View Full Version : Friend in need

09-26-2020, 07:43 PM
Hello, all you simply nerds i need to ask a question for a friend who is to proud to ask himself. He has a 200 gallon planted aquarium, planted with 18 adult discus, driftwood, sand with a substrate on top for the plants. Besides all that countless rummy nose tetra's, pleco's and what ever. He's having trouble with his water quality which is up the roof, his aquarium has a sump which he just cleaned out 2 weeks ago. Sounds like he's having a bio overload to me what is he doing wrong , he's been in the hobby for about 7-8 months after doing his research. I know you would like for him to fill out the form but as I said he's to proud to ask. Just trying to help Jim in Ohio

09-26-2020, 08:52 PM
Well it makes it quiet difficult to help without much information available to us. At a guess I would assume tank maintenance is not up to scratch , hence the problems. He has sort of jumped in the deep end being new to discus and putting them in a planted tank with thick substrate.

09-26-2020, 10:55 PM
Are the discus sick Jim? What are his water parameters and his water change schedule? Very difficult to help with so little info mate...

09-26-2020, 11:24 PM

I’d suggest you try to persuade him to put his pride aside for the good of his fish. We can’t go through a third party too easily like w the water parameters etc. There is no shame in getting advice......we’re here to help, not condemn. Imho......there is no such thing as a dumb question. I’ve picked up advice/suggestions after decades of fish and after a career as a biology teacher. Even with data being put forth, opinions may likely differ on what to do. Please......gently, but firmly try to persuade him to do what’s best for his fish putting ego aside.

09-27-2020, 08:31 AM
Your friend likely thinks that we're like facebook where they trash folks for making newbie mistakes. Try to make him understand that we want to help people to succeed.

For now all you can suggest is that he start aging his water (or at least test to see if he has a pH swing) and doing at least 50% WC daily until his parameters are normal and his nitrates are down to 10 or less.

09-27-2020, 09:21 AM
Good for you trying to help him. Tell him to join up and ask some questions. We'll be nice!

In the meantime, have him read around the beginners, planted tank and water sections. It sounds like he's having issues with bio load but we need answers...




09-28-2020, 01:35 PM
I have been trying to reach out to him and have him come on here but now he won't take my calls or text messages. It maybe him coming on here and realizing that it's him I'm talking about, he's not a member. All i can do is wait and see if he contacts me. Thanks everyone maybe he did and has read the comments and is doing w/c's as we speak. Jim in Ohio

09-28-2020, 03:49 PM
I sure hope so Jim. If he has a disastrous outcome because he was unwilling to seek help, that would be a crying shame...

09-29-2020, 03:12 PM
Check the inside walls of the overflow (if any) and the bottom of the sump below the media.