View Full Version : : deciphering KH test question

06-19-2020, 10:25 PM
I have not had a KH test before but after reading numerous post about KH over the years I got curious. If I did the test correctly the API test chart say 6 to 11 drops into the 5ml tube is 100 to 200. I put 8 drops when the solution turned from blue to yellow. Since is part way between 6 and 11 the KH would be about 150? With a consistent pH of 7.8 from the tap and the same reading between water changes I would be okay? I read that a lower KH of 50 would be better for discus yet my fish have survived for the 2 years that I have had them. Am I reading the test results correctly?

06-19-2020, 11:02 PM
Your kH is fine as it is. I've come to believe that it only needs to be lowered for breeding.

I had to figure out the same problem myself. It was all trial and error along the way as my pH is 7.2 with aged tap and TDS 79. My kH is just 4.5 and my gH is 0. I wanted to breed but my eggs wouldn't hatch. It took a long time for me to understand that my breeders needed a lower kH while my other discus did just fine in my RO waste. Water is crazy hard to figure out.

06-19-2020, 11:28 PM
Thanks, Liz. I have added peat to the filter for the breeding tank. I believe that the peat would lower the pH and the KH. I had my best results for breeding when I used peat in the filters. I just don't remember how much peat I used but then I did not test the water either so I don't know what my pH or KH were back in the day.
Okay, thanks I see the critters at the front of the tank looking for me must be dinner time.

06-19-2020, 11:53 PM
Peat worked well for me way back years ago. It will do what you said but raise your TDS. Don't pay attention to the high TDS reading. Peat releases tiny particles in the water that the TDS meter picks up. I don't remember exactly how I did it, but I must have added it to the aging barrel because my water was always the color of tea before and after I changed it. I also remember that it got to be a huge PITA and that's when I bought my first RO unit which is also a huge PITA. I can't remember everything about my problems and solutions from 20 years ago when I was new.

06-20-2020, 12:13 AM
My fear is that wen I see egs that I will have to get a TDS test kit. Then the RO filter. It will not end for me. The suspect pair that I am hoping for have been cleaning for at least 3 months. I have yet to see eggs but I will say that those two are the best peckers that I have ever had. I have a flower pot for them to spawn on but they prefer to peck at the heater. I wonder if they are spawning at night and have eaten the eggs by the time I look in the morning? I will give them a few more month then if nothing happens I could swap the male for the other male that kept trying to make the pairing a threesome before I moved the pair to their own tank.