View Full Version : Roy's 30 Gallon Red Spot Green Discus F1

08-15-2020, 10:12 PM
Hi All,

Last weekend I tore down my 30 gallon to make room for a new species (for me). The this will be the first time I have kept the species and from doing some reading, research, and talking with the breeder I am doing a set-up I have not done before.

Here is my old (15+ years) 30 gallon tank (36"X12.5"X16.75" high). Note the scratches on the glass showing years of use! Thank goodness most of those scratches disappear when water is added.
http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4T9utm3uehmcIFzKldCSEvxEpSfIPO_rA1LjXb5IP8Y7QvNLGe njsviUBg3BWRk_bSnJm1DEwks0hJ9rUWYxfszewiZNqfjkxHWN JJ2WUb7vthKsTrSQNTPU3p9njX4Q2zK502QygVBJ8fMeSw3Vrg tGSLxRiK2Jm6DMoToXru5fXEphGuzD5qToe-u4mZnKIBBEIshOcaQHfC3OWyRiNggpYpGRGEX8yZzbBEKqMqXP 2YFaiqNt7Z-kM3vJwXVERTDR7XakSDEO7rGF8vvuK_ISLbLbu1bzq09crAmP6 bXlFpZwmJinh6lt2AZnSOucgUtwn90nti4v35vbYGcNjuh7jVm brXyAuOfNX21rCdjEzJuqKFeoq4Yw6-WzHFuoOG4etG4BGXanvZoP13ruqoC5L_EZJsdEmxKY3nuKC7U4 neB_ad0Vnxp5fQJTSk4e3RbjTEqAHpmZhAanNmfkWQlR64IjVF FVE9rVKXpD1qD4jMTdtr5-hQEXPEKax5v2wfj2Bo5n45wbMWwFElgpPXisI8TvPLE7LUTVPn OmY-DwvDuupmzw2CbhQoESHNT_ss2wBALzl69LM4T54spRtNExLCt9 mJuFUgJk-d90oAcRUXdJJ_Y1MEgxHBVpdhhV8YSQYqZv06qiNiIMo9V84Un H7bwlESgQhqdA8NMKR464uFq1F6HWKyYue8LG=w1280-h768-no?authuser=0

After cleaning the heater and canister filter I added four (4) Osmocote Plus "00" root tabs. Based upon my experience with the 45 gallon which showed residual ammonia for about 2 months when I used one root tab per 2 gallons I decided to go stingy this time. There will be some species of plants in this tank but the fish will be the primary consideration.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sAyn-wOmT5IBy1juxcikBt9DfVJmZt0salfxMCKKOciQ8PZiXAARjZS gW81QhtoPKY2omzJasSc1I08J6U-sMBwDLn97juHI7XLICkjGej3EzSyruR0X7dh2BbwQHCV42b6BD EfnEVO7DvF9lZlz-4oHm2858s5jy5chu4rdtlpmi2LvfBTSM5c_8CORtiexEiCJTBr zHPgn49QyW0_dcYMEkiZVUxk7gDj3dzCEsLDaUkGOQLhibZD07 IIomCq9kfuCwA3t9uUyw-N46u0zu70m4mXHTZoStOPUAjBlb2Io5xju715c4D6n4THWzv2k 5nskArTEWTBfjMIDzB-feJ7d-ZsMYTOYOXCy1vK53loMgeTrcViWjtDHl_fLNsvLOH1YhYKnwB7 BbhwnRmmMu1osQtod1Qezh_0HAm0anCYuk3YK4iTsBZg95th8W qUplgqalAiuTAO-0qwLZf_yx2lG9q5BKzGJyDhikQHragtVA4BOXhMVXFrjZgVHoT 1ZzyXM-ihlJbgQ67zqB2WvQWZwYfvMpNoOusNgXjX6JBIjAUhu034sDOn Z_sT7HV9bp8ayPwu6dOnSPvbsyYJ1oKH9PFc1sLSxRwSxlvXUU hEQ1X7yrkwFCll08rLQYrtm66bNeTFFWCekwFrKFIjHlAFKcJ1 zrrPbg1C68KCQLfAr_74nNiFC-a-aXloD=w1280-h672-no?authuser=0

I covered the four tabs with a handful of sand substrate to keep them from shifting and added the rest of the sand substrate.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/EWrK7UQOCFG0ixVK_dk70t34AIVwm29rycnmEsBcP9irDKN3oQ FHmI6159zjM1XTbibE8VIniR3BxIx__oNbg3IzutAy5ljcu_l0 PA0lhsp-fPBHD-4wXPsKcLqDfwsm0lv5oBDZHZGmGrmmwChmJ8rxfhUTdG0xYUhE OsSI3lsWoM5-vDBxoPRgYeiFqSoTVhhpIEk6qzuD5l0XlEIhqDCxj2J5tFHNka 1cL_EjjnkgmHNxtaAZeMpJH3g-ln6EnhjVC__0r1i9ZVYXDKi8h4JsFBR1pnysQfOi-0tpJCpMdTnfuAn2KBrvBGd7fZm90IfC5gd_gJKHYGqSZDD7Fhh SIivbkYarTq0eT60KnsRmgH9usSMe0AHwOXgsqKo9Em1SSeFOe OSarXRu_NfIoZ0Jfl9VbcOlW81PpUgGti_1PjovuYsgsLJ3zZj d1lGsf1SuwIX9nxTPEmKazPPGkXz2IYA-sbnwezWnS7n4B0RKW9JQxx43wVqbENNRAfeitfAp5wEBkykCVE CMVAtyGVrYPjuedYH4CLWBk4JLZvvJl-JjYJEDTLSan4Bj-dJPDJRYJQn4JV5fdsUCdYBlbXncbtdzbyJ5hmMD-awx4whQsgty3OFKJeUh-NuE43XVHgIGPf3dXMj26JLuhYcLpS043MdzDbI721m_q-1-crFlwqsZBGv-QkIA8Mtm=w1265-h883-no?authuser=0

This is the first time I have used sand as a substrate in a tank and I went with HTH Pool Filter sand which is made from crushed quartz, contains no shells to effect water hardness, and is definitely white! I am not a fan of white substrates because they can show all the detritus and other stuff but I want to keep this tank clean and pristine as possible.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/no1dB4e-KvhWVm3TIjP7Spq0WV1lv8Ive-ye8t7G6KEcOBA0X-wHn9JeMWDbfeolUhUC98Ix8ojByrtBsGYCDrxuEpibRRcyvQ1D 7p6_kGnTkcsFYo6sihzAnlcS20JIE8nsh7wtmPvOTMwXfwOmK-ag1RKm_wHpkRZ9ptAgZiDeJ0S2cS9toAgFwigVdxbL_UnFqtKq RX2uKpBLUtoD2Dkg_kJ36Omiw3b-xotWNIc1p9Y8A-Of_PcQZq-63x5gWSk2nd6TfLrgVv7wSPet3wDnjB5DhdWO-CGwaDXus--m94B7XKEzcYjYJXCzJ3haIBfF81b6iC3q9ZsgDtPq7Rj9O4DK2 4X9nDJej0C3TFxphvKorxQ8C0ChS_hVhiUd0K2MCqXuyx4vD0f U8Kkq1-zXFBm5PoV8sgsO20sAtv2XWL1TTITovSPDDvxHbVGamg7s_ZH9 JOh445Ko6UyNZgON9m4MX0W10hu9ZmJu4Tl-V1x6vRbnipifbwlGNFshj5IU55R1y0R6ASm26nRVvxQBo5XCC1 zGSWK0-UB1Qg5EzY5Hr74i1_IoV5feYPeLHCDgaDQmpuBeX2Js9OfK3ke yPHuZ80GdfeaP32rJiHYK8fO3Ukz_Q1aj5S34nVH6HucCY1qPn Rq4mzE_p-Ep5nVhSEHrTIQdPpNtZfrxnbjxfoW0t7DHCHhAPmSr=w919-h883-no?authuser=0

I put in a total of 50# of sand which is one bag. It cost me $9 including tax. This gave me sufficient for 2-1/2 inches in the back of the tank sloping to 1.5 inches in the front of the tank; an average depth of 2 inches. I did not wash or rinse the sand first, it went straight from the bag into the tank.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sDV5Fg89H20d-30xO8kc5R_2-IYu00Sb5Y9JwEvVCQgycYEX-UD2Xk0WiMJQwsyn5dfqQ0iJzN2b8XNfp-tOxnb4OAAyRFlziD8C6KEtSlWdfJjHYO6nVDWMM2YyXXoSuMIr CYtiIzMS7-vJm95HH3cJINIFkIReLYr5G5UiVN2APfWQbiurnHmtchy-sgMVxY9yz6_EqjItUQ-XvugF6uqGy7FJZnCTFybnnOsgyel1ejg3gRIBAk36fquZzlILn O1mYfltFAk4lSGNTnQfUv3zJRUf-uFUv4NCfPc6pn9cRIfwtyuWjc3pPLIlbgsTssHJ8yf4V2uSIuE 5Cm61rAsDAlEo59f0J702RsLDPbiVSpL1yVQHoPpTe3zKTWUag D5vzMkxjoeoX10AIeAijEUxQl5WQeJad0S_94ApetK9M8vXZp9 UWZhw9euMg_VQWpcqUxXLevj8jNcEZrJF0wlsCaBes2r5McYnk zltLNzgcdFL1BxtpYph-WNbjBsS8OTY5QFPkMlcLdQwaVvkxO_ZPBw9qoB6f_L_j9y_tLq 8bV9JsnRvkOwENs7fZP3n-laqiE8FgNmhXpiZYWBDkQalsIUgqVRmGmGNZixNUE4ZnqLXswh aMkKHgGI3pdwfUmPJXB7Yb3xCPxMw6DDyk5m5lOQrHIQDpcDo7 Wtj2ZgE5jBfbc4DmJsRz2jK=w1280-h785-no?authuser=0

Next come the filling. I could have done the three (3) gallon bucket and made eight or nine trips up and down the stairs but I chose to use my weekly water change hose instead. I put down wax paper and a dinner plate to minimize disturbing the substrate during filling and added the water slowly.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1qcQcGFGD4ZdGkQwGeTas7kMSZ1TLacOrzQIs3cr1H5ec__h1d I0TG_OE2ImtzfJWoxXFvZAiTZaVhgvRkRZ_2t8HaDik0iLDSt7 P4HwKzCGYDUZYyR-NdBthPNirkETJewHLyirerStH-0r_puQX51Sn4jKCdPCehN1xUGeh8i6EKM-wbL-dT4icqcm0FcZ00sXy37A1u3pt10HEffkWUKSWhUL6XKWiiqsjl _1f1QRmvUobGqiGvHhOyzAtz1dApKJ1FDsqxpuUJTtWs4S1KoI _3Z4UepIHQbkt26ycAp9yz6c0KQKBu8ZOObKSY-RTBI-8H1MvGYlzcVuIYEyMr1hiV1TiQ73WHCX0YwnGivPIF4LTrvH3E gMNgsR9k4JsL8bNa572RHQheXQj9wYvtTxN0A0CqTn5zoWKenm wJNMnHwZFAmCYsfwtyvXi9SvFevHyLz6ihyzgzvFAGPgvjYhms tvuYR6zZgf_WlC80o-QkGLzYQFr6WHw-mAZdVMShTBezlYN9rr0QcHXcLMRYaDtI0d-WDYXTMrXmmQQ3fwlWpz3jL00o70N2S3ok83aNPhkUwP6Q6UOkz 1CsLKqdCyw_L5xj8Va-bOBn-nWPp4z6e3H4K0-bhH2PK-C0Pr3KklAvMhV5RWQRscuk_BgOmBxDdvRJQWsmnYOJ-ZjLCc_loR3VB2dPJXKxZH=w1280-h675-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nhSQHic3lbbFHxhnRynrmDorPqYSDG1wo74ew46b4ZbUH_61is 4Wx7YqKgB9tWSjtsCWIsv6Hbq4r6LqvnF53N_Xa8W15GbHdf6H pyLMcFIB562SyepjHcg_MEMVqsynx6PbtybR_Fs3dziNo4YKFg 8Q1zRMo-lvWekntGDmS7SX_U_T9_nzYao7YthslqoDGw_3jbozqBotLcBD qls0qT7Ccp3FCV6DBVFDK2upiAbSHJWFb4_kS-beeibFmMP0MXMtmwGQoZNSLRn3MauW3vPJBjX4ITFzyEXGP5_q RSfkJYz-EMwwaQ8Y16Idy9WaNQ8sVFn_LrnxncJ-g3TAUX0btt4Uxg72rvQGaVmZSOORGIvHPH6sFGNUnFqtO2DcSL IfpwsvvavwQuGH40AQbKTBfqGmKTfp-WgcrpDoVk-bt_66vt3rmFbtIpM8rjtWvDFZIJM3PxVG2xAAk_yVhptMbk8vH VulKQoetWPHePGEwVucr1xw3xLTqvfkaTKMVrt3nFc_Fil_ZX3 jdIz7516GMIGCnwOLG0C6GO1ig7ZQS7f3y_RdG0TAEXPzGfKB0 8qn7D75VZNCxHdm4ho3EozQYPffXprYhpgl9V5W39P_4lo25tA Q7yiQvsxBjZ5TvzTmJA9Xhhknd9854x2FHaqEya0No2VZWkSWH LpmvdlvYGHDNyjHB1bhNygH=w1280-h672-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zGEHv_NWyEPZEBir_k5hypwvn45glxVbiw9ZpBZ9Epd9KyF2JD Nl8KgShi2WFfJDxRpIieCGgN8ZB0zv5QnJ7_usJ6gyD96NMbso qRjz3rNYRaDb6wjj7--6M6mBc22k_10VQI8jMDij4GTAwJc9ucGN45Q6LitvQCWk9jXAY X6Uvbh8gV104NUFSLccert0ZUBS8gZkzQvlVN9e_mixmB9W2KK Cdo4hdgK2eh0ZAEorG13N7kNs_v-RsgOzq8D6ErIGpj9Iiyx_3SY06i2x5v8Pge_prKZ_K0_-_XX4FSM2uFhz9PJ0WXlJxELDRpXaM-dui7d2-gHJGRwKi0w6vfhpdtZRI289RAT8stSzkCUyaVXmES59720fJbO hZ6pzdVGPEUHVkY1loxVELyBXXBlHVhCgBABQur0-QVnMFnxryLYFvyrR6Ofk-E5_uHGi3lqf6YC22PSmvrOweEUBwXPvR6JopwMMnaQRwwQgZf_ 4qEZhtBbEDWOnI8PsG2AnwYqcYDSKaTcpc16WpL1b8fBueVo71 54LXEzlrj3hDhygWDZ_Orh_I9KJhhQ4ZHpd76_4XxHJisUfWjs--OGeWUpn2M8go1wO7R--uMo7SjWECXe_YHdWlM484sMjOHAjyDj2Zv2FP7qWvw2vG_ZiIr qie5G_YUgwsP1KMp8kIH4aavAOCy-hlfyneJAP=w1280-h682-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Lc6iH8zxvj8sV6hTTH5bCTy0k61yZB-2fv2b_JyeWY7ysZ211yBA9xhn7dSGy5x-zsIBaHH2A_bcobdTpIOuDjFLGOFIn_ECnNR_E7Bwqp800zik49 xoTh6McFcrwLkwuPcAF4EhaPJ_T2Xb8YE0Lc6FyLblv-Jka3bwyf_6A4VYvJSCPVeKUpxx_4INciRLu6ouRVP3l2-3iy96EPF4BVphfcBbjxqQuxFdP9fKeHxvshPCdkL7lZuwRdr_n peK2YOmpziMSrakV3PGJxuhRfgoggwY_VNLbNgsx6Ayuq2HmAy t5TM3aO47S0FDIsHPVQVQ_iNJVB7hY9gWIdjKeCuFMmtOXo01c CSpTTvo74dZa5NzRqzco5E93Lg67pY5bYMawHQSOeTjDgwFa4_ Y6IlByJQhPaQIKd-mOJtXnTYvhmRaqjkASIgxgEkMr30mbqzfh774lGo7yinDn32b5 wlEMNZPvTEG8pBODcceoABCJirIVHRZVUtSiN167JH75ST5q9R t2mTr403PLtkIb_Nz5ZPFWNJxaPRnvAE-lHDKUOAMDKzXqKIFLjjHGpgHLjMBVgvdrtWS7HTfofUww9tH4j SH68qOC-b_-h7RoIL8MzFrmwotzh6EHpxpNbw3kpUmtcBdj6qu-1ZQ-vBFPUbUxXsMh3XJGNBxusiVCqvHtoWRLHcTv4tMwXFL=w1280-h762-no?authuser=0

This is how it looked when filled before turning on the filter.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Pgz3PxE8Cf2brWaEx69HHcfNd4JkKYXkGSUf_54DYVILwxULzc G3rfYiJy2gF8_hqwvidIetuzly-WJKXgbd1w5detljFS5pBsf48mEONU4bYE1VImnYpfMqotnwZeO-1bCWOgQPkJ8eGZHiL1W_H4LCp1ZKyO39RNudXlCRKSQd21fxbb lvwh2uzSnrH9l4e2z5YOnMIJQ9AUdikzx3obag5k5qZ52RQe1F bp2flHCFUETeSE2GorC92Ob3GF5Ufj-k27FstnYQdkfViXp7KJ4Lwz43O2kMkZDX5bYXXuviOWLqyM6Wt nPW-nSBYRhxwhiJxINVbp5TP1tJeNXK3qGAq3DwnTR1d6O2GU_Hy5I G1FRiqOQrv7r9Er83Vob6U12NCQBuvtq8ywbIHlWlK_0ESvc58 v8UWDl-YLNl8Cr4axA6MkjSOL---ggdt8EMR-zexU0Rp7JqGVBDbfdPLb_E2QzPqRRtUIDGlenZId5rJa7jrnvV 7O6ETu-L71b6JOG4m7_zk9ICYEkN8p0hP8qkMPeexJGUT4CL69jpfezz-BYk2CvRZIWEgawJTfXYGEGVCUhBDPSuiQDjVUmcRRinFIrmtfc 2BFOQmki_7aKiyzfFytVNcocDrAMvny4iGN_szYCFj6_ErjHsF DLuYBsEeVOvnbcDbkGtKhoR_E9Xcq6g4V10K2XjBtSy=w1280-h712-no?authuser=0

I set the heater for 83 degrees and took some tap water readings for a benchmark, then called it a day.

Tap Water
pH = 7.0 (degassed 24 hrs)
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 3.0
Ca = 20 ppm
Mg = 0.9 ppm
NH3 = 0.00
NO2 = 0.00
NO3 = 0.00

And here is the equipment list:
Aqueon 30 gallon aquarium
Aqueon glass top
Fluval 2.0 LED fixture (36"-48")
Marineland C-220 canister filter (two sponges; filter floss; bio-balls X2 trays; Purigen)
50# HTH Pool Filter Sand (crushed quartz) 2-1/2” back / 1-1/2” front
Osmocote Plus root tabs ( 4 each “00” size)
Inline CO2 diffuser
Fluval CO2 drop checker with 4.0 dKH indicator solution

Second Hand Pat
08-16-2020, 09:00 AM
Hi Roy, are you setting up this tank for discus? Based on the title it sounds like you are? Have you done any research on discus or keep them before? Before bring them home you may want to do some reading here.

08-16-2020, 09:12 AM
Pat, Roy posted his new member information yesterday. I suspect that his experience, background, and common sense will serve him well in this set up.

08-16-2020, 09:15 AM
Roy, I had forgotten about sloping the sand from back to front. It allows for sediment to collect at the front for easier cleaning. I am looking forward to your journal on this set up. I sent a pm to you as well.

08-16-2020, 11:29 AM
Hi @Second Hand Pat,

Thank you for the comment and suggestions. No, I have never personally kept discus before although I have cared for discus several times over the years. I have been on this forum several times over the years as a 'lurker', registered as a member in mid-July, but just did my first posts yesterday evening. I look forward to learning even more about this species and always appreciate suggestions and support. I have been busy reading the 'stickies' the last few weeks. -Roy

08-16-2020, 11:33 AM
Hi @peewee1 (aka Norm)

I read your PM, thank you for the warm welcome! I've been in the hobby a long time and sloping gravel was just one of the 'old skool' tricks we used to do when I first started. -Roy

08-16-2020, 12:07 PM
Hi @peewee1 (aka Norm)

I read your PM, thank you for the warm welcome! I've been in the hobby a long time and sloping gravel was just one of the 'old skool' tricks we used to do when I first started. -Roy

08-16-2020, 12:19 PM
Hi All,

The tank is currently at 85 degrees and the water had started to clear. The drop checker is medium green and with 4.0 dKH indicator solution that means I should have about 30 ppm of CO2.

I decided to add a few plants that came out of the previous 30 gallon set-up. I added two pieces of Malaysian driftwood to the tank. One piece had an established thicket of Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' and the other had a not fully established thicket of Microsorum pteropus 'Trident'. I also added 17 plants of Eriocaulon sp. 'Vietnam' to the center area. How are these plants going to do in 85 degree temperatures? I guess we will find out!

30 gallon 24 hours after filling
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dmRc4zpYpCLyyCqNPP6wQLn3nagYkqj558y5x46WvRNXiJss0 kbTVJYNwpIMoYaGN_K2QHoLmIlDyaPOajpkQqdzhm2_pjIGaXJ TIKeW8Cdof5VNVbX3YehXcvezs26mHI31cFywED7vy473WQHjn b=w1280-h558-no?authuser=0

08-17-2020, 12:25 AM
Good to see you Roy. Looking forward to your build!

08-17-2020, 06:33 PM
Hi @Iminit

Thank you for the welcome! Here is the next installment!

08-17-2020, 06:34 PM
Hi All,

So with a temperature of 85 degrees this is definitely a warm water tank. Did you ever wonder what species would do well at a temperature in the mid-80's? How about with high temperatures and very, very lean dosing of nutrients? I did so I grabbed a bunch of plants from my emersed plant bank and one species from another tank and planted them along the back of the 30 gallon. This is what they looked like when I planted them.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d_E2y-cnqaqZZ8q0RUcKltxtOUR6cnRrAOFo1uzEyljm0T8hFo7Ppzz1 XSUsiwTaeBEskNVVEMzASuyj-aAQVRxFEDuQY95Yr79hPWKxKCI39G34Li_oCTnx7oOBpKBScmk 48uY0kVSmbayBhoib55=w1280-h827-no?authuser=0

All of the plants are cuttings without roots, so what did I plant?

1) Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' (from stems growing submerged in another tank)
2) Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana' (cuttings from emersed growth in plant bank)
3) Hygrophila serpyllum (cuttings from emersed growth in plant bank)
4) Oldenlandia salzmannii (cuttings from emersed growth in plant bank)
5) Limnophila rugosa (cuttings from emersed growth in plant bank)
6) Ludwigia sp 'Red' (cuttings from emersed growth in plant bank)

I am curious to see what species can adapt to the 85 degree temperature and which ones will not. The light level measured at the substrate (through an Aqueon Versatop) is PAR@50 measured with an Apogee MQ-510 PAR Meter.

Here is one of the shelves of my 'plant bank', just a bunch of species I grow emersed because I don't have enough tanks to grow them submerged. Many are 'uncommon' (i.e. not common in a LFS) and not always available on the forums.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ed7cCEwOe1R-w5XFK_MvBlvONWjV_C_m9huiC7cB_ACtPV1yA5GHQ7LCljuO6Z ygLASnookhCKLVYEqK6oFkgGsvxdDmkPF9KLLxhmMQ1phIIG0Y DLHl0iOdU_KLIxQMBBMzjk9fC_r6RJMe--8KS0=w1280-h447-no?authuser=0

08-19-2020, 04:46 AM
Good to see you here Roy ..
I have been following your tank already but look forward to watching here !

08-19-2020, 09:36 AM
Roy, the plants are growing at room temperature and I notice by a window. Is 85F the temperature of the water that the parents of your F1 were raised in? I am curious why you chose 85F. To me the plants apperar to be much like the ship in the bottle. The pot is much larger that the mouth and neck of the bottle. What am I looking at?

Second Hand Pat
08-19-2020, 11:05 AM
Hi Roy, can you describe the discus you are getting for this setup. Gathered from the title they are F1s from wild parents. How big are they? and do you feel good about raising them in a planted setup? BTW your expertise with plants is certainly evident and the tank will be killer.

08-19-2020, 08:16 PM
Hi @Coralbandit - You are everywhere! lol -Roy

Hi @peewee1

The breeder said 85 to 88 degrees would be fine, the fish room where they were raised is typically about 78 degrees at floor level and 82 - 84 degrees on the top tier of tank. The discus were raised on the top tier. I guess I could say I smashed the pots and re-assembled them in the bottles with superglue gel but those are just 2 liter Coke bottles where I cut off the base and then cut about 3" off the length of the remainder. I make a cut about 3/4 the way up the top half and put the two pieces together. High humidity, little watering even in the summer. The high humidity helps the stems transition emersed to submerged with minimum 'melting' because the cuticle layer of the leaf is very thin. -Roy

Hi @Second Hand Pat

The breeder collected the parents in Peru on the Rio Nanay; the parents were juvies when they were collected. These are from the first spawn of the wild fish which was a small spawn. The fish are 1-1/2 to 2-1-2 inches in diameter. Do I feel good about raising them in a planted tank? Good question! I have done planted tanks for over 12 years but I always put the needs of the fish in my tanks ahead of the plants. That is why I am trying several plant species, I want to see which ones can survive / thrive in the conditions that the discus require. Thank you for the kind words Pat. -Roy

08-19-2020, 10:58 PM
Hi All,

Well it has been a week since the last update. The fish are doing fine as are the plants. The tanks is clear and the PAR level increased to PAR@50 now that the cloudiness is gone. I did a 33% water change this week, dosed 4.5 ml of Seachem Comprehensive twice and glutaradehyde (Excel strength) Initial Dose (4 tsp) once. The water parameters after the water change were:
pH = 7.6
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 2.0
Ca = 15 ppm
Mg = 0 ppm
NH3 = 0.25 ppm
NO2 = 0.0 ppm
NO3 = 0.0 - 5.0 ppm

I don't know why my pH climbed this week, my CO2 is actually higher (about 40 ppm) is it possible the HTH sand is not totally inert? I added 2.0 ml of Muriatic Acid to the tank and that dropped the pH to 6.4 after 24 hours. I will monitor the pH for the next couple of weeks and see if it creeps back up. The fish didn't show any signs of distress.

It looks like the species fish will be arriving soon. In the meantime the plants seem to have settled in fine. The Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' has a couple of new leaves showing good color. The Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana' seems to be a slow grower but there is one new leaf and it seems to be larger than the emersed grown leaves. I added some Eleocharis sp (possibly robbinsii?) to the tank that was growing submerged in my 75 gallon and I trimmed down. The other emersed grown stems I added a week or so ago are also showing new growth and looking healthy. The Ludwigia sp. 'Red' isn't showing any red coloration but with PAR@50 it may not show color until it gets very near the surface (if at all).

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cfmijzJeGpaHbqkdmiQ04G_zvaDbUKZBgwIHWp_47X1o95Cjq 7RFCT-CTvfU1oLqUbzXOMF4-ICWK5VDkRZg8JQYDsji8xKO3-FC3JXbUnvlzU9VporyEJbdVtc80X0xL5tAyYGdDMNOZZMA1-sFY1=w1280-h717-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ceT7aZ9q152uSaAOvqse2jzmUTZUOj26773pUjhjt_sJBEUPj tECP-4xGkjWUuwtcifSn-YrvwQ4k70IKjoGLocvmW-hUSFH9g0IPkR-9FK9yUAN1vRFew6hMwTqxUc29LHWOxRxY9AJ0XPzYQYUii=w63 8-h880-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fVzja3CMYDvrSvkQch5hGfwih6D0pcTL4us0Ct_YsRwBaR_6z 2y8_Mp8t7BBgCOw6oIazZ4Sd3I583fE9WPo7l2mprZbSmYxVNk 3c4vmoaJTTvcIWxbipyTIiE91kYSoQC4Ld581RmE5ks8BPJQqB K=w1174-h880-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dqTxSP-ML9YF327dH2mrlAm8mydWk7LDpzpXGm7vHYMN9HfDPbbiut4I5 kv8eV_2n6EZ5C-w50GzE97P-si3zKl8ezGKmmyyKul7QKua7RtphG2WC6b5B-qQuxRB1NUxG2U6DMguCd-HasfCBbR7KW=w897-h880-no?authuser=0

08-20-2020, 07:16 AM
Incredible plants and growth,

That aside, just remember that with discus that small, they will need a lot of food and a lot of clean water in the form of water changes. Also after a month or three they will be too big for a 30g tank.

08-20-2020, 10:51 PM
Hi @Shan_Evolved,

I've certainly learned that, they are like small eating machines! Water changes at least twice a week.

08-20-2020, 10:52 PM
Hi All,

I know it is not time for my weekly update on how the tank is progressing however the species arrived yesterday afternoon with a few friends. I drip acclimated them for about an hour, waited an additional 1/2 hour, and the introduced them into the tank. They even brought some friends with them that they grew up with, three (3) Corydoras sterbai. For the first couple of hours they huddled together in a corner and then they started to explore the tank. I lightly fed them some frozen bloodworms about an hour before 'lights out' and they all seemed to eat.

Today they are much more active and bravely exploring the tank so I grabbed this picture. I know that the 30 gallon is just temporary for these seven fish and in the future they will become the inhabitants of my 75 gallon. -Roy
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cP2LZNCwUpx5ZdEv33-z8vrhosyHpaL-IbB8V2A61CqIynrT1i6PYbOtESQ6aJE2rK8isKvJgLVcemAWAe 5WuOqGyZm19yjUo3wXytgnE5V_bBlM0BPf-LfTVYv3lvbkxc43e5_emYr4ekMf48oh4N=w1280-h658-no?authuser=0

08-22-2020, 08:51 PM
Hi All,

Here they are eating their third (3rd) cube of FB Tubifex Worms!
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3f1q09FJI8wf8pob38QNDRnB1hy_ipA2a3ZO-LSqrGQSKsrLXsjqs7fxxT6rMWYF9Sxx1YELX95gZN3KYXMsSIe oWM8vtH67VVmPwzTxbntoMh0sQiiVFxU8VqmLp1GMc8shtb0r8 QmYgLdbvrg3L8s=w1150-h893-no?authuser=0

08-22-2020, 08:53 PM
Hi All,

Here is what has been happening in the tank since I added the discus.


This last week I increased the PAR from PAR@20 to PAR@40 on Tuesday and then on Saturday I increased it from PAR@40 to PAR@70 (all measured at the substrate level).
I did a 50% water change yesterday making sure to match within 5 degrees the new water with the tank water. I added 3/8 tsp CaSO4 (3 ppm Ca / 0.4 dGH); 3/16 tsp MgSO4 (1.04 ppm Mg / 0.25 dGH); 3/16 tsp K2SO4 (7.5 ppm K)

The water parameters today are:
pH = 7,2
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 4.0
NH3 = 0.25 ppm
NO2 = 0.25 ppm
NO3 = 10 ppm

The ammonia level remains stable and I attribute the not before seen levels of nitrite and nitrates to the addition of the discus and the large amounts of food they consume. I will likely do a second water change on Friday and check the water parameters again.

Here is an overall view of the 30 gallon
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ePtvuH7bDJgEcoAWbTtKn_3FTcw_yHjLZjOz8D_Y-kP1XmiwdeW941jwEEnFoRNqBN59t8swjlTzQKrk42QaBAx_WKg U8SromL1M5n4UcbKTwh90k5zLCMEMne0KbttYEJsnCHsnJknvU jDV0-c9K1=w1280-h772-no?authuser=0

The Trident Java Fern (Microsporum pteropus 'Trident') is doing well and looking good. The Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green Gecko' has put out more leaves in the last couple of weeks than it did in the previous 3 months, I think the substrate feeding is having a positive effect.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3drxAPjCa__p791lB2WdI9Wac6bHma2Wt2rSbv4KKqxHsOOQ1P 3ppkngcnixuQMorZz7c9ePOeBSr9YuJRXX5YuqLafwCukiIFd4 1jPXs19YAgAe_MfmKJIp2Exn3_7a80WRXmIgJx7pocd8yFXnIp I=w1047-h893-no?authuser=0

Here is an overall view of the center of the tank. The Eriocaulon sp 'Vietnam' is growing although slowly with no signs of algae on the leaves. In fact, I haven't seen any algae whatsoever on the glass or plants since they were planted.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cvK_m2I60CbTj2ruacw1oox20iq9hP7zqMF1j9bh5gzAlepeW qLXFh3yZav136TIT7UImOer38VisIWIub7msw_auN0MWqLB5vh 3-rIqMnfDMMcIhlZpsuwx5VGyk8FDx4N-NHDehoi2YtzAke1yfh=w1232-h893-no?authuser=0

Here is a shot of some of the plants I am experimenting with along the back glass. These all come from my emersed plant bank and were planted July 30th so they have been in place about 11 days. This picture shows the Myriophyllum 'Mini' and the Bacopa colorata. Note the top leaves are noticeably larger on the 'Mini' compared with the lower leaves that were grown emersed. The same is true of the B. colorata but it is difficult to see in the picture. Also notice the top leaves are starting to show some pinkish coloration.

The Limnophila rugosa has put out several new leaves and is starting to look 'bushy'. The Ludwigia sp 'Red' has gone crazy (arrow) it must have 10 new nodes and the new submerged leaves are 5X the size of the emersed leaves. The leaves are green likely due to the low PAR level I have been using but the stems are growing toward the top and with the higher PAR I would expect to start seeing some normal color.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fiuZARGV1KnOsjXnEX90_ofb2Qd5MFk6VG0nf0gyOvQjj0Ucm paIf95Iu2HPuDi8hmLDqD4sZuaabh9I7kAnUQo5SZwnepz5vz7 7tiya9Nvl_vG-C3GbOXzYxPwdw9fazZvEmo7k4-rqBSlrWZxb1b=w670-h893-no?authuser=0

08-22-2020, 09:42 PM
How in heck do you get so much plants into a 30 gallon, Roy? Very nice scaping.

08-23-2020, 09:25 PM
Hi All,

Last weekend I tore down my 30 gallon to make room for a new species (for me). The this will be the first time I have kept the species and from doing some reading, research, and talking with the breeder I am doing a set-up I have not done before.

Here is my old (15+ years) 30 gallon tank (36"X12.5"X16.75" high). Note the scratches on the glass showing years of use! Thank goodness most of those scratches disappear when water is added.
http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4T9utm3uehmcIFzKldCSEvxEpSfIPO_rA1LjXb5IP8Y7QvNLGe njsviUBg3BWRk_bSnJm1DEwks0hJ9rUWYxfszewiZNqfjkxHWN JJ2WUb7vthKsTrSQNTPU3p9njX4Q2zK502QygVBJ8fMeSw3Vrg tGSLxRiK2Jm6DMoToXru5fXEphGuzD5qToe-u4mZnKIBBEIshOcaQHfC3OWyRiNggpYpGRGEX8yZzbBEKqMqXP 2YFaiqNt7Z-kM3vJwXVERTDR7XakSDEO7rGF8vvuK_ISLbLbu1bzq09crAmP6 bXlFpZwmJinh6lt2AZnSOucgUtwn90nti4v35vbYGcNjuh7jVm brXyAuOfNX21rCdjEzJuqKFeoq4Yw6-WzHFuoOG4etG4BGXanvZoP13ruqoC5L_EZJsdEmxKY3nuKC7U4 neB_ad0Vnxp5fQJTSk4e3RbjTEqAHpmZhAanNmfkWQlR64IjVF FVE9rVKXpD1qD4jMTdtr5-hQEXPEKax5v2wfj2Bo5n45wbMWwFElgpPXisI8TvPLE7LUTVPn OmY-DwvDuupmzw2CbhQoESHNT_ss2wBALzl69LM4T54spRtNExLCt9 mJuFUgJk-d90oAcRUXdJJ_Y1MEgxHBVpdhhV8YSQYqZv06qiNiIMo9V84Un H7bwlESgQhqdA8NMKR464uFq1F6HWKyYue8LG=w1280-h768-no?authuser=0

After cleaning the heater and canister filter I added four (4) Osmocote Plus "00" root tabs. Based upon my experience with the 45 gallon which showed residual ammonia for about 2 months when I used one root tab per 2 gallons I decided to go stingy this time. There will be some species of plants in this tank but the fish will be the primary consideration.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sAyn-wOmT5IBy1juxcikBt9DfVJmZt0salfxMCKKOciQ8PZiXAARjZS gW81QhtoPKY2omzJasSc1I08J6U-sMBwDLn97juHI7XLICkjGej3EzSyruR0X7dh2BbwQHCV42b6BD EfnEVO7DvF9lZlz-4oHm2858s5jy5chu4rdtlpmi2LvfBTSM5c_8CORtiexEiCJTBr zHPgn49QyW0_dcYMEkiZVUxk7gDj3dzCEsLDaUkGOQLhibZD07 IIomCq9kfuCwA3t9uUyw-N46u0zu70m4mXHTZoStOPUAjBlb2Io5xju715c4D6n4THWzv2k 5nskArTEWTBfjMIDzB-feJ7d-ZsMYTOYOXCy1vK53loMgeTrcViWjtDHl_fLNsvLOH1YhYKnwB7 BbhwnRmmMu1osQtod1Qezh_0HAm0anCYuk3YK4iTsBZg95th8W qUplgqalAiuTAO-0qwLZf_yx2lG9q5BKzGJyDhikQHragtVA4BOXhMVXFrjZgVHoT 1ZzyXM-ihlJbgQ67zqB2WvQWZwYfvMpNoOusNgXjX6JBIjAUhu034sDOn Z_sT7HV9bp8ayPwu6dOnSPvbsyYJ1oKH9PFc1sLSxRwSxlvXUU hEQ1X7yrkwFCll08rLQYrtm66bNeTFFWCekwFrKFIjHlAFKcJ1 zrrPbg1C68KCQLfAr_74nNiFC-a-aXloD=w1280-h672-no?authuser=0

I covered the four tabs with a handful of sand substrate to keep them from shifting and added the rest of the sand substrate.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/EWrK7UQOCFG0ixVK_dk70t34AIVwm29rycnmEsBcP9irDKN3oQ FHmI6159zjM1XTbibE8VIniR3BxIx__oNbg3IzutAy5ljcu_l0 PA0lhsp-fPBHD-4wXPsKcLqDfwsm0lv5oBDZHZGmGrmmwChmJ8rxfhUTdG0xYUhE OsSI3lsWoM5-vDBxoPRgYeiFqSoTVhhpIEk6qzuD5l0XlEIhqDCxj2J5tFHNka 1cL_EjjnkgmHNxtaAZeMpJH3g-ln6EnhjVC__0r1i9ZVYXDKi8h4JsFBR1pnysQfOi-0tpJCpMdTnfuAn2KBrvBGd7fZm90IfC5gd_gJKHYGqSZDD7Fhh SIivbkYarTq0eT60KnsRmgH9usSMe0AHwOXgsqKo9Em1SSeFOe OSarXRu_NfIoZ0Jfl9VbcOlW81PpUgGti_1PjovuYsgsLJ3zZj d1lGsf1SuwIX9nxTPEmKazPPGkXz2IYA-sbnwezWnS7n4B0RKW9JQxx43wVqbENNRAfeitfAp5wEBkykCVE CMVAtyGVrYPjuedYH4CLWBk4JLZvvJl-JjYJEDTLSan4Bj-dJPDJRYJQn4JV5fdsUCdYBlbXncbtdzbyJ5hmMD-awx4whQsgty3OFKJeUh-NuE43XVHgIGPf3dXMj26JLuhYcLpS043MdzDbI721m_q-1-crFlwqsZBGv-QkIA8Mtm=w1265-h883-no?authuser=0

This is the first time I have used sand as a substrate in a tank and I went with HTH Pool Filter sand which is made from crushed quartz, contains no shells to effect water hardness, and is definitely white! I am not a fan of white substrates because they can show all the detritus and other stuff but I want to keep this tank clean and pristine as possible.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/no1dB4e-KvhWVm3TIjP7Spq0WV1lv8Ive-ye8t7G6KEcOBA0X-wHn9JeMWDbfeolUhUC98Ix8ojByrtBsGYCDrxuEpibRRcyvQ1D 7p6_kGnTkcsFYo6sihzAnlcS20JIE8nsh7wtmPvOTMwXfwOmK-ag1RKm_wHpkRZ9ptAgZiDeJ0S2cS9toAgFwigVdxbL_UnFqtKq RX2uKpBLUtoD2Dkg_kJ36Omiw3b-xotWNIc1p9Y8A-Of_PcQZq-63x5gWSk2nd6TfLrgVv7wSPet3wDnjB5DhdWO-CGwaDXus--m94B7XKEzcYjYJXCzJ3haIBfF81b6iC3q9ZsgDtPq7Rj9O4DK2 4X9nDJej0C3TFxphvKorxQ8C0ChS_hVhiUd0K2MCqXuyx4vD0f U8Kkq1-zXFBm5PoV8sgsO20sAtv2XWL1TTITovSPDDvxHbVGamg7s_ZH9 JOh445Ko6UyNZgON9m4MX0W10hu9ZmJu4Tl-V1x6vRbnipifbwlGNFshj5IU55R1y0R6ASm26nRVvxQBo5XCC1 zGSWK0-UB1Qg5EzY5Hr74i1_IoV5feYPeLHCDgaDQmpuBeX2Js9OfK3ke yPHuZ80GdfeaP32rJiHYK8fO3Ukz_Q1aj5S34nVH6HucCY1qPn Rq4mzE_p-Ep5nVhSEHrTIQdPpNtZfrxnbjxfoW0t7DHCHhAPmSr=w919-h883-no?authuser=0

I put in a total of 50# of sand which is one bag. It cost me $9 including tax. This gave me sufficient for 2-1/2 inches in the back of the tank sloping to 1.5 inches in the front of the tank; an average depth of 2 inches. I did not wash or rinse the sand first, it went straight from the bag into the tank.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/sDV5Fg89H20d-30xO8kc5R_2-IYu00Sb5Y9JwEvVCQgycYEX-UD2Xk0WiMJQwsyn5dfqQ0iJzN2b8XNfp-tOxnb4OAAyRFlziD8C6KEtSlWdfJjHYO6nVDWMM2YyXXoSuMIr CYtiIzMS7-vJm95HH3cJINIFkIReLYr5G5UiVN2APfWQbiurnHmtchy-sgMVxY9yz6_EqjItUQ-XvugF6uqGy7FJZnCTFybnnOsgyel1ejg3gRIBAk36fquZzlILn O1mYfltFAk4lSGNTnQfUv3zJRUf-uFUv4NCfPc6pn9cRIfwtyuWjc3pPLIlbgsTssHJ8yf4V2uSIuE 5Cm61rAsDAlEo59f0J702RsLDPbiVSpL1yVQHoPpTe3zKTWUag D5vzMkxjoeoX10AIeAijEUxQl5WQeJad0S_94ApetK9M8vXZp9 UWZhw9euMg_VQWpcqUxXLevj8jNcEZrJF0wlsCaBes2r5McYnk zltLNzgcdFL1BxtpYph-WNbjBsS8OTY5QFPkMlcLdQwaVvkxO_ZPBw9qoB6f_L_j9y_tLq 8bV9JsnRvkOwENs7fZP3n-laqiE8FgNmhXpiZYWBDkQalsIUgqVRmGmGNZixNUE4ZnqLXswh aMkKHgGI3pdwfUmPJXB7Yb3xCPxMw6DDyk5m5lOQrHIQDpcDo7 Wtj2ZgE5jBfbc4DmJsRz2jK=w1280-h785-no?authuser=0

Next come the filling. I could have done the three (3) gallon bucket and made eight or nine trips up and down the stairs but I chose to use my weekly water change hose instead. I put down wax paper and a dinner plate to minimize disturbing the substrate during filling and added the water slowly.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1qcQcGFGD4ZdGkQwGeTas7kMSZ1TLacOrzQIs3cr1H5ec__h1d I0TG_OE2ImtzfJWoxXFvZAiTZaVhgvRkRZ_2t8HaDik0iLDSt7 P4HwKzCGYDUZYyR-NdBthPNirkETJewHLyirerStH-0r_puQX51Sn4jKCdPCehN1xUGeh8i6EKM-wbL-dT4icqcm0FcZ00sXy37A1u3pt10HEffkWUKSWhUL6XKWiiqsjl _1f1QRmvUobGqiGvHhOyzAtz1dApKJ1FDsqxpuUJTtWs4S1KoI _3Z4UepIHQbkt26ycAp9yz6c0KQKBu8ZOObKSY-RTBI-8H1MvGYlzcVuIYEyMr1hiV1TiQ73WHCX0YwnGivPIF4LTrvH3E gMNgsR9k4JsL8bNa572RHQheXQj9wYvtTxN0A0CqTn5zoWKenm wJNMnHwZFAmCYsfwtyvXi9SvFevHyLz6ihyzgzvFAGPgvjYhms tvuYR6zZgf_WlC80o-QkGLzYQFr6WHw-mAZdVMShTBezlYN9rr0QcHXcLMRYaDtI0d-WDYXTMrXmmQQ3fwlWpz3jL00o70N2S3ok83aNPhkUwP6Q6UOkz 1CsLKqdCyw_L5xj8Va-bOBn-nWPp4z6e3H4K0-bhH2PK-C0Pr3KklAvMhV5RWQRscuk_BgOmBxDdvRJQWsmnYOJ-ZjLCc_loR3VB2dPJXKxZH=w1280-h675-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nhSQHic3lbbFHxhnRynrmDorPqYSDG1wo74ew46b4ZbUH_61is 4Wx7YqKgB9tWSjtsCWIsv6Hbq4r6LqvnF53N_Xa8W15GbHdf6H pyLMcFIB562SyepjHcg_MEMVqsynx6PbtybR_Fs3dziNo4YKFg 8Q1zRMo-lvWekntGDmS7SX_U_T9_nzYao7YthslqoDGw_3jbozqBotLcBD qls0qT7Ccp3FCV6DBVFDK2upiAbSHJWFb4_kS-beeibFmMP0MXMtmwGQoZNSLRn3MauW3vPJBjX4ITFzyEXGP5_q RSfkJYz-EMwwaQ8Y16Idy9WaNQ8sVFn_LrnxncJ-g3TAUX0btt4Uxg72rvQGaVmZSOORGIvHPH6sFGNUnFqtO2DcSL IfpwsvvavwQuGH40AQbKTBfqGmKTfp-WgcrpDoVk-bt_66vt3rmFbtIpM8rjtWvDFZIJM3PxVG2xAAk_yVhptMbk8vH VulKQoetWPHePGEwVucr1xw3xLTqvfkaTKMVrt3nFc_Fil_ZX3 jdIz7516GMIGCnwOLG0C6GO1ig7ZQS7f3y_RdG0TAEXPzGfKB0 8qn7D75VZNCxHdm4ho3EozQYPffXprYhpgl9V5W39P_4lo25tA Q7yiQvsxBjZ5TvzTmJA9Xhhknd9854x2FHaqEya0No2VZWkSWH LpmvdlvYGHDNyjHB1bhNygH=w1280-h672-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zGEHv_NWyEPZEBir_k5hypwvn45glxVbiw9ZpBZ9Epd9KyF2JD Nl8KgShi2WFfJDxRpIieCGgN8ZB0zv5QnJ7_usJ6gyD96NMbso qRjz3rNYRaDb6wjj7--6M6mBc22k_10VQI8jMDij4GTAwJc9ucGN45Q6LitvQCWk9jXAY X6Uvbh8gV104NUFSLccert0ZUBS8gZkzQvlVN9e_mixmB9W2KK Cdo4hdgK2eh0ZAEorG13N7kNs_v-RsgOzq8D6ErIGpj9Iiyx_3SY06i2x5v8Pge_prKZ_K0_-_XX4FSM2uFhz9PJ0WXlJxELDRpXaM-dui7d2-gHJGRwKi0w6vfhpdtZRI289RAT8stSzkCUyaVXmES59720fJbO hZ6pzdVGPEUHVkY1loxVELyBXXBlHVhCgBABQur0-QVnMFnxryLYFvyrR6Ofk-E5_uHGi3lqf6YC22PSmvrOweEUBwXPvR6JopwMMnaQRwwQgZf_ 4qEZhtBbEDWOnI8PsG2AnwYqcYDSKaTcpc16WpL1b8fBueVo71 54LXEzlrj3hDhygWDZ_Orh_I9KJhhQ4ZHpd76_4XxHJisUfWjs--OGeWUpn2M8go1wO7R--uMo7SjWECXe_YHdWlM484sMjOHAjyDj2Zv2FP7qWvw2vG_ZiIr qie5G_YUgwsP1KMp8kIH4aavAOCy-hlfyneJAP=w1280-h682-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Lc6iH8zxvj8sV6hTTH5bCTy0k61yZB-2fv2b_JyeWY7ysZ211yBA9xhn7dSGy5x-zsIBaHH2A_bcobdTpIOuDjFLGOFIn_ECnNR_E7Bwqp800zik49 xoTh6McFcrwLkwuPcAF4EhaPJ_T2Xb8YE0Lc6FyLblv-Jka3bwyf_6A4VYvJSCPVeKUpxx_4INciRLu6ouRVP3l2-3iy96EPF4BVphfcBbjxqQuxFdP9fKeHxvshPCdkL7lZuwRdr_n peK2YOmpziMSrakV3PGJxuhRfgoggwY_VNLbNgsx6Ayuq2HmAy t5TM3aO47S0FDIsHPVQVQ_iNJVB7hY9gWIdjKeCuFMmtOXo01c CSpTTvo74dZa5NzRqzco5E93Lg67pY5bYMawHQSOeTjDgwFa4_ Y6IlByJQhPaQIKd-mOJtXnTYvhmRaqjkASIgxgEkMr30mbqzfh774lGo7yinDn32b5 wlEMNZPvTEG8pBODcceoABCJirIVHRZVUtSiN167JH75ST5q9R t2mTr403PLtkIb_Nz5ZPFWNJxaPRnvAE-lHDKUOAMDKzXqKIFLjjHGpgHLjMBVgvdrtWS7HTfofUww9tH4j SH68qOC-b_-h7RoIL8MzFrmwotzh6EHpxpNbw3kpUmtcBdj6qu-1ZQ-vBFPUbUxXsMh3XJGNBxusiVCqvHtoWRLHcTv4tMwXFL=w1280-h762-no?authuser=0

This is how it looked when filled before turning on the filter.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Pgz3PxE8Cf2brWaEx69HHcfNd4JkKYXkGSUf_54DYVILwxULzc G3rfYiJy2gF8_hqwvidIetuzly-WJKXgbd1w5detljFS5pBsf48mEONU4bYE1VImnYpfMqotnwZeO-1bCWOgQPkJ8eGZHiL1W_H4LCp1ZKyO39RNudXlCRKSQd21fxbb lvwh2uzSnrH9l4e2z5YOnMIJQ9AUdikzx3obag5k5qZ52RQe1F bp2flHCFUETeSE2GorC92Ob3GF5Ufj-k27FstnYQdkfViXp7KJ4Lwz43O2kMkZDX5bYXXuviOWLqyM6Wt nPW-nSBYRhxwhiJxINVbp5TP1tJeNXK3qGAq3DwnTR1d6O2GU_Hy5I G1FRiqOQrv7r9Er83Vob6U12NCQBuvtq8ywbIHlWlK_0ESvc58 v8UWDl-YLNl8Cr4axA6MkjSOL---ggdt8EMR-zexU0Rp7JqGVBDbfdPLb_E2QzPqRRtUIDGlenZId5rJa7jrnvV 7O6ETu-L71b6JOG4m7_zk9ICYEkN8p0hP8qkMPeexJGUT4CL69jpfezz-BYk2CvRZIWEgawJTfXYGEGVCUhBDPSuiQDjVUmcRRinFIrmtfc 2BFOQmki_7aKiyzfFytVNcocDrAMvny4iGN_szYCFj6_ErjHsF DLuYBsEeVOvnbcDbkGtKhoR_E9Xcq6g4V10K2XjBtSy=w1280-h712-no?authuser=0

I set the heater for 83 degrees and took some tap water readings for a benchmark, then called it a day.

Tap Water
pH = 7.0 (degassed 24 hrs)
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 3.0
Ca = 20 ppm
Mg = 0.9 ppm
NH3 = 0.00
NO2 = 0.00
NO3 = 0.00

And here is the equipment list:
Aqueon 30 gallon aquarium
Aqueon glass top
Fluval 2.0 LED fixture (36"-48")
Marineland C-220 canister filter (two sponges; filter floss; bio-balls X2 trays; Purigen)
50# HTH Pool Filter Sand (crushed quartz) 2-1/2” back / 1-1/2” front
Osmocote Plus root tabs ( 4 each “00” size)
Inline CO2 diffuser
Fluval CO2 drop checker with 4.0 dKH indicator solution

Hi Roy,

Are you still liking this substrate? Is the sand too fine? Is it really white or white-ish? Also, how are the plants doing with it?

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks in advance!


08-23-2020, 11:38 PM
Hi Roy,

Are you still liking this substrate? Is the sand too fine? Is it really white or white-ish? Also, how are the plants doing with it?

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks in advance!


Hi Luiz @Losago1980

The HTH Pool Filter sand is definitely white. It is not "too fine", not as fine as beach sand and has a good weight. The plants seem to be doing fine, roots are growing, with all the water changes there are basically no nutrients in the water column and with my very soft water here in Seattle the low calcium and magnesium levels are causing some issues. But, this is a discus tank and the primary focus are the discus, plants are a secondary consideration that is why I am trying several species to see what does well in the conditions that are best for the fish. -Roy

08-24-2020, 08:39 PM
Hi All,

Time for another weekly installment!


Today I did a 6 gallon water change on the tank.


I took ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings again today, they were:
NH3 = 0.25 ppm
NO2 = 0.00 ppm
NO3 = 10 - 20 ppm


Today is water change day. I changed 50% of the water in the tank (approximately 12 gallons) and did a light vacuum of the substrate in the front to remove detritus and the top layer of sand was looking a little dingy. I added 3/8 tsp of CaSO4 for 3 ppm of calcium, 3/16 tsp of MgSO4 for 1.0 ppm of Mg, and 3/16 tsp of K2SO4 for 7.5 ppm of potassium. I also added 15 ml of Excel/glutaraldehyde for carbon molecules. The fish all ate well about an hour afterwards on San Francisco Bay Brand freeze dried tubifex worms (FDTW). I took some pictures of the tank as well, here they are:

The full view
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3f_OxRRu57Z3kpTecEwvRm-8buEZiZoqlxkQWDnTqctN-RenWzWv4KESvEQqlObJb6fhdsjHV8UOTIiPmGnovWDYambOneh BLYRNtS5uhEt1SzaibPlohE1OVh9yOrQm2v1jeUocbPg4YJdwz rvmB9m=w1280-h783-no?authuser=0

The C. wendtii 'Green Gecko' added another leaf this week. The 'Trident' is doing well
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dUrMgTgGB_M1uu_GmmQeYu8PJk53GQeKBLEmvMfiXcMCOOc0h tGmRLj4IZhSZ9IbecMjXNs4ko1pIUGlgAkqBOyoAzpibuNTfv3 9G7LNGC6rjujGJ4R381NjxwLjOYDNG1_epLlGPlIWEorlDrWA3 u=w1189-h893-no?authuser=0

The Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' is not doing well, the leaves are small and not well formed and the growth has slowed. On the other hand the Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana' continues to grow well with about 4 nodes (1") of new leaves.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cnJ9FgvSQbmBKUhFHHpSJ2cnDVWyiaHx6ngttrgh4WIDBKADK iRZkMH8dBBHAn2WAJZid2udYIEgGisJuX5xV7RCb88qcYMgqHa pjbqTzdiWZAiql1TASbVZ7Wzwytah9ENcvokxn0GEYS4qSTL_u e=w1189-h893-no?authuser=0

Another shot of the Red Spot Green Discus (RSGD), they are almost always schooling
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dmRkwqjmgFNHA7wp1vYCK2t-VdlbAhoOUVkyojeadmM8lwCFmDSjc--IJ-RtQi9O4zwKodgBkF_8BjbED_75wp0GqTRJyTV4FK_LpTkxFXoC roFIssPoPuukTdqC3d-AHTDwsnr54boet1AwpbWUH4=w1189-h893-no?authuser=0

Not much noteworthy on the rest of the plants other than the three small sprigs of Ludwigia arcuata are showing new submerged growth and the Limnophila rugosa is branching at the bottom.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dDg4PaiZgsrSJi2iO18eQ7JhEcr8MMBG1fg92ozESDGibLU8w A2CdcgFq-bPnEXF5g1AT8m99QJWf4B-C6i1DXQWdw7o_l0IfUSGZ_kI3Hu21Pfl0iDjd_SDTPPSPfBKw_ W4bOSUR_7PYH5ERE2EY4=w1189-h893-no?authuser=0

Lastly, the Ludwigia sp. 'Red' continues to grow quickly, however PAR@75 at the substrate and PAR@120 at the tip of the tall stem is not yet creating red coloration, however the stem is starting to branch.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dMCIlaJRR38CAHzATc_QVsvrS7Nw403e5vlalbYAr8nKL_BXQ _qYiXThnLpY3LdUNbBISLkljM26mPcqpkhSZUiZpVgUMa9APa9 GcYXXXVSo7y84j7FUT7hnx0S34kzKgm_BFJjcfzHeXVJck7Nwz O=w1189-h893-no?authuser=0

08-29-2020, 07:04 PM
Hi All,

Added 4.5 ml of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive

Based upon recommendations from folks on the forums I have upped my water changes. I will be doing three a week on this 30 gallon tank (24 gallon water volume) with 12 gallons done on Monday, 9 gallons done on Wednesday, and 9 gallons done on Friday. This will be the equivalent of 1.33 complete water changes per week. I did a 9 gallon water change today, did a light vac of the substrate in the front, noticed some green spot algae (GSA) along the front glass just below the substrate line and cleaned that up. Magic Erasers (aka melamine foam) are great glass cleaners (be sure to get the ones with no detergent etc).

After the water change I added 3/4 tsp of CaSO4*2H2O for 6 ppm of Ca (hardness increase approx 0.8 dGH); 3/8 tsp of MgSO4*7H2O for 2.1 ppm of Mg (harness increase 0.5 dGH); 3/8 tsp of K2SO4 for 11.8 ppm of K; and 3/64 tsp of KH2PO4 for 2.0 ppm of P to hopefully reduce the GSA. I also added 4.5 ml of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive.

I did a 9 gallon water change (approx 33%+) today. Also picked up some live adult brine shrimp to give them a little treat. Here they are 1/2 hour after feeding still looking for any BS they may have missed.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dOBHO6NQw9-U_6VXn4NSD0DvLLgN8vaPA4srr3nQ4kXuVKeU7UTRPZeSTr2wK JEK2apRtl4XdDAESfrzzWLYpGmLYD90wL66-tXlQfE8m4PYd8e1to5z29zmkbWizFe-Gu0y_WGwohk5tpPcNCzcSO=w1280-h785-no?authuser=0

Also here is a picture of the big brothers and sisters of the fry I have, notice how the nice coloration is starting to emerge.
[Ihttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3f9H2AMxC6Mue3fuQfudhtzwXCfhN9TYmuUc5GWM_NUyRco46v 8xAtb6i8_GmRki62PMQ3_pIKoyefaivS5-cVXbxTtQHvek8Bg7PBaL6XWpeR_RZFKzMTA2gxunVmjIw1iVf2 qJwliU89HZfDNrY73=w1280-h630-no?authuser=0

08-29-2020, 08:39 PM
Roy, the brother/sisters are the parents of your fish?

08-29-2020, 08:53 PM
Roy, the brother/sisters are the parents of your fish?

Hi @peewee1,

No, the second photo is of the first batch of fry from the wild parents. The discus I have are from the 2nd batch of fry from the same wild parents. The ones in the 2nd photo are probably about 2/3 the size of the parents at this point and less than a year old.

Here are the parents, sorry about the background glare.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fSPP5GtUShB0HTWOs63gyJy9NND1IvZp6uMe-Pp7yjCS2I7hkiSSbjB5XLohZdhw-rZrRONmy7vlhLlWT0T8j6OgWv_nirs5QQQO14ZhTKbugomZZjs orKpvDlDjwp3Va_sRtp0orK5lLvCYx_6a_N=w680-h563-no?authuser=0

08-29-2020, 09:30 PM
They look great Roy!
So I'm a little confused though, your signature is on all of the photos you have posted...but the parents and first generation aren't yours, correct? :confused:

08-29-2020, 09:44 PM
They look great Roy!
So I'm a little confused though, your signature is on all of the photos you have posted...but the parents and first generation aren't yours, correct? :confused:

Hi @danotaylor,

You are correct, I took the pictures you see posted today hence my copyright. The pictures today are of the wild parents and first spawn. Those are not my fish. I also have F1's from the same parents....just the from the 2nd spawn.

08-30-2020, 12:04 AM
Nice. Good to know the source of your fry, and be able to see them in person!

09-04-2020, 12:38 AM
Hi All,

Today (Monday) I did a 12 gallon water change (50%) and added 3/8 tsp of CaSO4 for 2.98 ppm of Ca (hardness increase approx 0.42 dGH); 3/16 tsp of MgSO4*7H2O for 1.04 ppm of Mg (hardness increase 0.24 dGH); 3/16 tsp of K2SO4 for 5.93 ppm of K. I also added 15 ml of Excel/glut for algae prevention. All fish are active and eating well. They have finished off the three (3) portions of live adult brine shrimp I bought on Saturday with some help from the Turquoise Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia lacustris) that I am conditioning to breed. I try to feed at least one portion of dry food (FD tubifex, Krill flakes, Extreme pellets) and one portion of frozen or live food per day. I have a white worm (Enchytraeus albidus) culture that is not quite ready to harvest yet but I will add them to the food rotation in the future.

Dosed 4.5 ml of Seachem Flourish Comprehensive for plant micro-nutrients and 3/64 tsp KH2PO4 (2.0 ppm of PO4; 0.66 ppm P; 0.8 ppm K) for GSA

Today (Thursday) I did a 9 gallon water change (37%), added + 3/4 tsp CaSO4 (6 ppm Ca / 0.8 dGH); 3/8 tsp MgSO4 (2.08 ppm Mg / 0.48 dGH); 3/8 tsp K2SO4 (11.83 ppm K); 3/64 tsp KH2PO4 (2.0 ppm of PO4; 0.66 ppm P; 0.8 ppm K) for GSA. I did a light gravel vac in the front of the tank and siphoned any detritus on the rest of the substrate. It was time to clean the canister filter so I rinsed all the bio-balls and Purigen in tank water as well as one of the two sponges in the filter. The other sponge got thoroughly cleaned in tap water. I replaced the filter floss and started the filter. Here are some pictures I took today.

The full tank shot
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fc_HJUg-RALh6nzJoHJsE9XCtBOx6HlGs-4ist700XF8P8N03p-hltq2AAAvs16Q0u8fErUIwo47wawdtpuvHFVB8jbdENITi3ruj ddQkI4peE-DPJqz6ZOpf5myqZEMwg7K80CMSTCPaG-eikxCdD=w1280-h693-no?authuser=0

Time to rethink some of the plant species. The Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum'. Limnophila rugosa, and the Erio 'Vietnam' don't seem to like the conditions necessary for the discus. I will have to try some different species. On the other had the Myriophyllum sp. 'Guyana', Oldenlandia salzmannii, Ludwigia arcuata, and Ludwigia sp 'Red' seem to be doing well. I have a couple of other species I want to try maybe I can do some changes this weekend.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fqAq-MrPa3loor5r1yL4jGlCt7GNFdGsX_iE1zLzXpFYOkYyfUX_RU-FaJmKx2j_zUVN6bBj3lEfa5LEIAmnPI58FzYnfqrvLY601fDzn ZMwUfJKjfTL9yJHpM-9ZvGm9jfplc9W34vASlj68xfpKp=w1194-h895-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fgdSyB9bV7rdIQs9sEKjJImePeZcwk5Us2l--EioQqOyEcPwliTfiI0la55Teps_R9TCghOyemCb0NjnzCKVRlw jxYxkC1Za_OyEQgrzbGrRPvfJcBfPVLCoT_8hDF9NQABi1ncXQ oTWK6bfKdDjfh=w1194-h895-no?authuser=0

09-04-2020, 12:57 AM
You have a way, Roy, of making a 30 gallon tank look three times larger than it actually is. Your plants are most impressive.

09-08-2020, 02:27 PM
You have a way, Roy, of making a 30 gallon tank look three times larger than it actually is. Your plants are most impressive.

Thank you @peewee1

09-08-2020, 02:27 PM
Hi All,

Yesterday was water change day. I did a 50% water change and took the opportunity to make some of the plant species changes I mentioned earlier. I removed the sad Persicaria sp. 'Kawagoeanum' which had very little root system and they went into the compost pile. I removed all but one of the Limnophila rugosa which had good root systems but poor growth and I moved them to my 75 gallon. The Ludwigia sp 'Red' (which to me doesn't look like L. sp 'Red') was cut down to remove the emersed growth at the bottom and replanted just the submerged growth tops; the stems all had a good root systems. I dug around in my tanks and plant bank and added a couple of Nymphoides hydrophylla (aka sp. 'Taiwan'), some Rotala H'ra (aka 'Vietnam'), and a couple of stems of Limnophila sp. 'Wavy'. Here a picture showing the new layout and trial species.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3duw2M6Et2EJK6_7pSSnWJqSGqcn1cI49bwgsUfitkId3bvLN4 0AFRWdvTIxvWdBvHs2f01r-5P8SHseu_Gz4mE7wmdIzXixg7s949DThkZhahw3rl44dPAf4PE Dq4-v5GrxRia4H7cGwvXCHw33rdm=w1280-h781-no?authuser=0

1) Nymphoides hydrophylla (aka sp 'Taiwan') hiding behind the 'Trident'
2) Rotala H'ra (aka 'Vietnam')
3) Limnophila sp. 'Wavy'

Here are a better shots of the three species I added. First Nymphoides hydrophylla
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fQ0LHakd5V5iFIV6JC7Jr21oC3fs2ehAKvLfg5rOKqHIzUY5s 3EzRDKxgKQS9QOLHZM_OuvNekAK6_nEW7ow-ocA1wmQgbdXOFLZE3zeVrvMyc_z0UGBfjynQWa14ZR36-nAAuSw6Ugdj44w8Cljyc=w1280-h783-no?authuser=0

Next Rotala H'ra
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fYPdYQ6djdFOreeJ7HJldhRgnrk83wxXfUh-Fwrv0CxAmIyTGwrKd6upZe2OmjGYAAbzN712cG4F4OKxYFKdow 4t1Z2DowpA7ousYnn8Ve2dEdvaHjakrwMseN4HSJHWBY1apcEz CN8GZrWT2qjVGc=w1194-h895-no?authuser=0

Lastly Limnophila sp. 'Wavy'
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dp8HTSA0IYCdmMTJRLq4ax2BOf_v3_TVj9E2Ae3H2FAz4FLDY wANXUSsEfWkNCo6GMs7j23ragefSKCi6vUUdIsNZ0a9EeJ5gXH 5hiQH4hrSXMe_yjKQtDlxQIqLFCpBoGXYGH5G428X8T5FawQzt 7=w1280-h794-no?authuser=0

I also took a full set of water parameter readings after the water change and plant changes; here are the results:
pH = 6.8
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 4.0
Ca = 20 ppm
Mg = 5.23 ppm
NH3 = 0.25 ppm (possibly from disturbing the substrate?)
NO2 = 0.00 ppm
NO3 = 10.0 ppm

The fish are eating three meals a day consisting of frozen bloodworms, frozen adult brine shrimp, frozen adult brine shrimp with spirulina algae, freeze-dried tubifex worms. The discus are not really interested in Fluval Bug Bites, Extreme Krill Flakes, or Extreme Pellets. My live white worm culture has grown large enough that I should be able to add that sparingly to the food rotation.

Have a great week everyone! -Roy

09-11-2020, 05:16 PM
Very nice plat growth. I would be cautious of a KH of 2. If the carbonate levels drop because of the nitrogen cycle, if they drop enough that is, your ph will plummet. Thats what happened to me as I also have a KH of 2 out of the tap. Your tap water has no NH3? Or does it have chloramines?

Very nice regardless

09-11-2020, 05:42 PM
Hi @Shan_Evolved,

I live in a suburb outside of Seattle and my water company uses Seattle city water. The City of Seattle gets their water from two primary sources, both sources are dams high up in the Cascade Mountains and the water is derived from snow melt. As a result our water has very little dissolved nutrients such as nitrogen (<100 ug) and no phosphates. No chloramines are added to our water; just a small amount of chlorine and fluoride (fluorine).

It's great water for most soft water species of fish such as Apistogrammas, Rainbowfish, Killifish, Angels, Discus, tetras, etc. but not so good for livebearers or African cichlids. I am using a small amount of CO2 in this tank, about 19 ppm of CO2. The nitrogen cycle was completed over a month ago and since the fish have been added the pH stays in the 6.8 to 7.2 range. I measure the pH, NH3, NO2, NO3, and PO4 levels weekly and the dKH and dGH levels a couple times per month.

09-11-2020, 10:58 PM
Hi All,

Today I did a 9 gallon water change and did a light vac at the front of the tank. Added 1/2 tsp CaSO4 (3.97 ppm Ca / +0.56 dGH); 1/4 tsp MgSO4 (1.38 ppm Mg / +0.32 dGH); 1/4 tsp K2SO4 (7.9 ppm K); 1/32 tsp KH2PO4 (1.34 ppm of PO4; 0.44 ppm P; 0.55 ppm K for GSA. All the discus are eating well and seem to be establishing a comfortable pecking order.

09-13-2020, 02:43 PM
Take some videos bro, would love to see the natural flow of discus and plants

09-13-2020, 09:36 PM
Take some videos bro, would love to see the natural flow of discus and plants

LOL Shan, I'm 70 yo and I consider it an accomplishment just to post a picture! -Roy

09-14-2020, 10:12 PM
Wow 70!! I thought you were in your 40s. Good for you!! Always enjoy reading your input.

09-14-2020, 11:04 PM
Wow 70!! I thought you were in your 40s. Good for you!! Always enjoy reading your input.

Roy is 10 years old and 70 in dog years.

09-16-2020, 01:40 PM
Hi All,

I apologize for being a little late in my posting this week. I am on the Board of our local aquarium club, Greater Seattle Aquarium Society (gsas.org) and we had a board meeting last night that I had to prepare for. I did do my water change as scheduled on Monday.

Today was the big water change of about 50% or 12 gallons. After the water change I took readings and these are the results.
I also took a full set of water parameter readings after the water change and plant changes; here are the results:
pH = 6.4
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 4.0
Ca = 20 ppm
Mg = 5.23 ppm
NH3 = 0.00 ppm (possibly from disturbing the substrate?)
NO2 = 0.00 ppm
NO3 = 10.0 ppm

The ammonia came down from 0.25 ppm last week to 0.00 this week which kind of confirms that changing the plants and disturbing the substrate caused the slight increase in NH3 that we saw. Because we have hit my target dGH and Ca and Mg levels I did not add any calcium sulfate (CaSO4*2H2O) or magnesium sulfate (MgSO4*7H2O) for the plants. The fish are doing fine and still eating like swimming pigs although they seem to feel entitled and only eat frozen bloodworms, live adult brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and FD tubifex worms. They turn their noses up at krill flakes and Fluval Bug Bites, any suggestions as to how to encourage them to eat other foods would be appreciated.

Here are some pictures from Monday; first the overall tank shot.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fgntt_LHykCsDWclATC25Ij1ElSGtPu6Lf4_hViXMHwhRsYAj cMyQ9jH4UPKULRovJV_d5NffTQzjr5ts1EtUK8CQaxJynMNsMY nqlXYzX4kyWE3vvE9my8q03UcWNbUhzcYq6qoLa-H7imBG9fmxh=w1280-h747-no?authuser=0

The Rotala H'ra (aka 'Vietnam') is doing as expected. With the low nutrient levels in the water column the Rotala has taken off, can you see all the new stems starting to emerged along the original stems?
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3egmMbhmmJ3m9XZUVrH8RvmFzJ5PI8GCo-WFjzir2fyeOP-hzIEjhx4DUOL982te2_SmDO0pimBXnXsD9dTJkSa3gKHdI_0of JGnEymsXjlRBYQGfp9VbWLHJz0X9Ta75MDsdUzgo-65khkcWatF2fR=w1009-h890-no?authuser=0

The Myriophyllum sp. Guyana is starting to branch at the top of the stems; the Oldenlandia salzmannii continues to grow toward the surface and will need trimming soon. And on the far right the Hygrophylla arcuata continues to grow slowly. Regrettably the Eriocaulon 'Vietnam' in the foreground continues to just sit there. It will be moved to another tank in the near future.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dAFwT7JG2nypshtFWCQsVQ_t_WeQYkMUInAonrftwQ5WVjFdY MvVgtHK-TKVqPxo90YYVK3Y_vi9GarKJHMJZFduNcITrUtLd89Fm3Y1PVc Bs_lh3kT-Z2qmBxZsMU1FLmHiboHUmKWSewOj56yCNh=w623-h890-no?authuser=0

They Limnophila sp 'Curly' that was added last week is also growing nicely.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3c9E3K1A5K7EM7lHZpm-O_Z_Law34rQ4KondcdDV1Nv7yKwJ9CCJwhxzsnWAigQ7E1PGSh 3Kw8X7EQ3OkZ70w__NTDcS2gi1ELnUco30Uk295GomtfHmrsL1 fZq70lBQjsh4tfZIs939GWFnOcmFUlc=w1027-h890-no?authuser=0

Just like the Oldenlandia salzmannii the Ludwigia sp 'Red' (*doubtful this is correct identification) is growing to the surface, this is after I removed the original emerged growth from bottom of the stems last week.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cx950JU_Eciz2PZtn5CUktLIjGdmPakz9rWohw_3xVkoLEZI-ABe16fuA0TESWXesTJPIKAX9AVNYmBQUmei_FCiQvj0bEeMxS_ 3BeSY6gYTsnGh4JlByVkzM4TzeDM8wFYYQBLxBlmlXPWwVGJDN f=w668-h890-no?authuser=0

And a partial 'Family Portrait'
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eThPj3FGihpuWOi80I5Xy4DZ11eBTE94YoG-am_kS774hnCzsGWn6KegiADlesJvaWjrHTKy1Ic7vDxNWglgEb XWpTBvuiN3af9H3GEeqRvPIU4Fhke2Iew4iCNHWQ-JwMy-93daNJqTxnOieybuRK=w1216-h890-no?authuser=0

Lastly, for @Shan_Evolved a video of the fish eating FD Tubifex Worms

09-17-2020, 01:28 AM
Looking fabulous Roy!! :thumbsup:

09-17-2020, 11:20 AM
Looking fabulous Roy!! :thumbsup:

Hi Daniel,

Thank you, it's not really aquascaped, at the moment along with growing the juvies I am just trying different plant species to see what is compatible with the soft water / low water column nutrient level that is best for the discus. This is preparation of moving the discus to my 75 gallon.

09-17-2020, 12:43 PM
Roy is 10 years old and 70 in dog years.


09-17-2020, 11:46 PM
Thanks Roy, looking forward to watching as you progress and transition to the 75 gal :thumbsup:

09-18-2020, 09:19 PM
Hi @danotaylor, thank you for the kind words. I will probably start doing fish moving in about a month.

09-18-2020, 09:19 PM
Hi All,

Another 9 gallon water change today. I siphoned up about 1/4" of the sand substrate at the front of the tank because it was showing little specks of algae and looking "dirty" and replaced it with fresh sand. The fish continue to eat and grow; today I gave them live white worms (Enchytraeus albidus) for the first time. The plants continue to grow including the Rotala H'ra, Ludwigia sp 'Red' (NOT), and the Ludwigia arcuata is looking taller as is the Limnophila sp 'Wavy'.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cOU0nOi2T_SvvBSWR0US5jQMjSvkIb1fCRoRk355DjmA9nPdB m8XGMhrHsAqMyjovNhQ1dp1dPazjgONg7ZpgoyzFffGtqmtdyy NGy1ePNSwCJwc4k3qdjc3yHSQXqYLQVQF4nLTpubsRDswYmWfK d=w1280-h705-no?authuser=0

Notice the watersprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) growing behind the Microsporum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern); Ceratopteris are great plants for absorbing nitrates and ammonia.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3c7NX5s1WpaVBU_ZXnsDBr9SkeSfgVKjRQU5TiqEOWKs0BRUXv fKkdeb27H2DDCSuBr9Lmzr6hcn9bhFTdBYhBCYM8JchLCd0dIH 5GGnC-o0CmYkjY_H_Gxj7YciOWyL5o2B-mqJFS_Zh5-llfP4lAq=w1083-h890-no?authuser=0

09-18-2020, 11:41 PM
Hi @danotaylor, thank you for the kind words. I will probably start doing fish moving in about a month.

Yes, while you are moving fish I suspect you will move one of those beauties to my house by mistake.

10-12-2020, 09:54 PM
Hi All,

It's been a few weeks since my last update. The fish are doing fine, eating well (too well?), water changes continue two to three times per week and the plants have been growing. Here is how overgrown the plants looked two weeks ago just before I did a trim and split some of the species to additional locations in the tank.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dUBfjCjYOT3S-V-ZvX6cBtZ9iaeDQS2ke4Q-6OGo7jH27n2M9JQoyk3vTG9yFtLycRx3hiLQqF4XWI7xFjveZq vih2kO52q-OE5EMC9W0OABxqmOw51p1uWS2QjP8DYfrY_J3WpnoT60Kiugog u9yt=w1280-h596-no?authuser=0

The last two weeks I've been helping my son-in-law build a 15' X 9' frame shed and although the water changes have continued on schedule my ferts went by the wayside. Today I did my 'big' weekly water change, about 60%, and took water parameter readings:
pH = 6.4
dKH = 2.0
dGH = 1.0
Ca = 10 ppm
Mg = 0.00 ppm
NH3 = 0.00 ppm
NO2 = 0.00 ppm
NO3 = 10.0 ppm

Even without ferts being added the plants continued to grow, the cuttings I planted two weeks ago are starting to reach the top of the tank (again) and other are starting to show up from behind the Microsorum pteropus (java fern) 'Windelov'. The Erio 'Vietnam' continues to suffer so I put two (2) beads of Osmocote Plus in the root zone of the three plants on the left to see if they respond. In addition I added some small pieces of Seachem Root Tabs in the substrate near the Cryptocoryne. I noticed some diatom (brown algae) growth about a month ago. I purchased two (2) Otocinclus affinis at the local aquarium shop and quarantined them for a month. I added them today. Here is a picture of the tank taken this morning.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dY6Qps95uQ1rtS5wESsZEaWa1GzI90YzLuzrXHaelNet1m8Xq j_yD3AJL0Yt9P1RG_1EekNLdqnU80YQ6P18f94TA-cvKov1VU_muvFb0qbdlZKsOnpuOmDliIdnaWcaMfzyjaw64Vu8 1cEC5fDqP_=w1280-h613-no?authuser=0

10-12-2020, 10:30 PM
10, 40, 70... hell, I don't care... I just want to keep watching updates!

PeeWee & Shan, thanks for giving me a brainfart ;) Too many numbers!

10-12-2020, 10:40 PM
Roy has too many fish per gallon. I stand ready to receive the extras.

11-04-2020, 11:51 PM
Hi All,

It was pointed out to me that I had not posted an update lately, I apologize. For the last six weeks my son-in-law and I are building a frame 10' X 16' X 12' high shed (from scratch not a kit) in his backyard. It has 4 windows, 2 doors, and lighting with outlets (I think it is a man-cave to hide from my daughter - lol). Truthfully, I have been too tired to do anything but feed my tanks and do water changes.....70 year olds should not have to work this hard! lol

Anyway, the fish are doing well. Growing, and feeling more and more comfortable in their tank. They get live adult brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, FD Tubifex worms, and live white worms. They are starting to show some color as well. I added some Cardinal Tetras to the tank as 'dither fish' which seems to be working. The tetras were not from Petsmart or Petco but from a LFS that quarantines and treats all of their fish with Mardel Maracyn, Fritz Paracleanse, and Aquarium Solutions Ich X for one week prior to the fish going into the retail store (don't you wish your LFS did that?).

Here is one of the juvies starting to show some color


And here is a tank shot from this evening showing some of the discus and the Cardinals. The plants will be trimmed and taken to a LFS for store credit later this week.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dpepMSg256EP-qe2HJO3a27avs4F1cNuxF-Do9Zb7GTNA5oPzBsqL9eTwctqNVlP9fge2oR1bZDL0N2XnVAHt ThsFdwAzd-3ysStcQIzJAwyPs1F0nWDckTQj-AWAxxDjvDWnm5NoOk72dIjMVVVvH=w1280-h740-no?authuser=0

11-05-2020, 01:00 AM
I have yet to understand how you get the 30 gallon to appear to be 50 gallons. Mirrors I suspect.

11-05-2020, 02:25 PM
I have yet to understand how you get the 30 gallon to appear to be 50 gallons. Mirrors I suspect.

LOL peewee1, it's done with smoke and mirrors!

11-22-2020, 09:13 PM
Hi All,

I hope all of you are well and safe.

It's been three (3) weeks since my last update and no, I didn't fall of the roof of the shed my son-in-law and I are building (I let him to all the roof work, I just handed him material). The seven (7) F1 RSGD are doing well, growing like weeds, and very healthy! Three weeks ago I took the plants to the LFS as I said I would, there where about 8 bunches total of Rotala, Ludwigia, and Oldenlandia for which I got store credit. Today I did my second canister cleaning since setting up the tank (about every 8 weeks with a Marineland Magniflow 220). I replaced the Purigen bag with a recharged & neutralized bag, rinsed the sponges and bio-balls in tank water, and replaced the filter floss. I do everything I can to minimize the possibility of a 'mini-cycle' occurring. Tomorrow is water change day and I will take some water parameter readings at that time.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d1QxY89t9fX6ZtAN_pNld7ptEE1a4HrstIWlsZo8cKlIunWxv 9PjGai6juJpg-BJkPznXCaoECjOXWMLySWYmTnf6av85VwPimzeCFKRoH3DoZzp AjxSRTS9LP-Zd-NXhNz45DlP0fHdfQXoZtIPCI=w1280-h769-no?authuser=0

04-02-2021, 10:26 PM
Hi All,

I apologize for being lax my wife and I got both our COVID shots and life got much more active.....lol.

Long story short I had hoped to move my discus from the 30 gallon pictured above to my 75 gallon in January but I didn't get the tank broken down and sterilized until February. The rainbowfish in the 75 tank were having an unidentified disease problem so I spent several days draining, cleaning the tank and equipment with a bleach solution, neutralizing the bleach, and setting up the 75 gallon tank. I went with the same HTH Pool Filter sand that I had in the 30 gallon, filtration was increased and and the 75 gallon tank now has two (2) Marineland 350 Magnum filters (350 gph each) plus a new Fluval 307 (300 gph). I put a total of eight (8) size "00" Osmocote Plus root tabs under the sand with was about 2.5" deep. The Marineland filters have only the fiber sleeve filter and the Fluval has the standard sponges for mechanical filtration and each of the other two trays are filled with 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of Biohome Ultimate filter media for biological filtration. I seeded the Fluval Biohome media with mulm from the filter of the 30 gallon to try an 'jump-start' the nitrogen cycle. One of the Marineland filters has an inline CO2 diffuser and inline Hydor 300 watt heater. Tank is set for 86 degrees F.

I had pre-ordered 50 Cardinal Tetras from Aquarium Co-op since they are about 20 miles from me and they quarantine and pre-treat all of their fish for one week with Mardel Maracyn; Fritz Paracleanse; and Aquarium Solutions Ich-X before they are sold. I also picked up a couple of Otocinclus to accompany the 2 Otocinclus, Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus) and 6 Corydoras sterbai I had in the 30 gallon. All of these fish were added to the 75 gallon on 2/20/21.

After a four days later on 2/24/21 all of the water parameters looked good with ammonia at 0.25 ppm, 0 ppm nitrite, and 0 ppm nitrates. I transferred the seven discus and five (5) Cardinal Tetras from the 30 gallon to the 75 gallon. The transfer was done with care with a large net to avoid the discus from flopping and tearing their fins in the net rested a hand gently on each fish when I moved it the 20 feet from the 30 gallon to the 75 gallon. The transfer went well, no fish showed any sign of injury or major stress although all the fish immediately headed for cover in the plants or behind the hardscape.

On 2/25/21 things started to get interesting real fast. My ammonia jumped from 0.25 ppm to 0.50 ppm. No worries but made a mental note to check it daily. On 2/26/21 the ammonia had jumped to 1.00 ppm so I added some Seachem Prime to de-toxify the ammonia. The next day, on 2/27/21 the ammonia level had jumped to 1.50 ppm and it was time for action. I did a 70% water change and added Seachem Prime and Seachem Stability to help further jump start the nitrogen cycle. On 2/28/21 the ammonia level was back down to 0.50 ppm and I added Seachem Stability. On 2/29/21 the ammonia had climbed again to 1.00 so I did a 50% water change and dosed with Seachem Prime and Seachem Stability. This continued for about a week with the ammonia level jumping between 0.50 to 1.00 but and me doing water changes whenever ammonia levels hit 1.00 and dosing Prime and Stability daily. Finally on March 6th the nitrogen cycle completed and the ammonia level dropped to 0.00 - 0.25. All the discus survived and continued to eat well throughout the ordeal. Now I am doing 2X - 3X per day feedings and 3X per week water changes and the fish continue to do well, look healthy, eat like pigs, and grow.

2021-02-17 Here is the tank empty with sand and hardscape
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9lwemhscikP2xWctCepofAkOu7sGblq_xmR9IjRKYb6EY9Gvyr 1jUHAZf1wbCfBypubgxBpKMYxnuN9j8vJGq8b81vkWaAfoHH2z 5jAh72JNKNNzCZenztyYDWSEwNsyv9lkFl38ahS118TVCCiaS7 LKnhFxleVXT_l69UDSeTW-IwVZEGvIaU_gKyxdg26OdIBMAj9Y7I3rnkF-EHj6-bdV4Rk-0JrpM95Dl9EWMYDqGho_VbZLuOgkOO5oIwxymbJY-xoegCkDzWxKVrJ2oZvqYRYWhjqT23q_LvWCW_4UgzOgd30osQH EP2dbtf0LRfaB6vbX-FmN1DBMvBw_VjvNESTeV_rtmOcynsji3-_mt0QJ-7cO7SpkF7AP4WxtTnYggmEE7NURJWhKmldf47EnjZiTxbh5sxB zSSstPlLRPVsjRe7iZTVpeSCISdfAdFytRXr6-C48ar7M3rmqBgS3V77Z1tnPPlT6qKKSpQehswNR4_cVLoAxCX4 N2lQZ3e6vm6PnxzLL7u2PxgEMPH85KrKIc-nQ-Dg-Bg0jei5StwICSYqqYg2iKneVu_NwcVW1JDvGCnCbMzhzex0Ttr oXnPrywshfVIn76iHfdpHyD8kb435yQwXheAIuVdXVyLJCxcXA eVpyjJ2Wwy4w4kLtJha8lnYSwdQvRvVmQE77NAt81kncIs2p-N8QO852Du00NQqRwvOct5b-JAiDqc=w1280-h620-no?authuser=0

2021-02-17 Filling the 75 gallon with diffuser and plate on wax paper sheet
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/miCq1khcOE1rvO4oqO_r0pCjdE3qLEu-CYxA3BKGnCKpY8dVavFnxlk40_bHdXf5IwQHrIm_nMsrr2G37g xOkwvvLtsqoJr6m-z_RRN9yug9xQcqLn2RFaXk2fLRasQ2UJ-QJ_MMidxft-5WubQpewqcz9LU1pV89Tdrfrjr6Uq4LIo_UPF3sDyDLQV7FPZ_ UxPQYLt7YFsOBl2M6xQELwFYI_jMH0SVy5HpwlNMe6bIpRv0w_ 42IszPZ2AQrgFtwF04W6MoECompe5JjXyZAQeumsjvHF5wjjUa NjP6r-AYe6FUDK6A8JQL8qvSKYSwdTdlPtLbV5y4IeZJf3b79MvkxLXV TvDDeGvCXLf4tp_87qLKymNULqugGPy4jUDz6dSmekqEvLWNZ8 MEq-pgPqDDVScR5cPpxmB4sVxcGjDpuvlBGBiLrGHscJDBJTZCM8MH 73DkaVS9QZZG9JX9yHcmDoBzBJlfD8D_N6zftmZgh3wj8p5HLf ttP0lw5-ZNuinorYJV2BUnelCRFU14-oo09eNJ-l_gCdiz1cdmGyXkiXGrr7qqfKYU0mIxcg87AFUHU6nJjDBhjZ-CiWaFSzAexZL-nbQ2obWDa9PsBS_M_12X6GRCr3KJ2j8VccMg1QGliebhueGlKp-2YkCsOEEYSEUthpF4jbCW_H1hYM6TZlBYjsBQ8rkCvFLNXRiri HOSLRNEXFg847x9z2W6K68=w1280-h737-no?authuser=0

2021-02-17 75 gallon after filling with tap water; notice only one filter in place at this time
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/q1ePK57ywksDImRDKlQXGD-mtRuiqYRLvPnfzBns2iuoIhLDKA9hjzA5YnjZTP4sy0ki7EisJ QrD7Y6G1yfatBPC6bu6feZueDhbCP3BzXHUXRA9JWL08BGUALR s0Gaj3eoQ8S0GdEJ-ChZCtSp3mZKyOiYFVKaZ4YVtAC-xaIN-z_f-n3e1aOjNieCi3briwaNJ3JpKhSnnsPGPOrzHLFNx-U0f-BoXIrhsgiSSZNGPJgjq-BcZY0ahmTvdH3rij5TvdruZVTkzbE_R0-eNvqD-hjpW0ipfyTKbHaHM6gOzjqGCISLP0JyU4TQSe8Usbs5jzbejsl JsdZuHru8RHjtzjY58dUBiVhGTJZlVD1StIYp6YykxWcvm0hKX Ip0wFrSIsdg0RzkRxNKpNhrBga5lpSl52LZLcOWtvtvrVgPBQ0 e8YAbUgP020gbdy-ruyMGkSOGwMbGqgh5pYleeZjVgWvTLJs4QKuQJQ5fAUZiPXl5C uOPAuTadXAA_aJjGLxqExtP-JaT0_AAmw96QHlBV-Cp29z7-sPSg4NHT9PJJ_tg8UQx169fcmfV8KUQD0DsvpIqjEO6AXkdQBs uvEIDKi012t7cpOSHOxGpDl7sFvT1nEulj4UVqXjhJ2zWCHos3 Acq6hcvXaN_x6lxZzkM42nJsKCVdjxxTCT1rKFPQJ6xhoNQ2gs qHUAeXTqcER8Zf3icFnicdKsKimcV3hdA=w1280-h613-no?authuser=0

2021-02-18 Unboxed new Fluval 307, added rinsed Biohome Ultimate
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/2aKCO_mRM4s9OdoHBdPqYRSrdGcWiAX0UqoZIrhpmCLXxBjxua v1K41_nELRr8HwZaASqmzuKeRhVBjxrN3VtuBeCfqoFK9pfr2z gqx7XHXgmf22TqtVVLXzD8YVStdFAHognCY6ULP_dr6zPzGAS5 szuAMyxcMEtfNX7ybJaK8nhYZf_BvLgRYk0wbco_vohQTk6q6n 3vDn_emCekdqfiTN3ztPlh2HSTMMmWM0fanYZ6iCZWloMOoZnK hI3rp2l2ya8WMu2hRTB_uEGmG-UpBV8MvPDB1Te7B19EerctAqVO81HseSSN7OxVnYKeeR8aAypE CNl7NoV6m94Dkp9AGx2oMBuJy53sFd2x7L4Mk2xv7cfYoDG96i 2Qt2cyNe7xwFdCY0qeL7FRW8QDaGC7om2YfNfQ_6w2ZjVKGdQS _rMySYebCXzYxkHwgQBJShFK38GvDrLj0YuOLEMqRp1wynLeCo KnHauJ4coBPUIwYb8Z7B7vzjnPvj4B-KAUWu4lDynslvmIJGu68mGZCP2W5BsyhrEhcDY5k0eUsJalZYv 9Lru5r56xIO7KOCOFEpw3rfwTWONs-g-izpMRNdIzGpMaLSSiAgad0UPPkfdaHgzoNympiTjyOIo0_Qo94 yhHT_4Aep9ll1_KU7li9HbuIkvrq3shzyO9GsJJZi-0O0DPqa5oXonzdm16v2BNh27q7fM-jRnqsXxXQjUWX7jaw=w669-h891-no?authuser=0

2021-02-20 Added 50 Cardinal Tetras that were treated with Mardel Maracyn; Fritz Paracleanse; and Aquarium Solutions Ich-X. Some of the initial plantings. Right to left Nymphoides hydrophylla, Helanthium bolivianum 'Vesuvius' (previously called Echinodorus 'Vesuvius'), Eriocaulon "Vietnam"; Limnophila rugosa, Nymphaea micrantha 'Gefleckt', Cryptocoryne balanese, Barclaya longifolia 'Red', and Limnophila sp 'Wavy".

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wlJHmLqSC8ri4lZMqYcntqaA2SIy9bn-p1wOETGc324vIkBVuBpdFFkseonnm5FXQ4pJuZJ3ru0RbJvgMX 8RyuUVrHC_aTAd6yzMUSl51WzYOndxtNbtzfiBaX-JxI7nlPQH5n3lJ5feMtibL7rjTwhheHajebk5DJvDZIjo4qCPb 0Uc3oO_5AbVOlCrY2PmiijF6PVeEbl7ioKx6LlJ0ei_dxfQsoc Y_bxgRICwce-JIWkHhMdgNIogmrJ2HZkpuvjHDWuyIfmK_tucpB-YsOE2GPgxPgn6oynNY5id0sCTCbYUM6w4PK_PpOaDBlVvD3ckr H7MooqRHAVm2K0CFlcOjr4QLDu2HKlZAZ4YLiadimExozMF25S rM9E152BV9BohpOC24zBLn16x7dq2Wux9FUHSOXzHt9StdPppk dMpLXMOqOio5luZhJj0Hh7L5bF47uQGbKnRE33_1MlHvt0gmVK 9dWr5UNpY36W4B1Gv1yEaA--qTTCr53tjMffAfsGANxmPxk-iHsXMJNQ75Z31erHjw830mWmxnTEcZ131uA9LmHX2Ebg8Uyz8e mVSkHZIuWzkdPksZDWJ9fFfvJxtNBU9Ys5vmMFiGTBsqekdb6U run_9e9kWfwkCXOAB3JS0PU9mjvwyAKyiI-XGJ3MTwsbY9VwV5EsonwoQ2AzrWe1WkwdGiIUgG9QKio9Va09t AZK87dE4TYK0VbKSEL0=w1280-h664-no?authuser=0

On 2/25/21 one day after the seven (7) Symphysodon aequifasciatus (Red Spot Green Discus) juvies. They were no longer in hiding like the first day and eat freeze-dried Tubifex worms with gusto.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/9ZQL_xL6Ve-dFD64Dw8eSdGt2tdLuhMxLs0v1CszCzp2PgCibRZ_p2n63Dvtm JkZYDClBafWMlqWSWpMtTYWrBkppGI_ZZwVwcw8oqQW4MyJMTF rQ2QmEzfkIX9YgSKKZeRbChpwDkeId-LvYBRE6YoWaZr6cCbd-1J4sUMqlAKlZBBkdwtvEagNFpC6F_9K27SbC5Go1PqKkWPq0AU cGHgmsh-uv3zZZyuSx6IZMxuvj5vmk79fXz_tuyh8PPgloIOFAblW5hXdk R7IWVeT8uUg5hK5kf1nXcSWQavmb69EmBkvBWbrwMLUPL26AQE-mTt-oTWKj_OS9T0yQNojDm-KSLUpKFsyoXCRlqBo57LRcPDivnKv1UmsqVhC32-jFYFc7_13E5VWhZw3ci4Pwb2hDS9yJSOxtnpBEzTav7jk1wg7W REWLSMaobQvXSdbIuDs9Rj9hF3hhPaOpcP583uBLCgqtY3HmU-yeTufhxuuW6lsh4HyIBM-rGvRi1k5p39AYgxi-Z0_kGHYgpPub0r3hhkjzrE739VWFa1qLqn9xmmuhCfVLSV20cj 7GG89eSZ_rdbbaQ4AK_58xAcO_2wXDxmi_qAqCoOXYfBupO2_l b0yo5EkHDi2JljC4PgDk3DCdrJGfChuFWxe93S9ctT3Ppep79-qhIeMCe2ugts-Ud309nb1UWLzkBpCU4TCuQJVsreMKObhNzXMBkt-Vss=w1280-h583-no?authuser=0

And here are the fish about a week ago on 3/27/21, I added a few more Erio, some stems of Ludwigia arcuata x repens, and some Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Red" to the tank but otherwise the plants are the same.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/h4InCDSbN9FbM0H8zNa2CjthHeVlK7DG5asRYNS04bPorF9kes NBXLMv7JVmaCYAezvgMjGQxRbs7HuQH9bdMDyJg0QlLllJl5we 9lg84RFRr4kINJuMRq_igS2-ju-huFyy1vKaGCcsN8HNzgS55JYZwLLM1oHADjJ_l_8u7aUaU0uiX 7PLnIdgrj_IVWWG6042iIRmB_K6HI_F_4P_xUd0Z6erAENkH8d MmmOEbEI_4F9iuulvs9SNyie0Ylywor7KajZi3ORT-Lr4M1A83t0cvPAut4PpKZIQxLyC1MC84I8iIm9Xfngu1dCNrab xQtBLeYlwo_w1TZ4rYxR_vb1Nb8WEeVuUCAGV3Mb3jEHBgxSHb pjfIU1j3BF12SiBBuyQzzFPG7rDlYYETZlvRBTh8_De3lgDnrQ XeNvMwx6RGbfQBD0foXicrhjddgVMOTQhC9OUHDv-jvxvsH5lKhUzjvDocJW7f7HQq6CjO3E6TStuRnRfD3mXwvYA0J gUBV5koD9Sni6xgDsfVPQXz5Yd3wi7LF17EkrVCLzdCFsRRC0D DCWmeuWX68d_peYVGZOc61vfwGzUY95qo4igYUfj13grQYNss2 KH7nz-BHP2UnKuvXfISqA4qo1Gwu5PBq04fF1Wy2B6u-r46tNGfdMd5FuhPd3-c1gdxYlULAY4Ta9xL1jAvReksSC6WCarUBTt12dXseNGEmfDDS HlvBw=w1280-h484-no?authuser=0

04-02-2021, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the update, Roy. I often wonder who the Green fish are doing. There should be a GSAS meeting soon. I tried for last month but could not login for some reason but will try again this month.

04-03-2021, 12:35 AM
Hi Norm,

During COVID GSAS is streaming all of our talks on YouTube, it is open to all and there is no 'sign in'. They are usually up for 2-3 days afterwards as well for those that can see it live. This month is the annual GSAS Home Show. Normally our club videographer, editor / photographer, and judges visit 10 - 12 member homes and do a 'show & tell' about their tanks. This year, with COVID, is going to be a little different but I hear it turned out really well. Second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm Pacific time is our normal meeting time during COVID. I will post an announcement when we get closer. Stay safe. -Roy

04-03-2021, 06:23 PM
Stunning Roy!! Those discus are gorgeous

04-04-2021, 04:21 PM
Hi @Shan_Evolved,

I have been in the hobby a long time, long before all of the red and yellow variants started to show up. I think the most advanced discus I first saw was the "Blue Heckel" but most often they were wild. There were very few breeders of discus at the time. I have always enjoyed the colors mother nature gave the species, that is why I chose these as the first discus to keep. -Roy

05-03-2021, 12:23 PM
So far you are putting all the nay sayers to shame.
Let's see how the discus do in a year!
You have fabulous growth on the plants despite the
warm temperature. Do you attribute that to the ferts
and the water changes?

07-16-2021, 05:46 PM
Hi All,

Just an update on my "juvies" which are about 17 months old (born last week Feb. 2020). I received them the first week of August, 2020 They continue to grow, eat, and do fine with no issues of disease or lack of appetite. The 55 Cardinal Tetras are also doing fine they like to clean up the pieces of FD Tubifex Worms, frozen brine shrimp with Spirulina algae, and frozen bloodworms. The reason for the post today is the breeder just let me know earlier this week that he had the first spawn from the brothers and sisters of my fish. Unfortunately it occurred in a tank with several other discus and some dither fish and Corydoras resulting in the eggs disappearing overnight......but it is good to know that the fish are approaching breeding age. BTW, all seven (7) are in there even though there are just five in the picture. Enjoy your summer everyone! -Roy

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUijRZxD0m9F5-9UQkgrw-VWu7cd89Fxu2OA_RLZLWWFgvH7MJt3i2gdAcXTtBlA7U_PXYro G6Kp02QR0dAF-iapt2Ep5oxEPuOqvuLTZ-_IkejhN5zRyoc4NcxhfoCaeD-ZJuaYMY7jsG6erWgukPs=w1280-h535-no?authuser=0

07-16-2021, 11:22 PM
Looking good Roy. Tank looks spotless. How big are the discus now? Maybe the other 2 are spawning back by the filter somewhere :D

07-17-2021, 12:31 AM
Hi @danotaylor,

Thank you, no not showing any signs of sexual behavior yet but hopefully sometime in the future. I asked the breeder how big this species gets and he said he saw adults in Iquitos and they are not as large as the 'power fed' domestic strains we see in the hobby today. Hi original pair of "wilds" and the other "wilds" he brought which were not full grown when shipped back have stopped growing and are about the size of my hand with all the fingers spread.......so not as large as the domestics I have seen. Mine are still growing but are probably about 3/4 that size at the moment. -Roy

07-17-2021, 07:48 AM
Hi @danotaylor,

Thank you, no not showing any signs of sexual behavior yet but hopefully sometime in the future. I asked the breeder how big this species gets and he said he saw adults in Iquitos and they are not as large as the 'power fed' domestic strains we see in the hobby today. Hi original pair of "wilds" and the other "wilds" he brought which were not full grown when shipped back have stopped growing and are about the size of my hand with all the fingers spread.......so not as large as the domestics I have seen. Mine are still growing but are probably about 3/4 that size at the moment. -Roy

Hi, Roy. Very nice. Thanks for the update. Did the breeder say if there were going to be any available? And when is the next GSAS meeting? Norm

07-17-2021, 11:45 AM
Hi @nah (aka Norm)

He now has two proven pairs; one pair is breeding fairly regularly, they are 'wilds'. The original pair of 'wilds' are breeding very infrequently. He also has a pair of unproven F1's that have bred but in a tank with other discus and the eggs disappeared the first night. There will likely be F1's showing up locally before the end of the year, possibly in a few months, in local store(s). We are hoping to have our first 'in person' meeting the second Tuesday in September, I am awaiting feedback from SPU if it is going to happen and what COVID protocol criteria they are going to mandate. The Delta Variant is not making re-opening a 'sure thing'. Here is a picture of the 'wilds' that breed regularly.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUpZNf5IZiFLC8tcwigEWQ2pT_EejVkrdTM3bBSyEBMnI2tC aK-uNoY690rkPtUy_4qA_P93hKhzLoEYvlI1Lj7tSaQjqhI7-wMFMvmJsAceSUA2OaHcCNxLL8sLTcUJ12FYFzk2sblTvWL4RG3 vxg5=w1280-h857-no?authuser=0

07-17-2021, 01:39 PM
Roy, you have never mentioned the name of the breeder. Is it a secret or will you tell us?

07-17-2021, 06:21 PM
Hi @LizStreithorst

I'm not trying to promote a particular breeder; just trying to reacquaint folks with the beauty of the original wild species of the genus we all enjoy. I remember seeing my first discus 50+ years ago but have never had the time to do the maintenance I felt the species needed until a year ago when I started this journey. I do have to say the F1's are much hardier than I thought they would be, even in a planted tank. -Roy

07-19-2021, 11:13 AM
Roy, you have never mentioned the name of the breeder. Is it a secret or will you tell us?

Think that the tank belongs to Dean, the master breeder, who is associated with Aquarium co-op.
He is a great fish keeper and greatly admire his fish keeping methods.


07-19-2021, 11:40 AM
Thank you Robert.

07-19-2021, 01:53 PM
Found Dean’s wild discus on YouTube .


07-19-2021, 02:18 PM
Thank you Francis.

07-31-2021, 03:32 PM
Hi All,

Thought you might enjoy an update on the 30 gallon where this all started. I've been raising some F1 Red Spt Green Discus from Rio Nanay (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) for about a year. They started in this 30 gallon for about six months and then I moved them from my 30 gallon to my 75 gallon on 02/24/21 but the tank continues. Right now it is a retirement home for my Melanotaenia praecox.

The plants have matured nicely. Still dosing four (4) DIY Osmocote Plus tabs, Seachem Comprehensive for micro-nutrients, and a little potassium sulfate and my DIY mix of ETDA, DTPA, and ferrous gluconate iron and mono-potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) to avoid issues with GSA (Green Spot Algae). Hope you are all enjoying your summer! -Roy

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLWah2zLLjVOsNWeT2xeQhe0jZFg4xkH530MXTmvds9_laCD6 TAgKsJ8b_xyXE8PpO2ibVdXlVQQO7PeT7Yw-zne2NxSbihScnrafkrcCPcA1Gm-n42AM7GDYtOTuK2oPAbQTkMqETGi1-GGRJ-mLrwZ=w1280-h660-no?authuser=0

OK, and here is the obligatory update on the 75 gallon, lol.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLVd3bV0mw5KqPdc3GOspYVjqLwx_w0M2Ma64xV9hgN3sYoky tIQ8r3t7fTz4T9Ne5K7RaGMl6-bT4m7xVLil1PJT-Jnd2oWQ0ccChLmtuusiuzGYgtdonLGFD7WGXCjhrJpR8JTGaTD ja7TPq2WQFNH=w1280-h616-no?authuser=0

09-28-2021, 03:33 PM
Hi All,

Just an update, I've had the 'juvies' for a little over a year now and they continue to grow and thrive. They are probably about 18 months old and starting to show some interest in pairing off. These are F-1 Red Spot Green Discus (Symphisidon aequifasciatus) from Rio Nanay near Iquitos, Peru and were bred by a local breeder from wild fish he brought back about 3 years ago.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLUFgO4rgi2emi3H3hGSx6BNPDs24-dhe0mzkBUBkieiGgVVuzX1bbC9At2vJBkMq8pBIqCDOa8aTh6E 5SQu01Oin2ss9S2PZL_0ih2HtXVYjadTzdDlA30r1Kjkxb59MA ziS3nVbRZcU4zyloRfE2vM=w1273-h892-no?authuser=0

09-28-2021, 09:28 PM
Congrats!! They do look great!!

Second Hand Pat
09-29-2021, 06:07 AM
They do look great Roy. I have a group of F1 Cuipeua and they starting pairing off and spawning which they were two years old. Across the eight F1 I have three confirmed pairs.

09-29-2021, 07:02 AM
Hi All,

Just an update, I've had the 'juvies' for a little over a year now and they continue to grow and thrive. They are probably about 18 months old and starting to show some interest in pairing off. These are F-1 Red Spot Green Discus (Symphisidon aequifasciatus) from Rio Nanay near Iquitos, Peru and were bred by a local breeder from wild fish he brought back about 3 years ago.

They look terrible and must have plenty of internal and external parasites. I'm about to open a rescue center where such a poor fish can be cured.
Especially for you, I can give a huge discount for an adoption service. In return, I can guarantee that all your discus will be doing great in my tank :)

Second Hand Pat
07-05-2023, 03:07 PM
Hi Roy, any updates on these guys? You get any pairs/fry?