View Full Version : My discus will not eat beef hearts

09-14-2020, 08:53 AM

Hello all,

My discus are not eating beef hearts. I purchase the frozen San Francisco Bay beef heart; it just fowls up the water. They eat the pellets and blood worms as well as brine shrimp. They are about 4’, I thought it was good for them to eat it, to grow out. I am trying to feed different foods but this particular food they are not having it. Any suggestions for alternative food, would be appreciated.. :o:cry::cry:

09-14-2020, 09:02 AM
Most all discus will each freeze dried black worms. They have a high protein value.

09-14-2020, 12:18 PM

Hello all,

My discus are not eating beef hearts. I purchase the frozen San Francisco Bay beef heart; it just fowls up the water. They eat the pellets and blood worms as well as brine shrimp. They are about 4’, I thought it was good for them to eat it, to grow out. I am trying to feed different foods but this particular food they are not having it. Any suggestions for alternative food, would be appreciated.. :o:cry::cry:

Maybe they're vegan?

09-14-2020, 02:47 PM
Mine won’t eat it either. Try the freeze dried black worms.

09-14-2020, 03:35 PM
If they're eating a good mix of other foods don't worry about it. I fed my discus pure deer heart grated on parmesan cheese grater...the result is pure heart meat that looks like blood worms! My discus loved it and grew like weeds :thumbsup;

09-14-2020, 06:32 PM
Thank you for your suggestions, I will give them a try.

09-14-2020, 08:14 PM
Agreed with what the others have said. Just another suggestion coming from me, when I had issues with my discus eating certain foods -- I stopped feeding for a day and they started eating anything!

Some discus are more picky than others though. Good luck. :) I say as long as they're getting a varied diet, then it doesn't matter if they don't eat beef heart.

10-06-2020, 01:40 PM
:bandana: This is a response post of mine to a member from a few years back:

Re: Alternate to Beef Heart Mix
Can someone please advice if simply feeding blood worms and brine shrimps will suffice the nutritions required for discus. I am little worried as my discus refuses to accept tetra bits or any other discus pellets.

You'll need a bit more than just that. There are a number of different things you can choose to diversify your discus' diet. Mine is a bit extreme (OCD) but the choices are many. Food varies every couple a days - live blackworms, Hans frozen beef mix, San Fran Bay Frozen Bloodworms, Mysis Shrimp, Ocean Nutrition Discus Flakes, Als Austrailian freeze dried blackworms, O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes, NLS Discus Formula pellets & Dainichi Cichlid - Color FX + Vita-Chem once a week. "T"