View Full Version : Acrylic tank cleaning question

07-10-2020, 12:28 PM
I have a chance to buy a 240 gallon acrylic tank off craigslist. It's being used for salt water now but I want to use if for a freshwater display tank. I know how to polish acrylic but it has a ton of salt, calcium and coral deposits that need to be cleaned off the sides before it can be polished. How do you remove the salt, calcium and coral build up without damaging the acrylic? I know not to use razor blades or abrasive pads. Will vinegar work or do I need something stronger?

07-10-2020, 04:10 PM
Yes vinegar with water should loosen it up. Than you will probably have to sand a bit and than polish. There are many utube videos. I just did this and it worked out well

07-11-2020, 05:14 AM
It’s a lot of work, to be sure. Hope you’re getting a great deal

07-11-2020, 09:22 AM
It’s a lot of work, to be sure. Hope you’re getting a great deal

$800 for a 8 foot custom 240 gallon tank with stand, canopy and 75 gallon sump.

07-11-2020, 10:37 PM
I don’t know if $800 is that good of a deal. Remember there ain’t many people looking for that tank and even less willing to do the work. It’s used. Acrylic or not it’s still used. If your not in a hurry for a tank I’d let it sit or offer half what he’s asking.

07-12-2020, 09:36 AM
I guess somebody thought it was a good deal. I checked craigslist this morning and the tank was gone.
No I wasn't in a hurry for a project tank. But I've always dreamed about having an 8x2x2, 240 gallon tank. A buddy of mine had one once and I always thought it was the perfect size and dimension for a big tank.