View Full Version : Hello Hello!

06-30-2020, 07:44 PM
Hey all! I'm new here. I've been into aquascaping and aquariums for about 10 years. At one time we had a successfull angelfish breeding biz in my house, until my youngest child was born and we needed the time, LOL. I've been researching discus from the beginning, and began setting up my tank almost 2 years ago. It's a 250 inverse bow, 40 gallon sump and tons of beautiful plants. I run co2. I have my first 2 discus., a yellow pigeon and a blue diamond, right now hanging with my two angels that are high coverage koi and a blue koi.

I am looking to add to my colony of discus, trying to find the right breeders, and fill out my tank.

Soon, I will be doing a amazon biotope for my husband in a 125-180 gallon for angels, well, specifically altums, his dream tank.

Look forward to participating. if anyone knows where to send me for my next inhabitants, please let me know!

06-30-2020, 08:10 PM
Welcome! Where did you get your first discus? I like Hans Discus. But there are many suppliers here that’s are sponsors. Will you be buying adult discus or juveniles. Unforunatly discus and angels don’t go well together. The angels may stress the discus.

07-02-2020, 02:14 PM
yes, I realize angels and discus have a reputation for not doing well, mainly because angels are more aggressive eaters. I bred angels, raised some discus ( 2 inch, occasionally some pea-sized with pea-sized angels when we'd swap stock with other angel breeders) with them years back, and didn't have troubles. I have a 250-gallon overabundance of space, and for now, only 2 discus and the 2 angels, as I said in my post, I am in the process of building an amazon biotope for my spouse to house all angels. , 4 rummy nose, 4 neons( all of whom were born in this same tank, got lucky enough to get spawn from my tetras by serendipity LOL), and my plecos.

My first two came locally. They are 5.5 inches in size. However, coming by this size locally can be a challenge. I will be adding various sizes, depending on what is available, I'm not afraid to grow them out ;-)

07-02-2020, 08:40 PM
Yes buying bigger fish locally you really don’t know what your getting. Mixing discus from different suppliers can sometimes be a problem. Many horror stories about losing all there fish. So I recommend a qt tank and qt for at least 4 weeks. A 40-55g makes a good qt for a group of small discus. Plus it’s much easier to do water changes. Young discus need daily water changes. Again I recommend Hans. He states his fish don’t need the daily water changes and are stronger fish. In my opinion they are stronger fish and healthier. As to water changes I still do them n mater what people say. If you want strong healthy fish you must do water changes.
It’s going to take at least a year to grow out your discus. I just got these a month ago.128217128218 and these I got a year ago.128219128220 so with a 250 you may want to grow them out in a smaller tank first. Because it easier to change the water in a smaller tank.