View Full Version : I need your helpful and experienced advise PLEASE. STUBBORN BACTERIAL BLOAT?????

09-10-2020, 06:52 PM
75 gallon glass/ FX4 filter / Weekly 30-40% water change / sand bottom / heavily planted ( I was rearranging the plants in the photo so it looks not planted)

Tank Parameters : I have API liquid test and have been testing every couple of days to every other day since the bloat

- pH 8 ( hard calcium water ) I inject co2 and maintain ph at 7
- ammonia - 0
- nitrate - 10-15 for plants
- nitrite - 0

I got the discus from discus hans. I went there and physically got the fish in July of 2019.

I have been fighting this Discus for over a month now with bloat. It refuses to eat anything other than blood worms. I use frozen hikari because they have vitamins and such but that is not the point. it has been eating them for over a year now, I have tried starving it for over a week and it still refuses to touch anything else.

So anyway it finally got backed up and bloated due to what I would assume would be a nothing but FRBW diet. It would poo small solid dark pieces during the first few weeks but now I do not see any poo coming out. It also has now developed fin rot and looks like black burns on the edge of its fins which I have seen to be ammonia or nitrite burns but those levels have not risen. The discus also leans downward at a 45 degree angle, especially at night in the dark. the cobalt blue discus is also darkening but it does not stay dark constanly

I have tried epsom salt in the tank, everything up to a Tbsp for every 5 gallons. I have tried epsom salt dips outside the tank for 15-20 mins. I have tried metroplex and neoplex. I have not tried Kanaplex due to it not appearing to be dropsy yet but pictures are below, Share your thoughts. Kanaplex is also hard on my amino shrimp.

I am sure I left a lot out but i will monitor the forum and reply back quickly. Sorry.

Any ideas? thoughts? Plan of action?

09-10-2020, 07:54 PM
In a hospital tank add some Epsom salt as a laxative , dose one or two teaspoons per 10 gallons.If no improvements after 4 hours, could be internal bacteria infection...try using…..Nitrofurazone or Kanamycin.also add Kosher salt at 1 to 2 tablespoons/10 gallons to help ease stress and fight infection.

09-10-2020, 08:02 PM
Sick discus need more fresh water changes to help them along. I’d be doing daily water changes of 50%.

09-10-2020, 08:37 PM
In a hospital tank add some Epsom salt as a laxative , dose one or two teaspoons per 10 gallons.If no improvements after 4 hours, could be internal bacteria infection...try using…..Nitrofurazone or Kanamycin.also add Kosher salt at 1 to 2 tablespoons/10 gallons to help ease stress and fight infection.

Thank you for your time and advice

09-10-2020, 08:40 PM
Thank you for the advice. My concern is with changing that much water. my water is very hard. i am working on my ro/di unit but for now, my ph is 8 to 8.4. When i change the ph with co2 injection it is at 6.5-7. My co2 tank can not keep up with that everyday.

09-10-2020, 09:16 PM
I’m with Brendan you need more water changing. How many discus in the 75g? And what is the temp? Your fish would be alright at a ph of 8. Better than trying to change it with co2. By leaving it at 8 you will be able to change water daily. Planted tanks need more vacuuming water changes than bb because all the waste and food get stuck in the plants.

09-10-2020, 09:47 PM
I’m with Brendan you need more water changing. How many discus in the 75g? And what is the temp? Your fish would be alright at a ph of 8. Better than trying to change it with co2. By leaving it at 8 you will be able to change water daily. Planted tanks need more vacuuming water changes than bb because all the waste and food get stuck in the plants.

Temp is 84 and I have one Discus in the 75 gal with a few other cleaning fish and shrimp.

09-10-2020, 10:18 PM
Sorry I don’t have an answer. I thought there were more discus than one. Since he’s the only one you won’t need a qt tank. I would try the salts again he is bloated I’d also raise the temp to 88. Try freeze dried black worms. He may eat them. The warmer water should get its appetite back.

09-10-2020, 11:09 PM
I thinking is due to your ph change, you mentioned that your fish is leans downward at a 45 degree angle in the night specifically I guessing you injecting co2 in a timer in the day, if you doing that I will suggest to buy a ph controller and keep all day at whatever you prefer but always give stability, if ph got that lowe for 8.4 to 6.5 that is huge and how many discus you have ? You didn't mention

09-11-2020, 12:16 AM
I thinking is due to your ph change, you mentioned that your fish is leans downward at a 45 degree angle in the night specifically I guessing you injecting co2 in a timer in the day, if you doing that I will suggest to buy a ph controller and keep all day at whatever you prefer but always give stability, if ph got that lowe for 8.4 to 6.5 that is huge and how many discus you have ? You didn't mention

Just the one