would share the positive experience, and disclaimer:
I am not encouraging new comers to try this anything like that, just simply sharing an experience.

06-11-2020, 07:39 AM
I have raised young and adults with that same experience. The young even got bigger than the initial adults. Altho ,the second younger group was from better stock. There were two pecking orders. The older fish pretty much left the young discus alone.

06-11-2020, 08:19 AM
Great info and I’m happy it’s all working out. Some pics would make it even better :). How big is the main tank?

06-11-2020, 08:28 AM
Thanks for sharing. I've never had issues when mixing large and small discus either, other than the smaller ones trying to establish themselves and being the actual bullies.

06-11-2020, 08:40 AM
Same here. I have 5 four of them are over 6 inches and one 4 inches. The bigger ones are typical and territorial yet the little one is not bothered by any of the others. He/she goes everywhere and anywhere in the tank as if it is not even there. The little one likes to peck at the food on the bottom. Occasionally a larger fish will chase it from the food. The little one goes away until the larger one gets distracted from the food then sneaks back and pecks at the food again. When it sees the big one coming back it takes off again. It's comical to watch.

06-11-2020, 03:45 PM
Great info and I’m happy it’s all working out. Some pics would make it even better :). How big is the main tank?

Tank is a 6x2x2.

Thanks for the replies, interesting that this is not uncommon at all.

06-11-2020, 05:29 PM
I’ve had mixed results, after adding 3 3-4” discus to a group of adults. One took off and got as big as my biggest fish and now rules 1/3rd of the tank with his lady friend. Another grew to medium size and the 3rd is still the low man on the tank’s totem pole. I do think it depends to some degree on the temperament of the individual fish.

06-12-2020, 04:28 PM
Nice size tank ! 180g like the one in my living room [not for discus though ] ..
Good job mixing the sizes .
I added 6 of my young juvis from my own breeding to a 65 with 6 that were probably 4 months older and now one of my juvis is right up there in size with the older ones .
To boot when I added them they broke the dominant older discus reign of punishment and all get along swimmingly now .
I too would not recommend keeping different sized discus but it was my only reasonable option at the time and seemed to work out rather well. I would thought I was in for trouble myself but have been pleasantly surprised .
Nice to hear you have had a good experience with it also .

Vinni Smith
06-12-2020, 09:34 PM
I am a newbie to discus. Had them for some months. Bought them before I found you all and this forum.

I am keeping 2-4" fish all together with no problems at all.

I was at the lfs yesterday and someone moved away and brought in two HUGE discus. They put them in with a bunch of Hans' 3 1/2" fish. Nobody was picking or bullying at all.

I am sure there could be some problems with these combos but in my short time of observation, I have not seen am issue.