View Full Version : Am I missing anything/do I have anything wrong?

07-16-2020, 09:38 PM
Hey guys.... 3 years ago I started to set this tank up...decided to finally follow thru with it.

Currently cycling the tank, I just went and got some of the Marine Land Bio Spira and dumped enough in for 55 gal. Going to give it a few weeks then try some fish (barebottom tank).

I have an Eheim heater with a solid HOB filter (don't remember brand so long ago) + pre filter sponge. I have a Brute trash can in my closet with an air stone / heater to age my water for WCs.

Just wondering...

1) Am I missing anything? I know there are those water circulation pumps and sponge filters, do you guys think I need anything else from an equipment standpoint?

2) How many fish should I go with? I have asked this question before and was given the answer of 6 fish @ 4.5 inches. What do you guys think?

I am going to include pictures of my tank/setup to make advice easier. My tank is taller than it is long...

3) Any advice for pairing discus colorings or anything? I work at a garden center and designing landscapes has a lot to do with color and form and texture, just wondering if there's any slam dunk color pairings for discus.



07-16-2020, 09:49 PM
LOL Please ignore the picture of an order from my business.... SD not letting me delete the picture I accidentally uploaded lol!

tank is probably 50 gal instead 55 tbh. Pre filter sponge *not pictured*


07-16-2020, 10:12 PM
Discus are frightened by the Chargers logo. I would scrap it and get a logo that is more aquatic related. Such as Seahawks or Dolphins or Rams.

07-16-2020, 10:21 PM
You need to supply the beneficial bacteria with a food source of you hope to cycle your filter. Putting the bio spiral in and leaving it for a few weeks will not achieve anything but the bacteria dying, and then probably your fish as well. You can add ammonia or even some fish food to provide an ammonia food source for the BB colony to feed on and multiply.
Buy a master test kit and when your ammonia reaches 0 and you have nitrates present you have the beginnings of an established bacteria colony to support your fishes bioload.

above design
07-16-2020, 10:25 PM
You could also buy a couple seeded sponge filters. Then you dont have to worry about cycling as long as you keep up with water changes. I believe some sponsors here might sell them when you purchase fish from them.


07-17-2020, 04:32 AM
Angels plus sells cycled filters .
Many use sponge filters even without a HOB.
Using a sponge with HOB is a plus .

07-17-2020, 05:14 AM
Agree with what is said above, but also that tank is far too small and a I believe you will be setting yourself up for some problems.

07-17-2020, 06:40 AM
It's good that you're looking at treating and ageing your water before use, but by storing it in a closet you will have moisture issues in there and most likely mould issues.

07-17-2020, 07:01 AM
Tank looks good and cycle won’t matter. Test kit a must for the first 2 months. Your going to be changing water daily about 50% or more. So that will keep your ammonia down. Being the tank is on the smaller size I would start with smaller fish. I just bought Hans discus at 2 1/2”. They see to be growing fine in my 45. I bought 8. Water changes are the most effective mportant thing.
Peewee come on! How are Rams and Seahawks aqua related???

07-17-2020, 08:43 AM
Agree with what is said above, but also that tank is far too small and a I believe you will be setting yourself up for some problems.

I agree that the foot print of the tank is too small for discus that size.

07-17-2020, 08:58 AM
Oh, I've just noticed the positioning of your heater. If you're doing large water changes you could easily drop the water level lower than the heater which unless you remember to turn it off beforehand every time will lead to catastrophic heater failure, plus, sooner or later you will forget to turn it back on again (been there, done both lol). Much better to have it horizontal or diagonal nearer the bottom of the tank so you can't expose it to air.

07-17-2020, 09:30 AM
It does look small. It is 50gal and not 50liter? Or that could just be the side. What are the dimensions.

07-17-2020, 10:41 AM
It does look small. It is 50gal and not 50liter? Or that could just be the side. What are the dimensions.

A point, Tom. That is the side view. Why else would a Chargers logo be located anywhere than it is? Window placement and Charger logo location all suggest a side shot. It's a nice set up all the way. Except for that Charger logo. I'm suggesting a change in order to make the fish happier. Seahawks (huge fish eater), Rams (is a fish too) and Dolphins (also a fish).

07-17-2020, 11:48 AM
Being new to discus I would recommend having an established biofilter before you get discus. Most keepers have good intentions of doing daily or at least multiple weekly water changes, but in reality a lot of people, myself included, get busy with life and slack off. For that reason it's good to have an established filter so the worst thing your discus have to battle is nitrates and not ammonia or nitrite poisoning.
Also, 4.5" fish are more tolerant of water quality issues, and so if you can afford the larger size it makes better sense to begin with them as well.
As far as colors go, that is really personal preference. You're the one who will enjoy them, so buy what takes your fancy!

07-17-2020, 12:50 PM
I would take a look at the Snow White or the White Butterfly. Both will color coordinate with the Chargers logo behind on the wall. You would get the white body with some yellow and even some blue on the fins. I would challenge you to find either with lightning shape striations.

07-17-2020, 04:01 PM
whenever I've used Bio Spira I put fish in on the same day. The bacteria will die if they have no food.

07-17-2020, 04:42 PM
You need to supply the beneficial bacteria with a food source of you hope to cycle your filter. Putting the bio spiral in and leaving it for a few weeks will not achieve anything but the bacteria dying, and then probably your fish as well. You can add ammonia or even some fish food to provide an ammonia food source for the BB colony to feed on and multiply.
Buy a master test kit and when your ammonia reaches 0 and you have nitrates present you have the beginnings of an established bacteria colony to support your fishes bioload.

I have a master test kit.

I dropped a pinchful or two of hikari gold discus pellets...probably should've done this a day or two in advance to begin the decomposition...hopefully all my bacteria I just paid for don't all die :(

07-17-2020, 04:44 PM
Oh, I've just noticed the positioning of your heater. If you're doing large water changes you could easily drop the water level lower than the heater which unless you remember to turn it off beforehand every time will lead to catastrophic heater failure, plus, sooner or later you will forget to turn it back on again (been there, done both lol). Much better to have it horizontal or diagonal nearer the bottom of the tank so you can't expose it to air.

Thank you for this advice. ive been trying to see how far to drop the heater in I honestly haven't known how low it should go.

07-17-2020, 04:45 PM
Try horizontal.

Thank you for this advice. ive been trying to see how far to drop the heater in I honestly haven't known how low it should go.

07-17-2020, 04:45 PM
A point, Tom. That is the side view. Why else would a Chargers logo be located anywhere than it is? Window placement and Charger logo location all suggest a side shot. It's a nice set up all the way. Except for that Charger logo. I'm suggesting a change in order to make the fish happier. Seahawks (huge fish eater), Rams (is a fish too) and Dolphins (also a fish).
Chargers 4 life brother need the sign up for when we win the super bowl this year

It does look small. It is 50gal and not 50liter? Or that could just be the side. What are the dimensions.

Will get dimensions later but smallest it is is 45. largest is 55. bought the tank off crags list... I know its oddly shaped

07-17-2020, 04:46 PM
Try horizontal.

I lack common sense I figured it would short out if it went too deep in.. didn't realize the entire thing can be submersed lol.

07-17-2020, 04:48 PM
I agree that the foot print of the tank is too small for discus that size.

Tank looks good and cycle won’t matter. Test kit a must for the first 2 months. Your going to be changing water daily about 50% or more. So that will keep your ammonia down. Being the tank is on the smaller size I would start with smaller fish. I just bought Hans discus at 2 1/2”. They see to be growing fine in my 45. I bought 8. Water changes are the most effective mportant thing.
Peewee come on! How are Rams and Seahawks aqua related???

Agree with what is said above, but also that tank is far too small and a I believe you will be setting yourself up for some problems.

I am getting some different opinions on the sizing of fish. When it was recommended to me 4 inch + it was because I had a smaller tank and they can handle water quality things better. However seems here some of you think I should go smaller. Problem with going smaller is I do NOT want to get another tank eventually *until I move out my damn parents house*. So I don't want to be stuck with 2-4 that I don't know what to do with. Lol.

Please lmk what you guys think when it comes to discus sizing for the new fish.. Also I will look into if I can get a sponge from the dealer.

07-17-2020, 04:49 PM
Also any more input on the setup? DO I need more filters etc etc? bubbler etc etc..

Tank will be barebottom

WC probably every other day (if I can keep up)

07-17-2020, 05:29 PM
The tank is fine as it is mate. Many a bare bottom here, lol!
If you're not sure you can keep up every other day changes it's almost certain you won't. That's not a negative, but it's good to be honest and realistic with yourself right off the bat. With that in mind, the bigger discus you can buy the better. 5 @ 4.5"+ would be best in your tank : thumbsup:

07-18-2020, 08:20 AM
Yes you should have an air stone or something to keep the surface water moving. With that foot print you'll need one most likely because most of the oxygen comes from atmospheric pressure from the surface and that foot print hinders it a bit being tall instead of wider. The more surface area the more fish you can put in a tank. We say gallons per fish but that isn't always the case.

07-23-2020, 08:59 AM
Ok what type of hob? How many gph is it moving? Something I use for $20 delivered off eBay is the odyssea 250 powerhead (pic below). This is a power head with 2 sponges that moves 250gph. Your hob should give you plenty off air and water movement.
How many discus are you planning on? My reason for smaller is them will grow in and easily adjust to your water routine. Though for best results you will need to do 50% daily water changes till at least 4” than you can slow it down. Watch your fish and see how they do with your time span of water changes. Bigger fish are coming from a dealer that is doing 75-90% daily wc. These fish may stress when not getting that clean water anymore. Just for me seems like a higher risk for a much more expensive fish. Next and this is just what happened to me. When I bought bigger fish 5.5” they took awhile to adjust ever after a month in qt. And they only grew about an inch more since I got them (a year ago). While my 2” fish have continued to grow. 128426

07-23-2020, 09:04 AM
Oh and peewee you may need new glasses because that’s not the ram on the helmet:rolleyes2: as to the dolphins I beleive the phrase is squish the fish :).

07-23-2020, 10:15 AM
Chargers 4 life brother need the sign up for when we win the super bowl this year

Will get dimensions later but smallest it is is 45. largest is 55. bought the tank off crags list... I know its oddly shaped


07-23-2020, 12:46 PM
Go Chargers!