View Full Version : What should I do?

09-11-2020, 09:18 PM
So I currently have 6 adult discus in a 180 gal tank and 6 more coming later this month. Two of the current discus have paired and laying eggs every 5-7 days. I am not interested in breeding them at this time. These two basically have taken over half the tank and isolated the remaining to the other side and don't let anyone even pass the midline! With more discus coming soon, what should I do?

09-11-2020, 10:07 PM
Well your new discus will need to be quarantined for at least 4 week than a fish from the main tank (hero) to add to the new fish for 2 weeks to make sure nothing will happen when you mix the 2 groups together. So you will have time to maybe put together a tank for the pair or maybe sell them.

09-13-2020, 09:25 AM
Add structure and if you already have some in there then either rearrange or add more.

Example: tree root clump on left side, then a clump in the middle, then to the right (heck, you could use clumps of thin pvc pipes instead... in case you're strictly BB). That'll reduce the size of the territory they'll feel they need to defend.