View Full Version : Wild spawing numero dos

07-17-2020, 08:50 AM
For the second time in two weeks the Ica Red female and Red Alenquer male have spawned. Their first spawn was two weeks ago and made it to swimming fry but they did not find the parents adding to that the male fought away the female from the wigglers. I removed the female but the swimmers eventually disappeared but not because they were eaten by the male. I reintroduced the pair five days ago and by this Friday morning they had produced their second batch of eggs. Today would mark one full month from the day that I received the female from Kenny so I am pleased to see two spawns in that short time. Later I will notate the water parameters. Interesting is that the pair has spawned in the same location on the flower pot as they did the first time.

07-17-2020, 09:00 AM
Great news Peewee :thumbsup: we need pics of course though ;)

07-17-2020, 09:05 AM
Great news Peewee :thumbsup: we need pics of course though ;)

Photos would be great, Kev. But I do not have a camera. I did purchase a very nice camera for son Little Ricky for his recent pre-Coronavirus trip to Taiwan. I have not seen the camera since. I have asked the lad to take a few photos for me but so far no luck on that one. I will ask again today, however.

07-17-2020, 09:35 AM
Thanks Peewee! Love seeing wilds! :D

07-17-2020, 11:34 AM
That's exciting. Males are usually the better parent for slime production.


07-17-2020, 12:35 PM
That's exciting. Males are usually the better parent for slime production.


You know, Willie, every time that you comment about something I learn something. I see that the male is more protective and attentive to the last spawn and this one as well. For now he is sharing with the female.

Water: TDS 200, PH 7.6, KH 35, temp 80-81 degrees.

07-17-2020, 12:50 PM
The female is right on track.


07-18-2020, 09:21 PM
I think this spawning is at 36 hours. There are a few white eggs but the total spawn appears to be around 70. Again the male is protecting the eggs and chasing the female away from them. Last time he did this I removed the female but I don't want to keep doing that each time they spawn. I am somewhat afraid the he may injure her but then again this is natures way and perhaps he will quit at some point and let her participate. Has any one had this situation before?

07-18-2020, 09:26 PM
Perhaps use a egg crate as a divider in the breeding to separate the male and female.

I think this spawning is at 36 hours. There are a few white eggs but the total spawn appears to be around 70. Again the male is protecting the eggs and chasing the female away from them. Last time he did this I removed the female but I don't want to keep doing that each time they spawn. I am somewhat afraid the he may injure her but then again this is natures way and perhaps he will quit at some point and let her participate. Has any one had this situation before?

07-18-2020, 09:45 PM
Perhaps use a egg crate as a divider in the breeding to separate the male and female.

Yes, good idea. I did order the egg crate today. Amazon says 1 week for delivery. Until then I will keep a close eye on the pair and if it looks like the female is becoming stressed or injured I will move her again.

07-19-2020, 12:48 AM
Norm you can buy egg crate from Home Depot or Lowe's, it's sold as "light diffuser"

07-19-2020, 12:59 AM
Norm you can buy egg crate from Home Depot or Lowe's, it's sold as "light diffuser"

Thanks, Dan. I will get there on Monday.

07-19-2020, 01:29 AM
Norm I guess they renamed it, or that's what it's called in Australia. Here's the link: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Plaskolite-4-ft-x-2-ft-Suspended-Egg-Crate-Light-Ceiling-Panel-1199233A/202025149

07-19-2020, 01:43 AM
Norm I guess they renamed it, or that's what it's called in Australia. Here's the link: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Plaskolite-4-ft-x-2-ft-Suspended-Egg-Crate-Light-Ceiling-Panel-1199233A/202025149

After looking at this link it made me realize that I have egg crate in my kitchen overhead lighting. All I need do is get up in there and whack off a hunk and jamb it into my breeding tank. I suspect there will be trouble when mrs peewee looks up one day and discovers that I have modified the kitchen lighting system for the benefit of discus and fry. But what's more important? Right?

07-19-2020, 02:41 AM
Lol...Norm you crack me up :D

07-19-2020, 09:20 AM
Lol...Norm you crack me up :D

Well, I guess that I will wait for the trip to Home Depot as it turns out. Yet after 48 hours there but remains only between 10 tp 15 eggs and no wigglers yet. The parents are still fighting for control of the flower pot. Their learning is going to have to be co-parenting. I think that after this plays out that I will bump the temperature up from 80 to 82.

07-19-2020, 12:59 PM
At about 50 hours I see a few wigglers. There maybe 10 left in this batch. The male is so protective and has not yet allowed the female near. A 20% water change and I cleaned the sponge filter and shut off the external filter so that if these 10 free swim they will not get sucked up into the filter. I also dramatically cranked the temperature up 2 degrees. The pair was doing fine at 80 degrees so I thought that I would see what 82 did. I added salt to help the female because she was looking a little battle scared. I keep thinking that the male will eventually leave her alone but not so far. It is good that the male is so protective but he seems to view his mate as a threat. Maybe he will change his attitude when the fry free swim.

07-19-2020, 01:30 PM
Here is a learning opportunity with regard to pair fighting. It's common for pairs to fight. This from John Nicholson Auguts 2014 "...Lots of pairs fight. They will normally work it out if left alone. In all of my years I have never had them kill each other. I have have lots of damage that healed up but never a death. Probably to late to put them back together right now but after this spawn I would just leave them together if it was me."


07-19-2020, 02:14 PM
Norm, I had my pairs and fry at 84F. I think you will be fine.